Downtown Winnipeg – On any given night in Winnipeg, an estimated 350 people stay in one of the city’s homeless shelters, 700 to 1,000 people stay in single room occupancy hotels, and more than 1,400 people bunk with relatives, friends or acquaintances in temporary accommodation. On September 18th, 140+ CEOs, community leaders, and members of the media will take to the streets at the 4th annual CEO Sleepout. Camped out at Portage and Main, participants will help to elevate the discussion about homelessness and raise funds to give those living on the streets employment opportunities.
“Homelessness is one of the greatest challenges that still exists in our city,” said Stefano Grande, Executive Director of the Downtown Winnipeg BIZ. “Four years ago, the Downtown BIZ brought its voice to the table with its inaugural CEO Sleepout event. After witnessing this issue firsthand, along with the strain put on the fire, police and medical services that are assisting people day by day, we issued a challenge to the corporate community. We asked CEOs and community leaders to step up as part of our CEO Sleepout, to help support the work of the non-profit sector, intensify the conversation around homelessness and challenge government to press forward with long-term solutions.”
Since its inception, the CEO Sleepout has fundraised nearly half a million dollars to employ 40 individuals who are homeless – providing shelter, quality of life supports, and an opportunity to contribute back to the city in a positive and meaningful way. Many of these individuals have returned to school or found permanent full-time jobs – prospects once considered unattainable due to the numerous barriers facing those deeply entrenched in the cycle of poverty and homelessness.
In addition, Rob Johnston, a three-time CEO Sleepout participant and former regional RBC President, went on to co-chair the Winnipeg Poverty Reduction Council (WPRC) Task Force to End Homelessness, with a focus on bringing together the private, public and not-for-profit sector to develop a plan to end homelessness in our city. This plan was created in consultation with cities from all across North America, with consideration of indigenous perspectives, insights from social agencies working on the front lines and the voice of the business community.
By setting direction in four key areas – prevention, creating a person-centred system of care, a “Housing First” strategy backed up by an adequate housing supply and careful measurement [data collection] for use in evaluating and improving programs – this plan will help reduce the number of individuals who are homeless, whether they are living in shelters or in transient housing. Download the plan:
“Now and over the next decade, the real work must begin. Government and the private sector will need to roll up their sleeves and work together to implement the plan’s recommendations,” says Grande. “We all have a stake and responsibility to put an end to homelessness. When we work together with government and the private sector, we can start to form realistic and tangible targets to make a difference.”
He adds: “Spending one night on the street is nothing compared to what an individual experiencing homelessness faces. This event is a public challenge to our politicians and corporate community to get involved, to work together, and to end homelessness.”
CEO Sleepout Participants
Adam Blanchard, Manitoba Association of Friendship Centres, Executive Director
Adam Garrett, Impact Security Group, Regional Manager – Corporate Operations & Safety
Adam Taylor, 99.1 Fresh FM, On Air Host
Albert El Tassi, Peerless Garments LP, President and CEO
Alex Akman, Akman Management, Accountant
Alex Ethans, EPH Apparel, Co-owner and Operator
Ali Almaleki, GIVE30 Manitoba, Executive Committee Member
Althea Guiboche, Got Bannock, Founder
Andrew Parkes, EPH Apparel, Co-owner
Dr. Annette Trimbee, University of Winnipeg, President and Vice-Chancellor
Ari Driver, Perfume Paradise, Owner
Benji Rothman, KCKSTRT Creative, Co-founder and Creative Director
Bert Treller, Impark, General Manager
Bill Crossman, Guppy Graphic Design, CEO
Brent Timmerman, Manitoba Housing, COO
Brent Neill, Black Sheep Strategy, Media and Creative Strategist
Brian Bowman, City of Winnipeg, Mayoral Candidate
Brian Scharfstein, Canadian Footwear, President
Brigitte Burgoyne, Cargill Inc., Director, Global Employee Involvement
Bruce Martin, University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine, Associate Dean, Students
Callie Costello, Callie’s Backpacks for Winnipeg’s Homeless, Founder
Cam Baldwin, Winnipeg Police Service, Inspector for Division #13
Candace Maxymowich, Louis Riel School Division (Ward 4), Candidate for School Trustee
Cheryl Mazur, St. Vital Centre, General Manager
Chino Argueta, Youth Agencies Alliance, Director
