
Greg Rollet used to be a white rapper in a rock band.

No joke.

These days, he’s the best-selling expert of Celebrity Expert Marketing, where he helps entrepreneurs position themselves as the expert, celebrity and leader of their industry.

Celebrity Expert Marketing provides done-for-you Dan Kennedy style marketing… they show you how to do it yourself, or they can do it for you.

Greg believes the money in the followup (as you’ll find out in this episode – big time).

This episode is relevant to online AND offline marketers, as Greg’s company does both…

Many of the followup strategies shared in this episode can be applied to local practice marketing (accountants, lawyers, chiropractors, etc) as well as to email autoresponders.

In this episode, you’ll discover:

Why the money really is in the followup (as much as 60%, 70% and even 100%)

How to position yourself as a celebrity expert (before people even get a chance to meet you or buy from you)

How to double revenue overnight with a proper followup sequence (this isn’t something you’ll hear from the internetz gurus)

Old-school direct response followup strategies you can apply to webinars and other special event marketing

How to win the hearts of your crowd so they buy gobs of your stuff

Why you MUST get good at followup if you want to make the most of your marketing


Celebrity Expert Marketing (Greg’s company)

Celebrity Branding You Podcast (Greg’s podcast)

Intro and outro backing music: Forever More by CREO

Raw transcript:

Greg: This … It’s going to sound really crazy. We call people who buy our info products.

(Forever More by CREO plays)

John: Hey, podcast listener. You’re about to discover insider tips, tricks, and secrets for making more sales and converting more prospects into customers with Email Marketing. For more information about the email marketing podcast or the autoresponder guy, go to dropdeadcopy.com/podcast.

(Music plays)

Hey, everybody! It’s John McIntyre here, the autoresponder guy, and it’s time for episode 15 of the email marketing podcast where we talk about our top tips, tricks, and secrets for making more sales and growing your revenue with email marketing, but I got a surprise today. I’m going to be talking to Greg Rollett. Now, Greg used to be a white rapper in a rock band. The reason I brought him on is because I want to talk … I’m basically changing this podcast to a podcast about white rappers, rock bands, and music. I hope you’re okay with that.

(Music plays)

Yeah, right. Just get … but he’s going to be here in a second. Greg really was a white rapper in a rock band, but these days, he is the owner of Celebrity Expert Marketing where he helps entrepreneurs position themselves as the expert celebrity and leader of their industry. They do done-for-you Dan Kennedy style marketing. They show you how to do it yourself or they can do it for you which is really cool.

Now, in this episode, we talk about why 60-70% of the money is in the followup and share some old school direct response tactics for followup sequences. Now, this is relevant to local practices to email marketers to everyone who has a business across the board, okay? Autoresponders, the concept there is that you’re following up with someone and the concept of following up with someone and the benefits of it is not new at all. We specifically talk about if you’re a lawyer or if you’re a chiropractor and you’re throwing an event and you’re bringing 30 people into that event, how should you be following up with them before the event and after. According to Greg, this can double your business virtually overnight. If you start implementing this and that’s a lot of money especially if you’re, say, a financial advisor and you’re taking $15,000, $20,000, $30,000 commissions, okay?

It’s going to be relevant to email marketers and local practices. Now, to get the show notes for this episode of the email marketing podcast, go to dropdeadcopy.com/ep15. Now, we just did the McIntyre method launch over the last week, and I sold it out. The McIntyre method is my four week program for how to create autoresponders based on how I’ve been working with different companies around the world to do it. It’s usually a five or 10 email autoresponders. By the end of the program, that’s what you’re meant to have.

It’s very step-by-step. It’s very strategic and tactical. I designed it to really help you get shit done basically. To sit down, actually write the damn emails. It’s sold out at the moment, but if you want to hear about it next time when it launches which will be within the next few months probably, go to dropdeadcopy.com/podcast, and you’ll receive a launch email next time.

