Ok let’s remember these are the good guys when it comes to tobacco with their big PR campaign that also got busted by the DEA last year in Florida at two stores and are under investigation and face a potential $29 million dollar fine in Los Angeles for letting Vicodin walk the doors of stores. You know the big PR thing definitely takes the back seat to all of the other action taking place there for sure including this new case. I look at the big picture here and take in all of what’s going on. On the tobacco project there’s tons of other stores big and small so one less retailer is not going to make much difference other than the PR they get and they will just sell more data more than likely to make up the money.
CVS Tobacco Announcement–Good Marketing, Good Ethics, Good PR, But What Does It Have To Do With Filling Prescriptions And What Will Replace The Revenue Streams…
They are doing a good thing promoting Obamacare now at their stores as well as Ralphs grocery stores putting folks at tables to draw more enrollments with the insurance exchange and that just came out this week as a last minute push.
You just can’t push people the way that corporations are trying to do these days and education is still the better path as people are going to resist. It was about a year ago the wellness program and it’s $600 fine was announced. A big number of wellness companies today are owned by insurance companies as a subsidiary and I’ve covered enough of that in particular with United buying up a ton of Wellness companies for one example. Where do you think the pressure could be coming from? They also have Walgreens suing them over mobile software patent infringements.
Walgreens Suing CVS, Rite Aid, Wants License and IP Damage Reimbursement, Patent Violations, Software Used For Refilling Prescriptions Via Mobile Phone Scanners…Not Getting Enough Data to Sell?
This is the same thing that Penn State tried to do with penalizing their employees for not participating and using a wellness portal. It’s about the data they can collect, assess and potentially sell as well.
Wellness Questionnaires Coming Under Scrutiny, Federal Lawmaker Wants Rules–Many Wellness Programs Are Subsidiaries of Health Insurance Companies and Most Mine Data For Sale
Then there’s the auto refill prescription issue that has pharmacists on pay for performance to nab up refills from competitors. I guess it’s no wonder we have to keep making a big play of the tobacco issue, just the get the stuff out the stores and do your good deed if and shut up about it. Tell us when it’s all gone, if you like but take care of these other more pressing issues at hand. They are hurting consumers and now employees.
The Prescription Auto-Refills Still Out There With CVS and Others as Pay for Performance Efforts Ramp Up at US Corporate Retail Pharmacies To Meet Quotas and Make Those Profit Numbers for the Shareholders
The Automatic Prescription Refill Algorithm Causing Havoc at CVS When Not Personally Authorized By the Patient–Attack of the Killer Algorithms Chapter 40
I am also flat out tired of hearing the term “human capital” as that makes us look like we are a “share of stock” and part of some kind of investment banking situation. It is a way in which terminology used leaves out the human and ethical part of business. The screening program also wanted to know if she was sexually active and if it was not completed, the $600 dollar one time fine would occur.
They hope to make this a class action suit from what I am reading here as well. The employee went to her own doctor for the health assessment for $25.00 and CVS offered her the same at one of their Minute Clinics for a charge of $125.00, what a deal? So we come back to how the wording is I guess on the health insurance as those who use the company plan have to submit to the screening or pay $600 more a year and that’s the rub, so if they want healthy employees is it not worth the company’s while to pay for the screening? You would think so but that doesn’t appear to be the implementation methodology here at all. BD
A CVS employee is suing the pharmacy chain over its controversial health-screening program.
CVS cashier Roberta Watterson claims the company made her disclose personal information, including her weight and level of sexual activity, threatening to charge her $600 a year if she refused.
CVS' so-called "wellness review," first reported last year, is a fairly extreme example of a trend of companies looking to cut health-care costs by pushing employees into wellness programs.
Critics claim such programs let employers meddle in workers' lives, unfairly penalize those who have difficulty meeting certain health targets and may put employee privacy at risk.
Though Watterson's suit highlights the privacy concerns raised by employer health screenings, her more pressing claim in the suit is that CVS should compensate her for the cost of the health screening as well as the gas she used to travel to the doctor and the free time she spent getting tested. The suit is seeking class-action status.