I'm watching twitter, google+ and the web so you don't have to...
post is part of a weekly series, Best in Mental Health,
featuring the best posts of the week, in social work, psychology,
evidence-based practice/healthcare, non-profit and private practice
concerns on Social Work Career Development.
To get a quick idea of the topics covered in this week's round-up, please see the above word cloud :)
Evidence Based Practice/Healthcare:
Childhood attention problems a risk factor for socio-economic disadvantage
The Mental Elf (Andre Tomlin)
"Children with serious attention problems are three times more likely to experience socio-economic disadvantage in adulthood... Vocational assessment and work preparation could be worthwhile for children with attention problems..."
Help! My patient’s suicidal: How the US healthcare system is failing people in acute crisis
Occupy Healthcare (DocForeman and Dr. Bill Schmitz)
"Primary care is the most common place where people who eventually kill
themselves seek help. In fact, most people who die by suicide have seen
their primary doctor within a month prior to their death..."
Social Work:
Avoiding Avoidance: Recognising and responding to the risks of resistant and uncooperative parents in child protection
@SWSCMedia (Professor Brain Littlechild)
"resistant behaviors from abusers can include threats, abuse, and
physical violence. Child protection staff and their employing agencies can struggle to engage with parents who act in such ways against
workers, which can mean that it is very difficult to address the
parent’s’ abusing behavior, and the effective safeguarding of the child..."
Clients who don't fit in........
Social Worker Mom (Blubtrflygrl)
"The main parts of my job, are bringing clients onto the program and
either helping to stabilize them in the community, or get the services
set up for them upon their community discharge to ensure they will remain stable in the community..."
Letting someone else talk for once–is there a diagnosis for that?
SocialJerk (RealityTx)
"One of the things that annoys me about technology is the rapid access to
information (and misinformation). Thanks to the internet and many other
forms of technology (which I do love very much) random people think
they are qualified to diagnose others..."
Texas child death story highlights prevention need
Child Protection Lessons (Peter Choate)
"Families most directly hit by the downturn
find themselves struggling to put food on the table and provide shelter.
These pressures create poverty induced effects on families that can
bring child protection into the household... we need to face
the crisis... as a failure of society..."
To Avoid an Identity Complex, Develop a Complex Identity
Practice Wisdom (Natalie L. Hill, LICSW)
"we evaluate ourselves based on how we're doing in various aspects of our
lives that are important to us... we're all liable to have times when we're not living up to our own
standards in one area or another... If we have several important areas... our self-image is protected from
the inevitable low points in any given area..."
“Give More Tomorrow”: Can we program ourselves for social action?
Classroom to Capitol (Melinda K Lewis)
"What if we asked people to tell us exactly when they would be ready to come to a rally, or write a letter, and then we made that date our timeline for their engagement in the campaign, instead of trying to get them to slot into our calendar?..."
The Importance of “Stuff”
The Not So Big Society (bonklesoul)
"For the last twelve weeks I have been teaching on a module that student
social workers undertake prior to going out on their first placement.
Students are required to engage in an interview with a service user and
demonstrate their ability to engage with the service user..."
Mobile App Technology for Social Work
Social Work Today (Lindsey Getz)
"Nancy Smyth, PhD, LCSW, dean and a professor at the University at
Buffalo School of Social Work, says there are several categories of
apps that may be useful to social workers. “Apps that are designed to
be references can be very helpful to social workers,” she says. “These
types of apps would allow you to quickly look up information or
To tweet or not to tweet? How social workers can use social media
CommunityCare (Andy McNicoll)
"At ComCare Live last week, social workers Victoria Hart and Helen
Roberts shared their top tips for social workers looking to enter the
online conversation." (check out video and attached slides)
Use of Buddhist Practices in Western Psychology
This Is Me (spldbch)
"Whereas Buddhism sees the self as the primary source of all human
suffering, Western psychology sees it as necessary for healthy
functioning... Western psychotherapists see the lack of a stable, integrated, and cohesive self as a major cause of suffering..."
The Voices Among Us Episode 14: Mozart Guerrier (podcast)
The Voices Among Us (Robert and Mozart Guerrier)
"Here are a few things that this podcast is all about: being real and authentic, spreading awareness of homelessness, encouraging people to listen, and to highlight the lessons we can learn from the stories that are presented on this show..."
We’re Fighting for More Than Just Abortion
Infusing Passion & Creativity... Women & Girls of Color (Nicole Clark)
"Pro-choice is more than just fighting about abortion rights. It’s about supporting women to make the best decisions for their
reproductive health, be it abortion, becoming a parent, or considering
adoption... Female inmates are being shackled while giving birth..."
Baby Talk: Nonverbal Infant Communication
The Trauma and Attachment Report (Noam Bin-Noon)
"Babies actively communicate. But they
must use nonverbal cues to interact with caregivers... when parents
repeatedly miss their children’s cues, this may lead to “distress"...
kids are very resilient and will try for a very long time to have their
needs identified..."