Christopher Leo, University of Winnipeg, Faculty
Chris Loewen, Protegra, Venture Developer
Constance Menzies, Chocolatier Constance Popp Inc., CEO
Corey Peloquin, Impact Security Group Inc., Client Services Manager
Curtis Wyatt, Wyatt Dowling Insurance Brokers, President and CEO
Damon Johnston, Aboriginal Council of Winnipeg Inc., President and CEO
Dan Guimond, Manitoba Public Insurance, President and CEO
Dave Cunnin, Agape Table Inc., Assistant Director
Diane Wiesenthal, Corporate People Responsibility (CPR) Ltd., President and CEO
David Gingera, CitiGrow, Founder and President
Debra Zoerb, Folklorama, Executive Director
Donald Burrell, Winnipeg Blue Bombers, Alumni
Donna D’Errico, Baywatch, Former Actress
Donovan Robinson, Vantage Studios, Managing Director
Doug Speirs, Winnipeg Free Press, Columnist
Dwight MacAulay, Government of Manitoba, Chief of Protocol
Eric Wiens, Stantec, Vice President
Elisha Dacey, Metro Winnipeg, Managing Editor
Floyd Perras, Siloam Mission, Executive Director
Gord Friesen, Winnipeg Police Service, Inspector for Division #31
Gord Steeves, City of Winnipeg, Mayoral Candidate
Greg Cherewyk, Pulse Canada, COO
Harry Wolbert, Make Poverty History Manitoba, Committee Member
Ian Wishart, Province of Manitoba, MLA for Portage la Prairie
James B. Wilson, Treaty Relations Commission of Manitoba, Treaty Commissioner
Jan Sanderson, Government of Manitoba, Deputy Minister of Children and Youth Opportunities
Janet Forbes, Community Living Winnipeg, Executive Director
JD Francis, Energy 106, Afternoon Drive Announcer
Jeff Herd, Royal Winnipeg Ballet, Executive Director
Jeff Hnatiuk, Sport Manitoba, President and CEO
Jeff Kovalik-Plouffe, Liberal Party of Manitoba, Executive Director
Jeff Rabb, Winpark Dorchester Properties, President
Jenny Gerbasi, City of Winnipeg, City Councillor (Fort Rouge – East Fort Garry)
Jessica Paley, Manitoba Association of Friendship Centres, Program and Policy Analyst
Jim Baker, Manitoba Hotel Association, CEO
The Honourable JoAnne L. Buth, Government of Canada, Senator
Joelle Foster, Futurpreneur Canada, Director, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Nunavut, NWT
John Bertrand, CBC Manitoba, Saskatchewan & The North, Senior Managing Director
John McDonald, Metric Marketing, President and CEO
Jonathan Garwood, Evergreen Vision Communications, Social Justice Policy Consultant
Jonathan Metcalfe, National Industrial Communications Inc., Strategic Account Manager
Jordan Nastiuk, Manitoba Association of Native Fire Fighters, Emergency Management Officer
Jose Francois, University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine, Head, Department of Family Medicine
Joshua Simair, Skip The Dishes, President & CEO
Judy Wasylycia-Leis, City of Winnipeg, Mayoral Candidate
Karampaul Sandhu, Sandhu Developments, President
Kal Barteski, K. Barteski, CEO
Karen Rocznik, Reporter, CTV
Katharine Cherewyk, The Creaddo Group, Vice-President, Creative Services & Communications
Keith Bellamy, City of Winnipeg, Candidate for City Councillor (Daniel McIntyre Ward)
Keith Sinclair, Harris Consulting, President and CEO
Kelvin Shepherd, MTS, President
Kemal Leslie, Emotion Media Inc., President
Ken P. Penuita, Assiniboine Credit Union, Director, Commercial Sales & Service
Kerry Swanson, Herzing College, President
The Honourable Kevin Chief, Minister Responsible for Children and Youth Opportunities; Minister Responsible for the City of Winnipeg
Kirsten Godbout, Diversity Food Services, Manager of Food Operations
Lawrence Toet, Government of Canada, MP (Elmwood-Transcona)
Lisa Dyck, Cornell Crème, CEO
Lisa Goss, Main Street Project, Executive Director
Lisa Hiebert, Best Care Drycleaners, CEO
Lisa Tjaden, Radiance Gifts, CEO
Lisa Webinger, Recon Controls Ltd., Sales and Marketing Manager
Liz Kovach, Manitoba Camping Association/Sunshine Fund, Executive Director
Lorne Midford, Manitoba Hydro, Vice President, Generation Operations
Lynne Marie Roy, Fearless PR & Marketing, Owner and Founder
Maciek Hunek, EPH Apparel, Co-founder
Madeleine Arbez, Francofonds Inc., Executive Director
Mala Sachdeva, Manitoba Housing, CFO
Marilyn Peckett, Manitoba Field Unit (Parks Canada), Superintendent
Mary Beth Taylor, The Creaddo Group, Partner, Managing Director, Senior Fundraising Advisor
Matt Allard, Francophone Chamber of Commerce, CEO
Matt Erhard, Summit Search Group, Managing Partner
Matthew Guberman, Duraco Windows, President and CEO
Michael Ball, Impact Security Group Inc., Corporate Accountant
Michael Redhead Champagne, Aboriginal Youth Opportunities, Founder
Mohamed El Tassi, Sargent Blue Jeans, President and CEO
Mohammad Almaleki, Koality Agency, Founder
Monica Giesbrecht, HTFC Planning & Design, Principal
Nathan Unrau, Lunches With Love Inc., Founder
Pamela Roz, 103.1 Virgin Radio, Host
