
Publisher: Monte Cook Games

Head into and nbsp;the Multiverse!

The Ninth World is filled with the bizarre and unexpected. But and nbsp;beyond and nbsp;it, the truly astonishing awaits. Enter a dimension where you exist and nbsp;in three different places simultaneously. A pocket universe that transforms you and nbsp;into living sound. An existence where time carves living beings into separate time streams. Or a world where merely thinking changes reality. How can you and nbsp;even begin to cope with such radically different worlds? Explore and nbsp;Into the Outside and nbsp;and find out!

What will you find when you step into the outside?

Ten transdimensional locations. Visit the Banded Bluff, the Endless Abode, the Whispering World, Celerillion, or mysterious Reeval and mdash;the source of the Nibovian threat.

Multiple modes of dimensional travel. Explore the Sideslip Fields. Pilot the Crystal Ship. Take a ride on the Silent Nyek. Or enter the Grinder of Infinities.

New creatures, including the arravelon, the stealthy pariall, the carnivorous color, the time wraith, and the deadly lycidaris, a dimensional locust.

Twelve alternate realities, from the Ascension of Kex-Lianish and mdash;a world consumed by living crystal and mdash;to the Bloom, a vast creature composed of maws that can provide transport you to other dimensions.

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