Breaking Free from Emotional Eating: Everyone Has an Issue with Food (podcast)
Sounds True (Geneen Roth)
"Our relationship with food... is a microcosm of how we feel and reflects what we believe about
pleasure, deprivation, nourishment, and trust in every area of our
lives... Geneen explores how food can become a substitute for
love... and how to allow food and love to fully nourish us."
Dreams About the Creative Instinct: Part I and Part II
Matrignosis: A Blog About Inner Wisdom (Dr. Jean Raffa)
"In dreams, instincts are often symbolized by animals. The instinct for
creativity might appear as a spider... or some other animal noted for the marvelous
things it creates... When our creativity is free to make its natural contribution to our
lives, it becomes a loving inner companion who travels with us wherever
we go..."
The Dangerous Vulnerability of Men
Dr. Greg Hinkle
"... men make this rageful exit in the middle of arguments on all sorts of topics... If he had the capacity and the willingness to say what he’s really
feeling, he might say, “Please stop – this is too painful. It’s more
than I can bear.”... Couples counseling can often be quite helpful and effective in giving men stop-hurting-me “cards”..."
The Difference Between Postpartum Depression & Normal New Mom Stress
Postpartum Progress (Kate Kripke)
"It is not normal for her to feel anxious most of the time, it is not
normal for her to feel overwhelmed most of the time, and it is not
normal for her to feel trapped and angry and uncertain most of the
time. There is no doubt that new motherhood is overwhelming and scary
for most of us..."
Guilt & Shame–Uninvited Guests
Dr. Ann Becker Schutte
"The kindness and compassion that counteract guilt and shame need to come
from inside as well as out. You may need to wrestle your own shame
demons... try a few of these new statements... Everyone faces some challenge. This is my challenge to face..."
How to Foster Resilience
Child Mind Institute (Alan Ravitz, MD, MS)
"When we talk about trauma, we're not talking about an adverse
experience. We're talking about the failure to recover from that adverse
experience... It's the way that we emotionally respond to it, the way that we think about it, the way we sort of "file it away."... "
Hypnosis – A Mindful Way to Form a Working and Healing Relationship With Your Self
Neuroscience and Relationships (Dr. Athena Staik)
"With hypnosis, you engage processes of awareness that make it possible
to increase the communication and thus understanding between the
conscious mind and subconscious mind... It is only by learning to genuinely accept all parts of you that healing..."
It Takes TimeAfter Psychotherapy (Joseph Burgo, PhD)
"Any kind of meaningful growth takes a long time... I don’t view therapy as re-parenting per se, but surely a big part of
the goal is to make up for one’s deficient “learning experience” as a
PTSD Survivors Speak: In Tribute of Memorial Day, Veteran Kevin Taylor
Heal My PTSD (Michele Rosenthal)
journey with PTSD began on July 3rd, 1988 in the Persian Gulf... 290
passengers and crew killed... During the last 23 years I have struggled
with the four major issues that affect most combat trauma vets:
Substance Abuse..."
Diana’s Big Move: Learn from my job search mistakes
Idealist Blog (Diana Hsu)
"Here’s hoping you can learn from my mistakes…target your Email Alerts to your needs. You may receive notifications less frequently, but when you do, you’ll be certain that they are worth your time to read... Be smart about your online networking..."
Must-Read Reports for Nonprofits
Nonprofit Tech 2.0
"The eight reports listed below are just a small sampling of the research
available to nonprofits about online communications and fundraising,
social media, and mobile technology. These reports are, however, some of the most valuable in terms of insight, useful and practical data, and how-to advice."
Winning at Pinning
Beth's Blog (Kate Kilbourne)
".... this little-social-network-that-could [pinterest] has
become one of my favorite new tools...
it is an exceptional platform... for storytelling...
improving your online presence and tapping into a new potential
supporter base."
Private Practice:
2 Good Reasons To Hire Office Support
Private Practice Toolbox (Julie Hanks, LCSW)
"When it comes to hiring office support staff I find that it helps to think more like a business person and less like a therapist... Why should I pay someone to do something that I can do for free? Then, I realized that my time is money..."
10 Therapy Marketing Issues around Practice Building
Therapy Marketing, SEO, Tech and Fun! (Elizabeth Doherty Thomas)
no special order, these are issues I see... Too Many Decision Makers.
This is most true in agencies or group practices... The Too Busy
Excuse... Being too busy is only valid if you have zero issues with
keeping, and attracting new clients, and having all the money you
The Most Important Question Every New Entrepreneur Must Answer (it includes the ‘M-Word’ )
Dr. Susan Giurleo
""How does this thing make money?" Now this may seem simplistic, but trust me, it’s not... Just like you cannot market to “all people who need my help,” you also cannot make money, “any way that brings in money.”..."
Please share any thoughts or comments you have below. I'd love to hear which were your favorite posts out of this week's bunch!
Also, please feel free to mention any great posts that I may have missed.
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