Now, in the meantime, let’s go talk to Greg Rollett about followup sequences.

(Music plays)

It’s John McIntyre here, the autoresponder guy. I’m here with Greg Rollett, a best-selling expert of Celebrity Expert Marketing. Greg, how are you doing today?

Greg: What’s happening, man?

John: (Laughs) Thanks for coming on, man. Let’s start. We’ll get into some followup in a minute about how the money’s in the followup and how 60-70% of your business can actually come from the followup. Now this is for professional practice marketing, so accountants, lawyers, financial guys, chiropractors, that type of thing. We’ll get some real, a bit of a different kind of episode today.

Let’s start, Greg. Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Greg: Yeah, definitely. I am a former white rapper in a rock band.

John: (Laughs)

Greg: That’s kind of my first claim to fame. I was fortunate enough. I toured the country here in the United States, everywhere from Madison Square Garden in New York City where the Knicks play all the way out to the knitting factory on Hollywood Boulevard in L.A., everything in between. When that kind of career started to transition and started to grow up, I guess a little, it started having companies just start contacting me to say, “Hey, all that stuff that you were doing for your band to help promote yourself, can you do that for us?” I thought it was really cool. I started consulting on digital marketing for Coco-Cola, for Miller Lite, for Warner Bros., and all these big companies. I started my first agency and it was just Internet marketing stuff.

Things kind of spiraled from there and over the last few years, I started two companies that I run now. One is called The Product Pros where we help people develop information-based products, and it’s a lot of untraditional info product guys. We’re not in to make money on Myspace. We are creating, as you said, professional practice guys, recruiting products for them, so the chiropractor who wants a 12-CD program on overall lifestyle and wellness tips, the financial advisor creating a DVD series on how to protect your retirement nest egg, things like that. That logically led into some marketing services that these guys wanted. We’re big Dan Kennedy guys and what we do is a lot of done-for-you Dan Kennedy style marketing.

We’re going to talk a lot about the followup stuff today, but we’re very big on hitting people both with direct mail and some email, hitting people up with physical Shock And Awe boxes. I mean we spend more money with FedEx than anyone should humanly spend with FedEx.

John: (Laughs)

Greg: Anyway, hitting on people, doing a lot of Shock And Awe boxes. We send a lot of physical CDs, DVDs, special reports, catalogs, mailers, but we’ll also at the same time, hitting them up with corresponding emails that correspond with the physical stuff. We’re getting them really to multi-touch, multimedia, and it just enhances the experience. As we’re going to talk about it, I mean it is driving so much business for these guys. It’s insane. That’s the CliffNotes story and obviously, we’ll talk a little bit more about that as we go.

John: (Laughs). Cool, man. I had no idea you were a white rapper.

Greg: Yeah. It’s kind of nuts. It’s still on the good ole iTunes. That stuff’s just never seems to disappear, but …

John: No.

Greg: … I’m used to that.

John: What was the name? What was the name of the band?

Greg: My name was G-Ro, so Greg Rollett, G-Ro. The band was called StuMpP. S-T-U-M-P-P. It was hurricane season here in Florida and right after the hurricane’s left, there was all these signs that said, “Stump grinding,” to take away the stumps from the trees that have fallen over from the hurricane. We were drunk and thought that would’ve been a really cool name for the band. That’s the quick band name story.

John: (Laughs) Okay, cool. Let’s get into this.

Greg: Yeah, yeah.

John: Tell me a little bit about the followup. How it works? Why it’s important, that kind of thing?

Greg: Dealing with our guys, what we really want to do is … The name of the company, obviously, Celebrity Expert Marketing, is, and all the communication that we send, we want to position our guys as the celebrity expert in their marketplace. We want them to be the trusted advisor. We want for them to not just be this guy selling financial products like, “I’m going to sell you life insurance or a 401K plan,” or whatever crap they’re selling. We want them to be these financial rock stars that like, “Oh, my God. I can’t believe I’m meeting with this guy. Not that he’s going to sell me, but he’s got great information. That he’s a trusted expert.” All the communication that we send has to position him as that type of guy.

