
On Friday September 26th, the largest Drupal training worldwide was held in Amsterdam. Over 250 students, teachers and professionals from Belgium and The Netherlands participated in a curriculum of 5 different tracks introducing them with Drupal.

Both Drupal agencies as well as client organisation have serious demand of Drupal talent. The Dutch Drupal Foundation aims to onboard new talent. Drupal is a popular open source content management framework used by Ikea, European governments and Lady Gaga.

Schools and professionals from Belgium and The Netherlands attended the free Drupal Training Day with over 250 people, and 50 more on the waiting list. The workshop was the first attempt by the Dutch Drupal Foundation to create awareness amongst young professionals and universities and to meet increased demand on Drupal in the market. The program included workshops aimed at code development, site building and content strategy as well as one single track for university stakeholders to get Drupal introduced into the curriculum.

The Training Day was carefully prepared by a team of volunteers and 35 trainers. Drupal Training Day was organised on Friday before DrupalCon, the largest Drupal event in the world, which is held in Amsterdam this week.

Check out the photos!

Credits to Imre Gmelig Meijling for writing this post.


Planet Drupal

Drupal Training Day



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