The older I become, the more concerns I have for the elderly population, particularly incapacitated individuals who are vulnerable to losing their civil rights, human liberties, and their money through "elder scams." In addition, our elder's wishes that are legally documented in estate planning papers are being ignored by the courts and American Bar Association who discredit family members by declaring them as the largest population of elder abusers and favoring instead as successor trustees, attorney-in-facts, executors, and conservators, strangers licensed as professional fiduciaries who are paid upward of 1% of the estate value to delegate out work to their colleagues and attorneys who charge unreasonable fees for services such as bookkeeping, tax return preparation, trust accountings, investment brokers, and real estate professionals. My parent's named me as their last surviving child as the person they trust to control their caregiving, assets, and lives, should it become necessary, yet the judge ordered in a professional fiduciary who immediately began a campaign to isolate my mother by moving mom from the facility I placed mom to safeguard her against an abusive husband and wouldn't tell me for 3 weeks how or where she was. Mom is in another state and her conservator refuses to answer how she is and continues to move her from place to place after listing and selling her home quickly at $300,000 below comps and noticing me of the sale at a wrong address. Conservator will not allow mom church, hair cuts, dentist appointments, clothing, and even threw away all the families personal belongings upon selling our home and removed all family photos from her room and court always sides with fiduciary when I oppose any of conservator/trustees actions. Our elders provide us with insight, experience, hope, family history, and love, yet they are seen as a commodity and business transaction. I have gone back to college for a law degree at age 50 so I can make a difference by lobbying legislation for governance over these abusive conservatorships and draft "iron-clad" estate planning documents. Individually we need to make a stand against the wrong's in the world and change the statement from "I would" to "I will" and do my part to change something for the better.