It’s very conversational, very … I mean it’s going back to the guru expert-ish type of speak that you get from the big named guys. We’re just using that same speak in these professional practices, and it’s really cool how we do it.

The first thing is before you even meet with the people, we want to be sending out those types of communications. A lot of … Let’s use a financial advisor as an example. A lot of financial advisors throw these dinner seminars where they send out a bunch of invitations in the mail or email. They buy lists, however the case is. They try to get people to come to a nice steakhouse. It’s old people. They try to get old people (laughs) in a room and buy them a nice $50 steak. Then talk to them about their retirement plans, whatever it is, and they try to convert them into consultations, right?

John: Okay.

Greg: The example I always give is they get 30 people in a room is usually their goal. Thirty to 40 people. John, I sent you an invitation. John, you reply to that, and you RSVP’d that you’re going to show up. Now, from the moment that you RSVP, I am hitting your inbox and your mail box with communication that’s going to position myself as this celebrity expert type person. I’m emailing you. “Hey, John. Thanks for RSVPing for the event. Can’t wait till you get there. Before you get there, I’d love it if you could check out this video. I was actually just featured on an interview on ABC News the other day. I’d love for you to check it out before you come.” You’re getting that in your email right away. It’s the positioning of … You’re not just going to get sold some stuff. You’re actually seeing a TV star, right?

Then in the mail, at the same time, we’re hitting you up with a kit that comes FedEx. It comes the next day, and it’s a special report of the 10 things you need to ask your financial advisor about your retirement along with a letter, along with directions, along with all of this stuff. That goes on for two, three, four, five days, depending on how far in advance you RSVP’d for the event. Before you even show up, you’ve been hit with all these different pieces of media, medium. You’re hitting up with emails.

Now, you’re stoked. You’re excited to see this guy. When you come into the room, you come into the steakhouse, John, you come up and you’re like, “Holy crap! That’s Greg. I can’t believe. This is the same guy that I just saw on TV and that I saw … He sent me a copy of this book.” It really just gets people excited and that’s just before they even get into the room. It just goes to show the importance that you can build a case for somebody in a very short time frame by the words, by the excitement, and the positioning that you put in these messages.

John: Okay, okay. Fantastic. You’re doing that all initially before they come. You’re doing this by email and direct mail, right?

Greg: Correct.

John: Would you do this on a daily basis or a weekly or does it just depend?

Greg: Yeah, yeah. It depends on how far in advance that we can get people to … like online, right? If I’m doing a webinar, I’m usually only sending those emails out a few days before the webinar. I’m not sending them out a month before the webinar starts, right?

John: Okay.

Greg: From an Internet standpoint, you only have a short time frame, right? Rick Shepherd is a genius at this. He makes people register two to three days before they can show up to this thing. He can send you his business manifesto, and he can send you this other thing. Again, it positions him before you jump on the webinar but you only have a short time frame. You only got two days where these offline guys where the chiropractors that we have or the financial advisors or some of the plastic surgeons. When they’re having these events, we sometimes have two to three weeks before the event. It allows us a lot more time to play, right?

John: (Laughs)

Greg: What I like to do is immediately we FedEx something overnight in the mail, right, because no other … everybody in the entire world … It’s really easy just to send an email saying, “Hey. Thanks. Here’s the time and date. Make sure you show up,” email, right, which you should do, but everyone can do that. There’s not many guys that are going to spend the $20 to overnight something to you to show up to your doorstep, right? Just by taking that step, it positions as this, “Holy shit! John just sent me a FedEx pack overnight just because I registered for this stupid dinner seminar?”

