Charging & Cleansing Crystals
The Aries Witch ♈
By clicking on the names of the crystals, you will be provided with information on that stone such as: Colours, associations, Metaphysical properties, and uses. Enjoy.
Agate - Banded/Zebra: Bury banded agate in the ground overnight.
Agate - Blue Lace: Use the light of the waxing moon to recharge blue lace agate.
Agate - Green Moss: Moss agate should be left in the presence of greenery overnight once every month.
Agate - Red: Red agate should be passed through the flame of a red candle.
Agate - Tree: Tree agate should be smudged with cedar or pine.
Alexandrite: Alexandrite should be smudged with sage or placed in a green place on a bright day but out of direct sunlight.
Amazonite: Use a mint infusion to recharge amazonite.
Amber: Leave amber under the noon sun for a few minutes.
Amethyst: Recharge amethyst under moonlight.
Ametrine: Ametrine should be recharged under the light of the full moon.
Angelite: Angelite should be put in a place of spiritual power and prayers for peace should be said.
Apache Tear: Recharge Apache tears under any source of light.
Apatite: Apatite should be left near fresh cut flowers or on the earth next to a herb or plant.
Apophyllite: Recharge under sunlight.
Aqua Aura: It does not need recharging very often but when it does aqua aura should be charged by exposure to a group of spiritually focused people so that it can absorb their positive thoughts.
Aquamarine: Leave aquamarine in a blue bowl of sea water (or water with a pinch of sea salt) overnight on the night of the full moon. Afterwards it should be rinsed in clear water.
Aragonite - Blue: Blue aragonite should be left in moonlight overnight.
Aragonite - Orange: Bury orange aragonite in a container of earth for twenty-four hours.
Aragonite - Yellow: Yellow aragonite should be left in very gentle sunlight for one hour.
Aventurine - Blue: Use (gentle) natural sunlight to recharge blue aventurine.
Aventurine - Green: Green aventurine should be placed amongst foliage and left there during daylight for the day.
Aventurine - Red: Pass it through the flame of a similar colored candle.
Azurite: Azurite should be recharged under starlight.
Bloodstone: Use running water or sunlight to recharge bloodstone.
Bowenite: Smudge bowenite with cedar or white sage.
Calcite - Blue: Recharge blue calcite by submerging it in running stream water, or under a tap if you do not have access to a stream.
Calcite - Green: Recharge green calcite by holding it under falling water. A waterfall is best.
Calcite - Orange: Orange calcite should be placed in your bath water with you when you take a candlelight bath. When it eventually crumbles you should bury it with a small prayer of thanks.
Calcite - Pink: Pink calcite may be recharged under the light of a crescent moon.
Calcite - Yellow: Recharge yellow calcite by smudging.
Carnelian: Carnelian can be charged under sunlight or running water.
Cavansite: Pray to your God for cavansite to be recharged.
Celestine - Blue: Blue celestine should be recharged by being wrapped in blue silk and being allowed to rest in a drawer or cupboard for two days.
Celestine - Orange: Stand a small bowl of water in sunlight for a few hours and then sprinkle the water on the orange celestine.
Celestite - Blue: Celestite should be recharged by being wrapped in blue silk and being allowed to rest in a drawer or cupboard for two days.
Celestite - Orange: Stand a small bowl of water in sunlight for a few hours and then sprinkle the water on the celestite.
Chalcedony - Blue: Blue chalcedony should be washed in running water.
Chalcedony - Pink: Pink chalcedony should be recharged under running water.
Charoite: Place charoite close to a source of running water. You should be able to hear the water.
Chiastolite: Chiastolite should be buried in soil overnight at least once a month.
Chondrite: Chondrite should only be recharged on the night of a lunar or solar eclipse.
Chrysoberyl - Yellow: Yellow chrysoberyl should be smudged with sage or placed in a green place on a bright day but out of direct sunlight.
Chrysocolla: Leave overnight in a copper bowl or container.
Chrysoprase: Chrysoprase should be left out in a light shower of rain.
