
Hello dear reader! Its not sicret, that many people now regiter in Facebook. Facebook most popular social network in the world. Many websites have Facebook authentication. Now i will tell you how to make its in Drupal 7.  Lets start!

How its work

In this scheme you can see, that Drupal module send request to Facebook app, facebook app ask user and return date.


How to create Facebook app

We need FB application to get date about user. For one website tou need one FB app. Lets start!

Firts step - visit developers.facebook.com/apps. Click 'create new app' button


You will see popup window with Facebook rules. Accept it. You will see new window with 2 fields. Write app name and select category like this:

If neme has been valid, you will redirect to your new app page. There is your app name, ID, Secret and other information.

Paste your site url in 'Website with Facebook login' and click 'save changes'. Yes! apllicanion has been created! 


Install and configure FBOAuth module.


For FB auth we need to use FBOAuth. Download and install this module to your drupal site. Go to Configuration->people->Facebook OAuth settings. Here you will see 2 fields: App ID and App Secret, fill them your app ID and Secret like this:

Click 'Save'. 

Just add FBOAuth module to some place on your site. Now we can login with Facebook. Excellent!





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