What do our pets do all day when we’re not home? The assurance of keeping track of your pet – both while they’re at home and if they happen to escape the confines of your yard – is now found in a simple, comfortable collar with GPS technology that syncs to your smart phone. We’re talking about the Nuzzle GPS Collar.
It’s easy to use this new technology. Simply attach the collar to your pet, download the app to your phone, create a profile for your pet, and begin tracking their activity. If you’re at work for the day or gone for an extended period of time, checking into the app allows you to keep tabs on your pet’s activity, including rest times, and time spent playing and exploring. Even if you don’t trust the kids to keep an eye on Scruffy or he’s home alone waiting for the pet sitter to arrive, you can rest easy knowing what he’s up to.
The high-precision GPS has GEO-fencing and route tracking, location accuracy of up to 10 feet, and location updates as quickly as one minute. If your pet happens to escape your home, a map tracks their path, pace, and duration of travel so you can easily find and retrieve them.
The “smart” collar has multiple features in addition to GPS tracking. The activity and temperature monitoring and impact detection ensure you always know the details of your pet’s safety and health, even if they’re just hanging out in the living room. If you happen to live by a body of water or have a pool, don’t worry because the collar is designed to be submerged in up to 10 feet of water for up to 30 minutes.
In addition to being waterproof, the collar using rechargeable batteries and comes with its own charging base station. A quick swap of the batteries doesn’t result in a loss of tracking capabilities. Fully charged, a battery lasts up to 5 days, making it perfect for camping trips or busy lifestyles. Another perk? It works with your dog or cat’s existing collar and is a durable, comfortable nylon material that weighs about an ounce.
The Nuzzle collars are expected to ship out to the United States only in November, 2016. You can preorder yours for an introductory price of $169 for one of two sizes. The app and service requires no monthly fees after the initial purchase, making it an accessible option for many pet owners looking to increase the safety and security of their pet.
You can also sign up here to receive information about pet insurance through the app, which launches in 2016 as well. The innovative mobile approach to your pet’s health allows you to know at the swipe of a finger what’s covered and what’s not, making it easier than ever to make smart decisions about the welfare of your furry family member.
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