Now again, it changes the perception and the framing in their mind, but now I have two weeks before the event that I can pepper them with again that thank you email. I can pepper them with something that goes through a video. I can pepper them with a couple other emails of articles I’ve written for sites, blog posts, podcasts, or whatever the case is. What we like to do is not hit them every day. For the professional practice guys, we’re doing every two to three days before the event.

Now on the Internet side, it’s a lot different because there’s a shorter time gap. With these professional practice guys, we have a much larger time gap. Also the people that we’re going after, we go after a very affluent crowd with these guys. With the financial advisors, I mean, we’re looking for people that have invested assets of $500 grand plus, so these are busy people. They’re wealthy people. They have a lot going on. If they register for something two weeks or further out, it’s the last thing from their mind, and we need to make it very top of mind in order for them to commit to showing up, right?

John: Right.

Greg: We get 35, 40 RSVPs. I want 35-40 people to show up, not five to 10 people to show up. Having that type of communication allows more this sticking rate to really improve.

John: That’s really cool. Just quickly, let’s talk … I mean how would a professional practice person who’s listening to this, how would they have one of these events? Are they having a dinner? Is it a speaking event or a seminar? What are some ways someone could do that?

Greg: Yeah, definitely. The financial advisor, the typical model is doing the steak dinners, and when they do the steak dinner, there’s usually a 30-minute presentation or so before dinner starts. You got to sit through the presentation before you get your food essentially.


Then it allows the financial advisor to go around and talk to people during dinner. With chiropractors, we’ve done a lot of in-office events. A lot of things, I mean, in today’s age, I mean if you are a professional practice guy, you should really think about publishing a book of some sort, so having book signings in the office are a really good thing to do. Quarterly reviews, quarterly health wellness reviews, so coming in … Everybody comes in for some kind of group health assessment. Bringing in guest speakers. We have a lot of guys now here in the States doing wine tastings. They’ll go to a country club, a resort, or something of that nature, and they’ll invite all their clients out. Then they’ll say all clients bring a friend, and they’ll do a wine tasting.

All of those types of events, whatever excuse you can create to get people in a room together works really, really well. Again, I mean, we have other guys I mean … It doesn’t have to be event-driven. We have a lot of financial guys right now who … We’re just sending out a lot of pieces that just say, “Hey. We want to give you a copy of our free book in order to come in for a consultation.” Then they’re not actually going to an event like a group event. They’re just coming into the office for a consultation, but the same thing applies that you want to position yourself as the guy before that consultation. You don’t want someone coming into a consultation dry, right?

John: Right.

Greg: You want them to know who you are. You want them to know the lingo. You want them to … You want to kind of indoctrinate them on your process. I mean it’s a lot of what you talk about with the autoresponders, right? When someone goes to a website and they enter their name and email address for some type of free thing, you want to indoctrinate them into your culture, into your way of thinking before you present the product. If you present the product too fast, they don’t know why they need it. They don’t know their problem yet. They don’t know enough education yet.

John: Right.

Greg: This process is really important in a positioning standpoint.

John: Okay. What’s really interesting here is you’re taking the standard autoresponder model which a lot of people are aware of because they listen to this.

Greg: Yes.

John: Then you’re applying that or it’s probably going the other way around, really (laughs) in the big picture. Basically applying the same stuff that people do to email marketing and autoresponders, you’re using those same principles with direct mail and applying in a very specific situation when you need to position someone as the expert for some sort of event or meet-up, that kind of thing.

Greg: Oh, heck yeah, man. It is the same concept, same principles that you teach in your program, that you teach on the podcast. It is that same methodology. It’s really about those touch points and it’s about positioning. It’s about making people believe in you before they (laughs) actually meet you because it’s really, really powerful, I mean.

It’s something that we did internally in our own business is when someone actually becomes the client of The Product Pros which is our private creation business. We weren’t really doing anything. We actually do done-for-you product creations so that means I got to get on the phone with you, do a consultation, figure out what your market is, what are the things you want to cover, how do you help people, and then I got to create a product basically for you about your marketplace.

