
HERSHEY, Pa. – It’s known for chocolate the rest of the year, but for one week each October, this town is all about old cars. It’s the site of what’s believed to be the world’s largest antique car flea market, and as I have each fall for the last 25 years or so, I headed down the highway to see what was there.

I haven’t needed many old-car parts for a while, and it’s mostly a chance to browse, to check out the cars or to buy interesting auto memorabilia. But this time, I was on a mission. A plastic insert for the dash grille in my 1947 Cadillac had finally become brittle enough to break, and I wanted a replacement.

The sheer size of the event meant I had my work cut out for me. It’s actually part of a car show put on by a local chapter of the Antique Automobile Club of America. At the 1955 show, seven people put out some spare parts for sale, and the swap meet was born. Today, the flea market area covers 34 hectares and contains some 9,000 vendor spots. The “car corral” can hold 1,000 cars for sale, while another 1,500 vehicles attend the car show on Saturday.

Enthusiasts still come from around the world to attend, but the Internet has had its effect. It used to be that “if it exists at all, you’ll find it at Hershey,” but much of the rarer stuff is no longer here. It simply makes more sense that if you need something like a door hinge for a Pope-Hartford, you’ll search online, rather than wander the aisles hoping someone has it.


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But there’s still plenty to see and pick through. Some items are too big or fragile to ship easily, and so there are booths filled with fenders or massive old headlights. There are oil cans, gas pumps, dealership banners and old road maps. Some vendors have everything meticulously labelled, while others put out piles of rusty parts, make and model often unknown.

I hadn’t looked online yet because I wasn’t sure what my broken piece was actually called. Harry Scott, who brought numerous Cadillac parts from his home in Virginia, had a grille similar to mine — I have the rarer entry-level model for that year, making my search even tougher — but it was also missing its plastic pieces. And it didn’t help when he looked at the broken stub I’d brought and said, “You have more of yours left than most people.”

I went home without a replacement part, but I didn’t leave empty-handed. When I drove a cab in Toronto many years ago, my friend gave me some taxi toys. That started my journey of collecting taxi plates, roof lights, toy cars and assorted memorabilia. And although I already have more taxi meters than I have room for, I couldn’t turn down one from India, probably from the late 1960s, that showed the fare in rupees.

The Hershey Automotive Flea Market is believed to be the world’s largest antique car flea market

There are always interesting items at the event, both large and small, and in every price range. Someone was offering a tiny 1931 American Austin that had been turned into a circus clown car in the 1950s, with a sticker of US$4,500. Or for half a million dollars, I could have had a 1912 Fiat Tipo, large enough to dwarf a modern SUV and with a 75-horsepower engine.

And while numerous vendors were selling children’s pedal cars, either vintage or reproduction, nothing could top the one Dan Hryhorcoff of Scranton, Pennsylvania, brought in — or, rather, drove in to display. The retired mechanical engineer spent two and a half years building a giant pedal car on a chassis from a 1997 Ford Ranger.

“Why I’d do it?” Hryhorcoff said. “Well, can you print ‘for the hell of it’ in the newspaper? I needed a project to keep me busy, and I like big projects.” He built it in his garage, creating the fiberglass body panels in wood and Styrofoam moulds that he made himself. It has two sets of brake and gas pedals, and when he takes a passenger, he can sit on the left side and insert the Ford’s steering wheel into the dash. But when he’s alone, he can sit in the middle and actually steer it with the giant wheel. And naturally, that’s the way he drove it from his hotel to the event.

The Hershey Automotive Flea Market is believed to be the world’s largest antique car flea market.

No car trailers are allowed on the field for the Saturday show, and so everything must drive in under its own power. It’s a chance to see and hear rarer vehicles, which might otherwise only be found in museums, actually running. That can include battery- or steam-powered cars from the 1910s, fire trucks and buses from the 1920s, or sixteen-cylinder Cadillacs from the 1930s.

It’s likely many of them were restored over the years using parts found at the Hershey event. And more will be, judging by the number of people I saw walking out with parts. Who knows? Maybe next year, the gods of hard-to-find items will finally smile on me.

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