High school sophomore Sophie Stoch is one of five Léman Manhattan students who is currently participating in the private school’s “Geneva Exchange,” and recently returned from a three-week total immersion program in Switzerland. Tatiana Turincev, one of her French-speaking Swiss counterparts who attends the Collège du Léman in Geneva, is one of five students spending the next three weeks in New York immersing themselves in the English language and life in New York City. The two girls were paired as “buddies,” meaning Sophie stayed with Tatiana’s family in Switzerland, and Tatiana is now living with Sophie’s family in the Financial District. The international match-up was a pleasant surprise to both girls, who actually knew each other from attending the same summer camp!
Sophie and Tatiana
While Sophie enjoyed a week-long ski trip in the French Alps during her stay with Tatiana’s family, Tatiana is now enjoying everything New York has to offer, including walks across the Brooklyn Bridge, shopping excursions, riding the Staten Island Ferry, attending a Broadway play, and, of course, eating out!
Léman is one of the few schools in New York with established sister campuses in Europe and Asia, and provides the only international high school boarding program in New York City. Testament to its dedication of providing a truly global academic experience, Léman Manhattan is a candidate school for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program, universally recognized by more than 1,800 universities representing 75 countries.
For additional information, please visit www.lemanmanhattan.org
The post Léman Manhattan’s Innovative ‘Geneva Exchange’ Program appeared first on Downtown Magazine NYC.