These initial consultations, they were taking … I was hoping in my head that they would take about 30 minutes. They started taking two hours, three hours, four hours because I had to go through this entire process and they had no idea. Now, we have an autoresponder in direct mail sequence for customers when they become clients that they get a package FedEx’d to them overnight that talks about the four things that must be included in every information product. They get a copy of our information product that we give them for free and in that, we send another direct mail piece that says you have to go through module one before your scheduled consultation with Greg. Now, when they get on the phone, they’re like, “Oh. We know what a framework is and we were brainstorming that. We know exactly what our market’s problem is and this.” Now my calls went from three hours to 30 minutes …

John: (Laughs)

Greg: … because they know the language. They know what to expect, very upfront. I say, “Hey. This call’s going to last 30 minutes. This is the goal of the call,” but you have to send those message to them to pre-frame them on what you want to accomplish, pre-frame them on the lingo. I mean I’d spend 30 minutes just explaining what framework is.

John: Right.

Greg: To me, that’s common nature but to some financial advisor like, “I’ve no idea what the hell you’re talking about.” That process, it doesn’t matter what business you’re in, you have to get people to buy into your philosophy, into your terminology, and into your positioning.

John: Fantastic. With position, you as an expert before the event and then you go to the event, you meet people and give them the talk, eat some steak, you talk to the people, what happens afterwards?

Greg: This is the biggest mistake and the biggest opportunity for professional practice guys and even online guys because what they do … I’ll use the example of the financial advisor again. To get 30 people in a room, they feed them steaks, and they get about 15 of them to commit to that secondary appointment which is great, right? I got 15 new prospects coming in for a one-on-one appointment, but there’s 15 people that didn’t say yes. There’s 15 people that were like, “Ah, tonight’s not the night,” or “I’m not going to sign up.” These financial guys when we were going over their business were literally just throwing those 15 leads away and then next month, they would re-mail and get another group of 30 people in. They close half of them and they throw the other half away. I was like, “Holy shit!” After a year, I can’t do math on the fly, but let’s say they’re doing one event a month, right?

John: Yeah.

Greg: They’re getting 15. They’re throwing 15 leads away 12 times a year. That’s a 150, 175 people that took time out of their day to come and hang out with you for two hours, right? There is some level of interest there. Maybe they were having a bad day, maybe they need to talk to their spouse, or maybe they just weren’t ready. I mean I had people … We just had someone sign up for our service yesterday that’s been on our list for two-and-a-half years and just finally bought a product service because we hammered on him all the time. We’re still communicating with them.

The money most of the time is in the followup and this happens … I was at a Dan Kennedy … We were in a mastermind group and he was talking about all these online guys. They spend all this money on advertising to get people on a webinar whether it’s through a joint venture, whether it’s through Facebook ads, Google ads, whatever the case is to get a shitload of people on this webinar. They do the webinar. They make sales, yeah. Good for them. Then they send two replay emails, right, to the 99% of people that didn’t buy, and that’s it. Then they’re done. Then they send two replay emails like, “Hey, John. We had a great webinar yesterday. Check out the replay here.” The next day, they send one more, “Hey, John. If you haven’t seen it yet, click here.”

I was like, “Holy shit. We’re doing that too,” but we were spending all this money. I mean some guys … I mean we were writing 10, 15 emails to get people onto a webinar. We got them to a webinar, and we’d send them two messages afterwards. It’s just insane …

John: (Laughs)

Greg: … the money is in the followup and you don’t think about it. That’s what these financial guys are doing as well. They would spend all this money and we’re talking direct mail to 10-15,000 people to get 30-40 at an event. They get the 30 people there, so they’re spending a crapload of money to get the people at this seminar. They close some of them and they literally throw 15 away, so we were like, “All right. What if we just … now we only got 15 guys. We only got to send 15 guys some stuff, so could we send them some good stuff?” Right?

