A reclaimed shipping container forms the basis of Casa Cúbica, a tiny but spacious-feeling home with a rooftop deck, kitchenette, full bath and even laundry facilities. Manufactured by the Costa Rican company Cúbica, this modern mobile home design is marketed as a vacation retreat, but could easily serve as a full-time home base for a single person or couple.
The compact home has three places to sleep, including a full-sized Murphy bed and twin bunks. The bathroom offers direct shower access from outside, ideal for when the home is placed near the beach or other places that encourage outdoor recreation. A sun shade lifts up to shelter the ground-level terrace, and closes during transportation or for privacy.
Thermal insulation keeps the metal container from getting too hot, and the home is air conditioned as well. Repurposing a shipping container has a number of advantages: it keeps construction costs low, makes the home easy to ship, reduces the need for regular maintenance, and makes it surprisingly durable and earthquake-resistant.
This model is currently on permanent public display. Want to get a feel for what it would be like to actually live in a shipping container house? A nearly-identical design, the Lotus House, is available for rent at Costa Rica’s Casa Metta hotel and cooking school.
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