
CARNDONAGH Foróige Club is the first Foróige Club in the country to receive Fairtrade Status.

Laura Duncan, volunteer Leader with the Cardonagh Club said: “Our club decided to do a Fairtrade and Sustainable Development Goals project as part of the Aldi Youth Citizenship Challenge. The club won a Silver Star Award at the Aldi Youth Citizenship Awards in Dublin.

“The Club began the project in November creating a sustainable development video. In February Fairtrade Fortnight took place and we attended the Fairtrade Big Breakfast in Carndonagh, at the event we met with a Fairtrade Banana grower from Dominican Republic.”

In March of this year, the Carndonagh Foróige Club held a Fairtrade coffee morning and bake sale. This was during the world Fairtrade Coffee Challenge, and the group encouraged businessed and organisations in Carndonagh to get involved.

“Foróige Clubs around the country were also invited to participate & support Fairtrade through a Facebook event page the club set up. Being part of this Challenge put Carndonagh Foróige on the world map along with everyone else who was taking part.

“Our Club is actively involved in the Carndonagh Fairtrade town committee and uses Fairtrade products. This prompted us to apply for Fairtrade status for our Carndonagh Club.

“Following on from this work we applied to Fairtrade Ireland for Fairtrade status and in June it was granted to us,” she said.

Carndonagh Foróige are the first Foróige Club in the country to receive Fairtrade status. The Certificate is valid for two years and during this time the club will continue to promote Fairtrade.

“Fairtrade status means recognition of Foróige Carndonagh's commitment to social & economic justice. We are delighted with our achievement,” Laura added.

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