John: (Laughs)

Greg: There’s only 15 of them, right? We spend $5 on each of them. That’s only $45, right? I can’t do math, so I might be off, but whatever. It’s not a lot of money to send 15 guys a $5 package in the mail, right? Then we send them an email. Cost virtually nothing to send them an email, and then can I create a phone script so their phone theme would hit them up too. “Hey, John. Saw you at the seminar the other night. Wanted to make sure that you got the package that we sent you. We know it’s not … that that situation is best for everyone but sometimes it’s great. You come in for a one-on-one.”

Out of those 15 that they were just throwing away, we were now getting five, six, seven, 10 of them into the office afterwards and almost doubling revenue overnight by just implementing simple followup systems. Two guys that were interested, they just needed a little something else to get them over the edge. It’s freaking nuts.

John: That’s insane. All right. It actually works. You get five, six, 10 people coming back. You said you’re doubling someone’s business just by implementing a proper followup sequence.

Greg: Yeah. It’s really, really crazy. With these financial advisors, luckily we’re dealing with big ticket guys, right? Like I said earlier, we’re dealing with very affluent clients and if they’re bringing in half a million dollars to invest, to put that investment under management, I mean you’re looking at a $20,000-30,000 commission for the financial advisor.

John: Okay.

Greg: If you’re looking at that big of a commission, are you willing to spend a couple bucks to send out a $5 package? That’s the rationale that we pitch to them. I mean they pay for my services and one client, two clients for an entire year. It’s really cool when you’re dealing with that. I mean same thing with plastic surgeons. When you’re dealing with surgery that’s $5,000, $10,000, $15,000, you have a lot more room to play for some of this direct mail stuff, but it doesn’t mean that if you don’t have that big a margins that you can’t be doing the same stuff that you teach or the email stuff and just have a triggered sequence that goes out to these people.

Have different sequences for different things. Just like I said earlier, we implemented a sequence just for our actual customers. Out of the … let’s say … Now, let’s go back to the 15 that did commit to an appointment, right, at this event. The 15 that did raise their hands and say, “Yes. I want an appointment.” They weren’t really sending anything to those 15 guys, and they were wondering why only six or seven would actually show up for the consultation. I was like, “You didn’t send them any reminders. You didn’t even send them an email saying, ‘Hey, John. Thanks for signing up for a date. We can’t wait to see you in the office at this time and date.’”

You have to have all these different … it sounds like a freaking a lot of work, but you do it once. You can really run with it which is really the fun part. Is it’s a lot of work upfront and it’s a lot of automation on the back end which is I’m sure a lot of what you talk about as well. Sending out the different things for the customers to make sure they show up to the appointment, but then you’ve got the people that show up to the appointment, then you have certain people that buy, sign, and sign over all their money, and you have some people that don’t, right? Same thing … I

t goes to any business, so a dentist, right? A dentist runs some kind of ad for a teeth cleaning, and he gets a certain number of people that come into the office and do the $29 teeth cleaning. Then, they’re upsold some type of other package like your teeth are jacked up, so you need some kind of (laughs) cosmetic dentistry, whatever it is. A certain number of people are going to say, “Yes. I want the cosmetic,” whatever dentistry stuff, and you’re going to have a larger percentage that say, “No.” Are you following up with all of those people that said, “No?” Then also you’re following up with the people that said, “Yes.” Prepare them for the surgery, to give them an education, to give them testimonials, to send them videos of before-and-after photos of people who had jacked up teeth just like yours and now what it looks like afterwards.

I mean you got to have those different pieces because it really helps in all phases of the business to continue to just make people believe that you’re the guy, that you’re the person that can really get them the results that they desire.

John: The reason I think this is so cool is that just brings home the importance of following up with all these people are lazy. They forget about the stuff. They’re not going to remember when the appointments are, but when you follow up, it can change the entire game. It can bring so much more money in. Most people aren’t doing this. It’s insane.

