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On October 19th – members of the DSEF Board spent the day with TCDSB (Toronto Catholic District School Board) students and faculty at Archbishop Romero High School.  Approximately 30, grade 11 students enrolled in the SHSM (Specialist High Skills Major) and Pathways programs attended.

“A program pathway consists of the combination or “package” of secondary school courses that make up a student’s educational program and the supports that are provided in offering that program. These educational programs usually match the strengths, aptitudes and interests of the student following that particular pathway.  A program pathway is designed to lead a student to a particular destination within a large grouping of jobs that are related to each other in some special way.”

“The SHSM program offers students the opportunity to explore a specific area or career of interest and to acquire the skills and experience that will assist them in their post-secondary pathway: Apprenticeship Training, College, University and the Work Place.”

Almost all of the students present were not familiar with Direct Selling – and had never considered it as a viable career option.  The goal of the workshop was to have the students hear directly from some of our ISC’s about how to be a successful entrepreneur and why they chose Network Marketing.  The students very quickly saw the benefits of direct selling, with half a dozen or expressing their disappointment at having to wait until they were 18 to enroll with one of our member companies.

Our speakers came from diverse backgrounds and their reasons for joining their respective companies were also different, but they all had one thing in common – they were truly inspiring.  Their presentations were engaging and educational.  We are so grateful they were able to take the time to participate in this worthwhile session.

Presenters were Catherine Griffin, ISC with Vector Marketing Canada Corporation, Stephanie Good, ISC with Mary Kay Cosmetics Ltd., Debra Porszt, VP & GM of Monat Global and Lisa Stubbings, ISC with PartyLite Gifts.

We would like to thank the DSEF Board members who were present for their participation … Michael McDonald, National Administrative Manager for Vector Marketing Canada Corporation; Jason Doherty, Manager Operations & Distribution for Mary Kay Cosmetics Ltd.; Stephanie Randolph, Director of Marketing for Monat Global;  Dawn Enright, North American Business Operations Manager for PartyLite Gifts; and Gina Bresciani, Director of Canadian Operations for USANA Health Sciences and Chair of the DSEF.

We would also like to express our gratitude to the DSA staff for their support and invaluable assistance – James Smith, President of the DSA and Penny Connors, Director of Operations.

The feedback received from students and faculty was extremely positive.  This is the second year we have participated in this program – and we are already planning our next event for the spring of 2017.

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