
Most probably about 8 years ago, when I was 25, I noticed that my hairline started receding and I am losing my crowning glory too. As the hair loss was not rapid, I didn’t pay much attention to it. But, just after 1 year, I noticed that I was having more scalp and less hair. What generally didn’t bother me was now becoming more and more bothersome. My pretty cool, and dense wavy hair was becoming thinner. I was sure that my head would soon turn into a cue ball. So, I trimmed my hair. Finding that I have restored my hair permanently, was quite happy, and it was hanging there well for about 6 years. But, contrary to my belief, with the beginning of the seventh month, my hair starts falling again, especially in the crown area. At the age of 32, I realized that I should get an aesthetic treatment and got my first Hair Transplant.

How I was affected by rapid hair shedding?

Being a girl, I just couldn’t resign myself to carry out the bald style, like many others. My friends were laughing at me and calling me ‘aunty’- the most hated word for a fashion lover like me. Life was becoming unbearable for me. I cut out myself from the society and started to spend most of the times in my home. My first hair transplant from one of the top hair transplant in Kolkata – Dr. Paul’s Multispecialty Clinic, it has changed my life. Now, when I see myself in the mirror, I find the old hairless me looking back at me and you know what? I feel proud.

To enhance the density of my vertex, I have just undergone 3rd session. By trusting on the hands of the experienced surgeons, I am simply enjoying the results. Although most people say that hair transplantation worked best on male patients mainly, yet I don’t know how, it worked great on me. In fact, it was one of the best decisions I have ever taken in my life.

Am I satisfied with the result?

Well, to tell the truth, I wasn’t happy after the first session. It only covered my vertex with natural looking hair. But, I was expecting much more. My surgeon read my mind and suggested me to go for further sessions. After the 2nd session, I regained the lost density to a greater extent. Now, I am happy with the result. I am writing this blog, I am one week past my third hair transplantation. The thin areas have already started growing new hairs and I am not a laughing stock to my friends any longer.

Moreover, the surgery boosted my confidence level. Now, I do not hesitate to mix with others. I have said goodbye to the ‘bad hair days’ forever  and I am quite sure that it won’t come back again in my life.

Just like me, you can also get back your hair, provided you have undergone hair transplantation from  renowned surgeon.

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