
OAKLAND, Calif., Nov. 20, 2013 – When Oakland residents sign up for a new Oakland City ID Prepaid MasterCard®, they can also register to be organ, eye and tissue donors and proudly display the pink donor dot, which already appears on state-issued driver licenses and IDs across the state.

More than 10.5 million Californians have said “YES!” to organ, eye and tissue donation either by registering at the Department of Motor Vehicles, or by signing up at www.donateLIFEcalifornia.org. But, that’s only one-third of California’s eligible population. Now in Oakland, more Californians, especially lower-income and immigrant populations, have access to the organ and tissue donor registry and can say “YES!” to saving lives when they sign up for an Oakland City ID Prepaid MasterCard®.

“Our state’s underrepresented communities are disproportionately affected by diseases that lead to the need for organ transplantation,” said Charlene Zettel, CEO of Donate Life California. “Of the more than 21,000 Californians waiting for life-saving organ transplants, 15,000 are ethnically and racially diverse. We ask that you register as organ, eye and tissue donors and proudly display the pink dot on your City of Oakland ID Prepaid MasterCard®. This single act gives hope to the thousands who wait for the gift of life.”

Oakland is the first city in the country to offer municipal ID cards with optional prepaid debit card features AND the option of registering to give the gift of life through organ, eye and tissue donation.

About Donate Life California:

The Donate Life California Organ & Tissue Donor Registry is the nonprofit, state-authorized organ, eye and tissue donor registry, which records the decision to donate in a confidential database that is searched by authorized organ and tissue recovery personnel at the time of an actual donation opportunity. It is administered by Donate Life California and California’s four nonprofit, federally designated organ recovery organizations: California Transplant Donor Network, Lifesharing, OneLegacy and Sierra Donor Services. As a state-authorized public service, the registry assures that all personal information is kept confidential and stored in a secure database, accessible only to authorized organ and tissue recovery personnel.

For more information about the Donate Life California Registry, how donation saves and improves lives, and to sign up, please visit www.donateLIFEcalifornia.org or in Spanish at www.doneVIDAcalifornia.org.

Fast Facts from Donate Life California:

- One in five on the U.S. organ transplant waiting list lives in California.

- Last year, nearly 1,100 people died in our state waiting for a life-saving organ transplant.

- All major religions support or permit organ, eye and tissue donation.

- Anyone can register to be an organ, eye and tissue donor regardless of age, ethnicity or medical history.

Please visit Donate Life California’s Stories of Hope web page to read inspiring stories about organ and tissue donors and recipients from around the state.

Help save lives by spreading the word about organ, eye and tissue donation by reserving a Pink Dot Plate today! Go to www.PinkDotPlate.org for details.


Brianne Mundy

Program Manager

Donate Life California


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