Hi everyone! I’m so excited about the new link party–Vintage Charm–that three other vintage bloggers and I are launching tomorrow morning. Yes, that’s right tomorrow, and every Thursday thereafter. We are so looking forward to meeting up with new [to us] bloggers who love vintage as much as we do. Of course we hope to see all of our “old” friends at the party, too.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the vintage blogging community and the friendships that have developed over the past couple of years, especially when we’ve had the opportunity to collaborate on a project together. I look forward to that. Life is more fun with friends, especially ones who share our passion.
I hope you’ll drop in tomorrow and link up one or more of your vintage posts, if not here, then on one my co-hostesses blogs:
Sharon at The Blue Willow House,
Kathleen at Charm Bracelet Diva {At Home} or
Cecilia at My Thrift Store Addiction
Feel free to link up posts about your vintage finds, makeovers, upcycles, crafts, curbside rescues, tips, and more. We want to see it all! The very best projects will be featured the following week, and in addition, we’ve added a new twist to the link party format. Every month we’ll select a Feature of the Month from among the previous month’s features, to be highlighted in its very own post on all four blogs . At the end of the year one post will be chosen as Feature of the Year and it will also receive a solo post, along with some special prizes. Won’t that be fun?
Thanks so much for stopping by!
If you like what you read today, I hope you follow me by email.
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Let’s connect!
Bye for now,