Pascal Belanger, Winnipeg Airports Authority, Vice President, Business Development
Paul Surrette, Place Louise Riel Suite Hotel, Hotel Manager
Paula Havixbeck, City of Winnipeg, Mayoral Candidate
Peter Havens, Kildonan Place, General Manager
Phil Squarie, Wicker World Home + Patio, CEO
Philip Giles, Modern Earth Web Design, President
Rachelle Taylor, Prairie Yogi, Founder
Rana Bokhari, Liberal Party of Manitoba, Leader
Real Cloutier, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, COO and Vice President
Rhonda Gardner, Meals on Wheels, Executive Director
Richard Cloutier, CJOB, News Director
Richard Walls, Red Road Lodge, CEO and Board Chair
Robert Young, Manitoba Liberal Party, Vice President
Ron Brown, Boys and Girls Clubs of Winnipeg Inc., President and CEO
Ron D’errico, Impact Security Group Inc., CEO
Ron Lamoureux, WhirlWind Media Group, President
Ryan Cruise, Cruise Media Group, CEO
Sachit Mehra, East India Company Pub & Eatery, Owner/Manager
Sandra Hagenaars, Grant Park Shopping Centre/Garden City Square Shopping Centre, General Manager
Scot Halley, Winnipeg Police Service, Commander of Division #11
Scott MacKay, Probe Research Inc., President
Scott McFadyen, Canadian Propane Association, Western Regional Manager
Sean Barnes, PCL Constructors Canada Inc., Vice President and District Manager
Shane Johnston, Dollarwise Quality Cleaners, President
Shane Storie, SRS Signs & Service, CEO
Shawn Brandson, Promenade Café and Wine; Gibraltar Dining Corp., President and CEO
The Honourable Shelly Glover, Government of Canada, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages
Sotirios Kotoulas, Sotirios Corp., CEO
Spencer Fernando, University of Manitoba Conservatives, President
Stefano Grande, Downtown Winnipeg BIZ, Executive Director
Stephanie Forsyth, Red River College, President and CEO
Steve Lafleur, Frontier Centre for Public Policy, Public Policy Analyst
Steven Spry, Manitoba Housing, CEO
Tom Malone, The Winnipeg Clinic, CEO
Trudy L. Lavallee, Ikwe Widdjiitiwin Inc., Executive Director
Vanesa Wu, University of Winnipeg Business Administration Students’ Association, President
Vince Petrozza, Fortress Real Developments, Vice President and COO
Wayne Ewasko, Province of Manitoba, MLA for Lac du Bonnet
Volunteers from University of Manitoba Commerce Students’ Association 5 Days for the Homeless
Leading up to the 4th annual CEO Sleepout, the Downtown Winnipeg BIZ and its partners will undertake efforts to further educate and inform the business community and public about homelessness:
A new marketing campaign led by the Downtown Winnipeg BIZ and its partners, Guppy Graphic Design, Kal Barteski, The Creaddo Group, and social agencies, will be unveiled closer to the CEO Sleepout and will help stimulate greater conversation and critiques about homelessness – highlighting the gravity of this issue and the work being done to address it.
On Sunday, September 14th, the Downtown Winnipeg BIZ’s Community Homeless Assistance Team will host its first ever Raising the Bar Services Fair at the Aboriginal Centre of Winnipeg from 11AM to 3PM. Raising the Bar is a collaborative effort from social service agencies, business organizations, and volunteers in bringing together under one roof essential supports and services, such as housing, employment, legal, dental, and other health care services. Led by the community and students from neighbouring schools, participants will also enjoy a barbeque with food donated by nearby downtown restaurants.
Earlier this year, funds from last year’s CEO Sleepout were doled out to Graffiti Art Programming Inc., Artbeat Studio, Macdonald Youth Services, Red Road Lodge, and Siloam Mission to create employment opportunities for individuals experiencing homelessness. Their stories will be shared at the CEO Sleepout with a booklet called Stories of Change – a series of interviews gathered by the Downtown Winnipeg BIZ and written by The Creaddo Group. Some examples of these stories are attached.
Participating CEOs in the Sleepout can be sponsored directly online and/or general donations towards Change for the Better can be done in three ways:
Online at
Cheque or money order made out to “Downtown BIZ – Change for the Better” (Downtown Winnipeg BIZ, 426 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3C 0C9)
Collection boxes at participating venues downtown
Change for the Better and the CEO Sleepout is generously supported by many partners: The Creaddo Group, Guppy Graphic Design, Vantage Studios, Special T Shirt Company, SRS Signs & Service, Impark, Impact Security Group, 201 Portage Avenue, Leif Norman, Winnipeg Free Press, and CJOB.
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For more information, please contact:
Jason Syvixay, Managing Director
Ph: (204) 958-4635; 997-3040
Photo Credit: Rom Cueto