Citrine: Leave citrine in morning sunlight but do not expose to intense sunlight too often.
Copper: Copper should be recharged under the light of the full moon.
Coral - Blue: Sprinkle blue coral with sea water or sea-salted water.
Danburite: Wrap danburite in a soft pink cloth and leave somewhere warm and dark for twenty-four hours.
Desert Rose: Desert rose should be cleansed by moonlight.
Diamond: Polish diamond with a soft cloth and smudge it.
Diopside: Diopside can be recharged by smudging.
Dioptase: Dioptase should be recharged by gently swinging an amethyst or rose quartz pendulum over it.
Emerald: Emerald should be wiped with a soft, natural cloth and recharged under a waxing moon.
Falcon’s Eye: Leave it under a blue sky for a day.
Fluorite - Clear: Use running water to recharge clear fluorite - under moonlight if possible.
Fluorite - Green: Leave in a stream of water under the moon overnight. A bowl of water will do if you do not have access to a stream.
Fluorite - Purple: Purple fluorite should be recharged under running water.
Fuchsite: Recharge fuchsite under starlight.
Garnet - Green: Green garnet should be polished gently with green silk whilst praying for cleansing and empowerment.
Garnet - Red: Garnet should be recharged under a cloudy sky overnight.
Goldstone - Blue: Blue goldstone should be left on a windowsill on a starry night.
Goldstone - Brown: Brown goldstone should be left on a windowsill on a starry night.
Hawk’s Eye: Leave it under a blue sky for a day.
Heliotrope: Heliotrope should be recharged under sunlight or running water.
Hematite: Hematite should be smudged with cedar or sage.
Howlite - Blue: Blue howlite should be placed next to amethyst in order to recharge it.
Howlite - Natural: Put in a white ceramic bowl in the place of a happy gathering within your house.
Iolite: Iolite should be recharged under natural light.
Iron Pyrites: Iron pyrites should be passed over the flame of a grey or silver candle.
Jade: Smudge with peppermint or sage.
Jadeite: Smudge with peppermint or sage.
Jasper - Brachiated: Brachiated jasper can be recharged by passing through the flame of a red or brown candle.
Jasper - Brown: Pass brown jasper through the flame of a brown candle.
Jasper - Dalmatian: Place dalmatian jasper in a pot of herbs and leave for twenty-four hours.
Jasper - Green: Sprinkle green jasper with seawater or sea-salted water.
Jasper - Leopardskin: Leave leopardskin jasper outside on a windy day.
Jasper - Orbicular: Sprinkle orbicular jasper with seawater or sea-salted water.
Jasper - Red: Pass red jasper through the flame of a red candle.
Jasper - Sea: Sprinkle sea jasper with seawater or sea-salted water.
Jasper - Yellow: Empower yellow jasper by leaving it in sunlight.
Jet: Bury in soil overnight.
Kunzite: Recharge kunzite under the light of a waxing moon.
Kyanite: Leave kyanite near plants for the hour after dawn.
Labradorite: Labradorite should be recharged under a rainbow.
Lapis Lazuli: Lapis lazuli should be charged under starlight.
Lepidolite: Recharge lepidolite with a watermelon tourmaline wand or with an amethyst or clear quartz pendulum.
Malachite - Green: Wash green malachite under water. Note: Malachite will eventually crumble from this and should then be buried.
Meteorite: Meteorite should only be recharged on the night of a lunar or solar eclipse.
Moldavite: Ideally, moldavite should be left outdoors on the night of a meteor shower. It can also be recharged by leaving out overnight in the presence of a tiny piece of pumice. The pumice should be buried afterwards.
Mookaite: Use a sage infusion to recharge mookaite.
Moonstone: Leave moonstone under the light of a full moon from moonrise to moon set.
Moonstone - Rainbow: Leave rainbow moonstone under the light of a full moon.
Mother-Of-Pearl: Wash with sea water or sea-salted water.
Nephrite: Smudge with peppermint or sage.
