Let’s face it- someone as busy as you doesn’t have the time to waste. You want to get in shape; you want to have a healthy mind body and spirit, but demands on your time mean the time you get to take care of yourself is precious. If you’re looking for ways to get the most out of your workout, here are a few sure-fire tips.
Time Saver Tip #1: Exercise at Home or In Your Neighborhood
If you have the motivation, and a space, exercising at home is one of the easiest ways to save time for your workout. Instead of spending time driving to the gym, waiting for equipment, or getting changed into the latest gym fashion, you can easily step into your living room and spend about 20 minutes working out. Another possibility is to take a quick walk around your block. Either way, its a great way to save a serious amount of time.
Time Saver Tip #2: Variation is a Good Thing
Believe it or not, one of the best ways to streamline your workout is to do more- more variety that is. For the most part the body craves variety and change, and it is so easy to get into a routine that can actually set you back from your fitness goals. One trick is to do something else while you are “resting” a certain body area. For example, let’s say that you just did thirty push-ups. Instead of laying flat on your stomach, turn onto your side and do a few leg lifts while you’re waiting for your arms to recover. Not only will you maintain your aerobic state, but you’ll also have a shorter workout time.
Time Saver Tip #3: Simply Move!
Here’s a little secret that those high-price gyms don’t want you to know: you don’t need them. Truth is, if you lead an active lifestyle- walking to get the mail, running around with your kids, taking a flight of stairs instead of the elevator, or even going for a bike ride you can get a pretty good workout all on your own. So why not incorporate your “exercise routine” into your daily life? Be inventive, be crazy, and just a little bit adventurous. I bet you’ll enjoy it.
Tip #4: Do What You Love
When it comes to exercising, a great way to be effective is to do something that you love. Personally, when it comes to the summer, I am a water baby- no doubt about it. I love to swim. So, when I’m in the water, I use my time to the fullest extent- swimming laps, doing water exercises, kicks, you name it, I do it- and get a great workout in the process. Chances are if you find something that you love, getting a great workout won’t be a problem at all.