Bils Mafia!
The hunters have now become the hunted. Or… something. If a few Dolphins seem a little slower on the field in Buffalo today, it’s because the team was up in the wee hours of the morning thanks to a pulled fire alarm. The Team That Richie Incognito Built were all snug in bed when, per the Miami Herald’s Armando Salguero, someone pulled the fire alarm at the Buffalo Hyatt Regency where the team is staying.
The Dolphins were awakened around 3:20 AM by fire alarms at their Adam's Mark Hotel digs here in Buffalo this morning. I'm told LOUD.
— Armando Salguero (@ArmandoSalguero) December 22, 2013
Correction on Buffalo hotel: Hyatt Regency is where the alarms went off at 3:20 AM.
— Armando Salguero (@ArmandoSalguero) December 22, 2013
First of all, congrats to Buffalo on having a Hyatt Regency! You’re making your way up in the world! Secondly, it’s doubtful that the alarm can be anymore distracting than, say, having your entire team dragged through an NFL investigation and intense media scrutiny.
Second of all, congrats to Buffalo on having the tenacity to pull that ol’ fire alarm trick! Next year the Bills Mafia hopes to graduate to forking the Jets and laying down a giant salt penis at Gillette Stadium.
Unless, of course, this was totally unrelated to the Dolphins and was really just some asshat pulling a fire alarm becuase human nature dictates that when presented with an opportunity, some people just HAVE to be jerks and pull the fire alarm and it just happened to be the same hotel the Dolphins were in.