Greg: It is insane, and it’s really crazy. I don’t understand it, but I understand that people don’t follow up with sometimes unconverted meets for a certain period of time because at some point, you’re like, “They’re tire kickers.” The really interesting things that people don’t follow up with their actual customers and the people that gave them money because those are the best people to refer, right? Those are the best people to sing your praises. Those are the people that you want actually consuming the products, the services, or whatever it is that you have, and they’re not sending out welcome kits. They’re not sending out emails saying, “Hey. You just bought my product. Here’s actually what to do with the thing that you just bought.” Then reinforcing the message over time saying, “Hey. You should be in module …” For Internet guys, “You should be on module one right now. If you’re not in module one, here’s what you need to do,” or if you have it in … It’s just crazy that the little things that you could do.

Another thing that we implemented on our info products and this is going to sound really crazy is that we call people who buy our info products to make sure that they got their user name and password.

John: Wow.

Greg: It’s stupid simple, but that quick call is made like, “Hey, John. We saw that you bought the info product pro the other day or yesterday and Greg just wanted to make sure that we got you a call to make sure. Did you get your username and password? Were you able to login?” They say yes or they say no. If they say yes, you say, “All right. Did you check out the intro video that Greg welcomed you to the thing and showed you where all the tabs and all that stuff were?” They say yeah, yeah. We ask if there’s any questions, and then about a third of those calls, at some point, someone just goes, “Can Greg just do all this crap for me?” It turns into an upsell.

John: (Laughs)

Greg: We were literally just calling to make sure that they got their username and password and be good guys. It leads to a conversation of us doing coaching, us doing the done-for-you. It’s crazy talk because people sell products online so that they don’t have to do that, but again, it’s lost revenue. The people that don’t even bite on the upsells which is totally cool, they now are tweeting, saying, “Oh, my God. I can’t believe that I just got a call from Greg and his team about this product that I bought.” They leave great reviews. They give us testimonials. They’re more responsive to offers that we send down the road because they know that we’re real people. We didn’t just leave them behind.

It doesn’t matter who you are, what you’re doing. If you’re a dentist, you should be sending thank you cards to the people that you just cleaned their teeth, right?

John: (Laughs)

Greg: It cost you a dollar with send-out cards. Be like, “Hey, John. Thanks for coming in getting your teeth cleaned yesterday. We can’t wait …” It sounds so common sense, but it’s not common practice.

John: Okay. It works.

Greg: It works. That’s the crazy we’re talking.


John: All right, man. Cool. We’re coming up just on time right now. It sounds like big lesson from this episode is that everyone should be following up and the more they make from sale, the more they should spend on followup with events, direct mail, and that type of thing.

Greg: One hundred percent.

John: Fantastic, man. Before we wrap up, give yourself a plug. Tell them where they can find you, more about the Celebrity Expert stuff, and then we’ll say goodbye.

Greg: Definitely, man. Yeah. You could check celebrityexpertmarketing.com. You can also look for the Celebrity Branding You podcast on iTunes, and obviously, we do all of this stuff for our clients. It’s a heck of a good time. We love to chat more and definitely leave comments over on John’s site with any questions about anything we talked about. I’ll be sure to answer them as well.

John: Cool. All right, man. Those links will be down in the show notes, and yeah. Thanks again, Greg.

Greg: Awesome. I appreciate it.

(Music plays)

John: Thanks for listening. If you want to discover more insider tips, tricks, and secrets about driving sales with email marketing, sign up for daily email tips from the autoresponder guy. Go to dropdeadcopy.com/podcast. Sign up, confirm your email address, and I’ll send you daily emails on how to improve your email marketing and make more sales via email. You’ll find out why open rates don’t matter, and the seven-letter word that underlies all effective marketing, and much more.

(Music continues)

(Music stops)

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