Obsidian - Black: Recharge black obsidian under any source of light.
Obsidian - Snowflake: Use a small black and small white candle to recharge snowflake obsidian. Allow them to burn right down.
Olivine: Recharge olivine under the light of a full moon.
Onyx - Black: Recharge black onyx in sunlight.
Opal - Fire: Fire opal is delicate (like all opals) and should be washed gently in a little water.
Opal - White: Wipe with virgin olive oil or water. Do not expose to sunlight.
Pearl - Black: Clean with a silk cloth and recharge under an amethyst pendulum.
Pearl - White: Recharge white pearls in waxing moonlight once a month.
Peridot: Recharge peridot under the light of a full moon.
Petrified Wood: Place petrified wood near the roots of a tree for several hours.
Pietersite: Leave pietersite out in a thunderstorm or downpour for a short time.
Prehnite: Leave prehnite in any greenery for forty-eight hours.
Quartz - Blue: Recharge blue quartz using a clear quartz wand.
Quartz - Clear: Leave clear quartz in noon sunlight near or in some greenery.
Quartz - Rainbow: Sprinkle rainbow quartz with water and leave in sunlight.
Quartz - Rose: Cleanse and recharge frequently with a few drops of rose water.
Quartz - Rutilated: Leave rutilated quartz with a small gold object overnight in a bag.
Quartz - Smoky: Smoky quartz needs to be left on the ground at a sacred place for thirty minutes.
Quartz - Tourmalated: Set tourmalated quartz between two lit candles. One dark colored and the other light colored. Allow them to burn right down.
Rhodocrosite: Rhodocrosite should be smudged to recharge its energies.
Rhodonite: Recharge rhodonite by leaving it next to a small pink candle which should be allowed to burn right down.
Rhyolite: Leave rhyolite outside on a windy day.
Ruby: Ruby should be wiped with a soft cloth and left overnight under starlight.
Ruby In Zoisite: Use a rosemary infusion to cleanse and recharge.
Sapphire - White: Use a white silk cloth to wipe it gently and then surround it with white petals and leave for twenty-four hours.
Sardonyx: Leave sardonyx in a bowl of rose petal based pot pourri from dusk till dawn.
Schalenblende: Schalenblende should be passed over a silver-grey candle.
Scolecite: Wipe with a soft white cloth and leave for an hour in moonlight.
Selenite - White: Wash briefly in mineral water which has stood under the light of a full moon.
Serpentine: Pass serpentine through the flame of a brown candle.
Sodalite: Bury next to a fragrant herb for twenty-four hours.
Spectrolite: Spectrolite should be recharged under a rainbow.
Staurolite: Staurolite should be buried in earth in your garden for twenty-four hours.
Sunstone: Leave for one hour on each side around noon in the sun.
Tanzanite: Leave tanzanite on a rock during a storm.
Tektite: Leave tektite outside during an electrical storm.
Tiger Eye - Blue: Leave blue tiger eye under a blue sky for a day.
Tiger Eye - Brown/Gold: Brown tiger eye should be left out in the late afternoon sun.
Tiger Eye - Red: Leave in afternoon sunlight until the sun sets.
Topaz - Blue: Blue topaz can be recharged under a blue sky when the sun is still low.
Topaz - Golden: Golden topaz should be left outside at any time when both the sun and the moon are out at the same time.
Tourmaline - Black: Wash black tourmaline in running water and leave under moonlight overnight.
Tourmaline - Watermelon: Recharge watermelon tourmaline by leaving it outside during twilight for five consecutive evenings.
Tsavorite: Tsavorite should be polished gently with green silk whilst praying for cleansing and empowerment.
Turquoise: Turquoise should be smudged with cedar, sage, or sweetgrass.
Unakite: Unakite should be wiped with olive oil and then rinsed under running water.
Uvarovite: Uvarovite should be polished gently with green silk whilst praying for cleansing and empowerment.
Verdite: Place verdite amongst the leaves of any tropical plant.
Zinc: Zinc should be passed over a silver-grey candle.