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I caught something pretty special this past weekend…

So special, that I’m going to be a bit selfish and do my best not to share.

You see, it keeps me extra warm at night and leads me to a hot cup of tea whenever I’d like.  It gives me free reign to hot baths and the kids even give me extra quiet time – at any moment!

But trust me, you don’t want this.

Because this extra special gift I caught?  It’s a cold.

And it renders me fairly useless after 11am.

Meaning I have to squish all that I do in a typical 15 hour day into 4 hours.  And since I’m moving a bit like molasses, that’s nearly impossible.

Naturally, some things just didn’t get done.

Like my Deals post on Saturday.

Or my updated meal planning post for today.

But I don’t want to leave you guys hanging either.  It’s not YOUR fault I have a cold.

So I’m offering a quick round-up of some things you may pique your interest today.  It’s a hodge-podge of sorts, but it’s a fair representation of what’s going on in my brain right now since that’s a big out of sorts too.

Free Shipping at Tropical Traditions

Today is the last day to use the free shipping coupon at Tropical Traditions.  No BOGOF deals at the moment (the coconut oil ended yesterday), but it’s still an excellent time to stock up on coconut flakes/chips (best price AND quality in town!).  Did you know they carried tomato products?  They’re in glass jars too, so the BPA issue is not an issue.  Actually I thought their 7oz jar of organic tomato paste for $1.99 was a fairly good deal.  Ground bison patties are also 30% off, which I’ve heard are incredibly tasty.  Click HERE to start browsing.  Remember to use code 18131  checkout for free shipping!

Real Food eBook Deal

The bundle for the week (ends NEXT Monday 10/28 at 7am) is REAL FOOD FOR WINTER.  “Steeped” looks pretty interesting, especially since I’m drinking tea like there’s no tomorrow… the “Soup, Chilis & Stew” would be excellent for the upcoming cold months too.  All five eBooks are available for only $7.40.

Dehydrator for Under $50

I was given a dehydrator for my birthday last year and it has quickly become one of my favorite kitchen tools (although I only use it in the garage, lol).  Christmas is coming up and if you’ve begun making your wishlists, the exact same dehydrator I use is available for under $50 on Amazon, plus free shipping with Prime.  It’s not a fancy-schmancy costs-more-than-your-car-payment type of dehydrator, but it gets the job done and I that’s all I need it to do!  Prices on Amazon can change, so don’t wait if you’re interested (and tell Santa not to wait either ).

Free Chocolate

Really, need I say more?   Go HERE for the details.

Pumpkin Stuff

Have you ever been to a REAL pumpkin patch?  They’re so much fun, and those gourds are BEAUTIFUL!  This post shows you how to make your own pumpkin puree (using one of four easy methods), but take a look at the pictures of all those pumpkins!  LOVE!

Should you make your own pumpkin pie spice or buy it from the store?  Homemade is SUPER easy with this recipe, and then you can make your own pumpkin-spiced ANYTHING with this conversion too, but it really boils down to the budget.  Can you afford organic spices?  Here’s why they’re so expensive in the first place.

Looking to add more pumpkin to your meal plan?  This post has a few ideas for adding pumpkin to pancakes, cakes, cookies and muffins.  Can you say YUM?!

PS – Some of these post are from last year, when our food journey was jut beginning and I still had a lot to learn… in both the food realm and in blogging.  

Alrighty folks, that’s all the energy I have.  Stay tuned this week for some fun posts… my new and improved super-easy way to meal plan (hopefully) coming tomorrow, making your own GINGERBREAD creamer (in case you’re not a PSL or SCML fan), homemade butter and buttermilk tutorial, no-bake apple oatmeal cookies (WAY YUM) and possibly even a simple way to decipher all those crazy milk terms and know the REAL difference between whole milk and skim (and raw and conventional).

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links. By making a purchase through those links, I will earn commission that helps to keep the lights on in the Crumbs house – with no additional cost to you. Thank you for supporting Crumbs in this way. Read my full disclosure statement here.

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