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I get a lot of emails requesting reviews for various fat loss and weight loss programs. Every once in awhile, I actually read them right through to the end!  Most of them are some variation of the same regurgitated information I’ve seen over time.

But, hey… sometimes, even if you’ve seen it a hundred times, that hundred and first time can be when something finally clicks! You know the saying, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears!”



Recently, I was reviewing another fat loss / weight loss program. It’s called The Fat Loss Solution by Ryan Faehnle.

Ryan’s no slouch in the world of fitness and exercise. His certifications are CSCS, FMS, PICP, BioSignature & PIMST Strength & Conditioning Coach Miami University, 2005 – 2011. Not too shabby.

Ryan’s program seems different… a cut above the rest in a few ways. (I kept reading ’til the end!) So, I thought I’d share a bit about it with you, in case you’re in need of a focused program to get down to the nitty gritty of fat loss. Maybe this will be that 101st time for you… and something clicks!

Ryan has been referred to as one of the top “under-the-radar” fat loss consultants in the world. Top personal trainers and coaches from around the world fly Ryan in to help them get better results for their clients. Evidently, the man can work miracles!

I’d recommend you read the full review of Ryan’s program here to see how thorough and well-done it is (and whether or not it seems like a good fit for you), but I’ll briefly share what the 5 basic keys of his program are:

1) There’s a major focus on creating lean, sleek muscle mass through specific exercise protocols that he walks you through. When we can balance our muscle-to-fat ratio in healthy way, our muscle metabolism works for us 24/7 to burn excess fat. Yes, “fat falls off”, so to speak!

2) Ryan’s program aims to get your fat-burning hormones to work for you once again. When your hormones are out of whack (scientific term!), you can work out ’til you’re blue in the face, or eat a great diet, but your body just won’t drop the excess fat. The body’s smart that way. Ryan’s program talks about combining a specific way of eating with a specific way of exercising, all to get your hormones back into balance.

3) Seriously limiting calories and depriving yourself can backfire and cause you to store even more fat! Ryan describes how to combine the right types of food, at the right time, with the right intensity of exercise, and the proper supplements, to kick your fat burning metabolism into gear.

4) For the most part, “spot reduction” of fat doesn’t work. Those “trouble spots” are almost always a result of hormonal imbalances. Ryan discusses exactly which hormones tend to cause some of the most common trouble spots, like “love handles” and “saddlebags”… and he teaches you how to correct that through specific strategies with diet, exercise, and supplementation.

5) Ryan’s step-by-step exercise program teaches you how to improve your personal performance from one session to the next. This, he says, is the key difference between folks who work out (relatively) the same year after year… and look the same year after year, versus those who look better and better over time. No matter your age or level of experience, Ryan says his work outs will make a clear and noticeable improvement in your physique.


So, there you have it… a very basic overview of Ryan’s all-inclusive fat loss system.

I like that this will work for the vast majority of who commit to it and actually do what Ryan says to do. He makes it perfectly clear in this step-by-step program.

It’s a great buy for the money, considering everything you get, and everything you will learn. It’s an 8-component system, plus Ryan throws in some neat freebie bonuses as well.

It’s hard to go wrong here.

Yes, I know this program may not be for everyone. Some folks have serious hormonal resistance that needs more personalized help than a program like this can offer. Others have food sensitivity issues that need to be addressed before their health will ever improve, or they need to repair a gut permeability issue, or a thyroid imbalance, or an autoimmune condition, or they need to do a complete cellular detoxification protocol first, and so on. (Remember, I can help you with next-step solutions for any of these. Just ask!)

However, Ryan’s program is going to help. It’s concise, to-the-point, and all laid out for you… ready to go!

Take a look and see what you think. It could be exactly what you need to take you to the next level with your fat loss efforts.


(Then, of course, there’s always THIS fabulous program – shown below – that will teach you how to gain radiant health, offset the risk factors for all chronic illness, AND shed your excess body fat… I may be a little biased in this case! )




Dr. Colleen Trombley-VanHoogstraat (“Dr Mom Online”) is a leading authority figure in Natural Health & Wellness. She is a Doctor of Chiropractic with 18 years of hands-on clinical experience in the Wellness Practice she shares with her husband, Dr. Marc VanHoogstraat, in Michigan. She is also the proud (home schooling) mom of two rather fabulous youngsters.

Her unique perspective of the science of Wellness  provides predictable solutions and transformational results for those struggling with chronic health issues, as well as those seeking lifelong health. To discover her simple strategies for creating better health through nutrition, movement and mindset, regularly visit http://DrMomOnline.com,  http://Facebook.com/DrMomOnline and http://Twitter.com/DrMomOnline.

Also, check out her available books at http://amazon.com/author/drcolleen .

For more information about working privately with Dr. Colleen and Dr. Marc in an Investigative & Functional Health Recovery Program for any number of metabolic and health issues, such as thyroid imbalance, weight loss resistance, hormonal imbalance, food sensitivity & gut permeability, cellular detoxification, autoimmune conditions, and more, please contact Dr. Colleen directly at trombley68@gmail.com or http://Facebook.com/DrMomOnline. Highly successful, personalized distance programs are available.





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