
Have you noticed the latest ad campaign based on the brainwashing techniques of Freud’s nephew? The bottom line is “Create the disease and offer the cure.” The new disease is lack of protein and the cure is milk! You can read more about Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays in the chapter “Death by Propaganda” in my Death by Modern Medicine: Seeking Safe Solutions eBook or Kindle.

In case you didn’t know it, the calcium part of milk has gone out of favor due to reports that too much calcium causes heart disease. I expect milk sales have declined so the Milk Moustache Makers are now making you feel like you’re missing protein if you don’t drink milk.

I know when I go on a yogurt or goat cheese binge I have to take more magnesium to balance out the calcium or I will get heart palpitations. However, when milk is homogenized and pasteurized, the calcium may be quite bound up with protein and not available for absorption. In this case it can cause constipation and calcification.

I received a similar story from a reader of my blog. “After reading your book, I took a 200mg tablet of magnesium, because I had them, and my jittery (not anxiety, more like wiggly insides) went down significantly. Then I ate a cheese quesadilla my wife made and about 20 minutes later…. BAM, it all came back. I think the calcium in the cheese knocked down my magnesium!!”

I’m not totally against dairy but recommend yogurt and non lactose cheese and raw milk (if you can get it) for your calcium so you won’t turn to supplements. If you eat no dairy, then you can use bone broths!

This new milk campaign makes me want to remind you that good healthy nutritious food does not need to be advertised; it speaks for itself. Google my name and calcium to find my articles and blogs explaining its dangers.


I’ve leave no stone unturned in my enthusiasm to share my knowledge base with you. I have a Blog, a Radio Show, a Health Library, a YouTube Channel, and an Online Wellness Program called Completement Now! I even have an naturopathic colleague in France, Dr. François Rocca, who is translating my blogs into French. You can view the first blog on his site Au Phenix Vert.

MY RADIO SHOW: In September 2012 I began doing Ask Dr Dean health conference calls to answer questions people had about my Completement Line of health products. In April 2013 the show went on air at Achieve Radio. Go to 2012 RnA Radio for archives of all those shows and a link to the live show on Mondays at 4pm PST, 7pm EST. It’s a two hour show and you can ask health questions that I would never have time to answer individually by email.

MY HEALTH LIBRARY: Visit my Organized Wisdom Health Library where you will find hundreds of written, audio and video files for your wellbeing.

YOUR HEALTH PROGRAM: To keep healthy join my Completement Now! Online Wellness Program. Email me for a discount (instead of $240, pay only $150.) To get well if you have existing health problems, read my Future Health Now Encyclopedia, which covers the naturopathic solutions for 130 disease conditions.

RECOMMENDATIONS: To get well and stay well, join my 2-year online wellness program called Completement Now! The various types of magnesium to take are on my website under Resources including ReMag. The most commonly used magnesium is Natural Calm available at VitaCost.com and most health food stores. For Angstrom Minerals go to HealthShop. For a Non-GMO Meal Replacement use WHEY TOO GOOD. For Detoxing I recommend LL’s Magnetic Clay and Magnesium Flakes. For treating yeast overgrowth, IBS and digestive disorders, I recommend Prescript Assist. For Coconut products and Antioxidant Green Powder go to Tropical Traditions. For food-based supplements Grown by Nature offers my readers a 20% discount on your purchases. At checkout, just enter the code: gbn123. Under books you’ll find my eBooks: How to Change Your Life with Magnesium, Future Health Now Encyclopedia and Death by Modern Medicine. For psychological and emotional issues I recommend EFT, the Linden Method (for anxiety) and The Healing Codes. For everything and everything else take RnA Drops and read my Blog about RnA Drops. To help you decide, pick up a free trial bottle of RnA Drops with no obligation.

NOTE: Only you can know if something is helping you. If you don’t feel well on a supposed beneficial product, listen to your body and stop taking it! Knowing when to Not take something is a big part of taking responsibility for your health.

WARNING: I cannot answer personal health questions by email. However, please send general questions that I may be able to answer in my blog. But first, google my name with the condition you are inquiring about and see if I’ve already addressed it somewhere on the web.

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