
It takes many qualities to be a successful daily fantasy sports (DFS) user. Below I list 5 characteristics or traits if you will, that are needed to successfully compete and thrive day in and day out in DFS.

Disciplined – Betting is an emotional activity since real, hard earned money is on the line. It takes guts and smarts to be among the top (roughly) 10% who actually make a profit in DFS. Just like a professional athlete has to remain disciplined while playing his or her sport, a DFS user has to be the exact same way and try to take emotion out of the equation as much as possible, and stay focused on improving a little bit every day.

Analytical – Numbers and player stats really matter in the DFS world. There’s many variables to take into consideration when researching to build each lineup. I found myself doing tons of redundant research, and I felt it was costing me a lot of time and money, so I decided to build a DFS analytics and tools product. If you aren’t a numbers person then I would highly recommend you start using some sort of product specifically for doing numerical type of DFS research. Your competition more than likely is, so don’t let them have a competitive advantage.

Determined – If you aren’t putting everything you can into your lineups, and have a true passion for DFS then you likely won’t do so well over the long term. Every contest won makes me want to try even harder, and every contest lost makes me more determined to win next time because losing hurts even if it is just a contest that cost $1 to enter.

Optimistic – Everyone who bets has to be at least somewhat optimistic and confident in their abilities to win. Even despite the odds against that becoming a reality. You really find out what kind of DFS user you are when you have lost money every day for a week straight. It takes lots of optimism to regularly play DFS, because at times it can be cruel and depressing. Taking some time away from DFS can be a good idea if the optimism has been lost. Once the pain goes away then perhaps some positive thinking can again occur, and a return from a brief retirement can happen.

Financially responsible – One thing that is very important when playing DFS is to determine how much you are willing to lose if everything goes to s%&t. How much are you willing to bet every week or month, and be completely fine with exchanging that money for DFS entertainment. Be sure to track how much you bet, win, and lose, and have a budget so you don’t spend more than that.

If you haven’t already, be sure to get an account on DraftFuel to get access to the player analytics and search tools you need to build better quality lineups more consistently, win more contests and money on DraftKings and FanDuel, save research time, track your spending, and improve your work flow process too. We currently support NBA, NHL, MLB, and PGA, and will be adding more sports leagues this year as well.

Don’t yet have an account on DraftKings or FanDuel? Get in the game NOW! You can get up and running in seconds, get an account on DraftKings now or sign up on FanDuel.

The post 5 Traits of a Successful DFS User appeared first on Dream Fantasy Lineups.

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