
Last December I posted my 100th post. To celebrate I posted 100 goals for 2013. Yes, I knew that it was completely impossible to think I would get anywhere near accomplishing all of them, I just thought it would be good for me to know what directions I wanted to head. Anyways, I think it would be interesting (and fun :)) to see how I am doing on my goals.

Long Term

1.      Pay
Off House (working on it, and doing well)

2.      Save
up and either add on to current house or buy a new house with cash (this will have to wait until we get the house paid off I think)

3.      Have
good relationships (this is doing pretty good for the most part)

4.      Have
more children (working on #2 now so going well :))

5.      Serve
the community and world (I don't feel like I am doing enough, but I do a little)

6.      Continue
as a Stay at Home Mom (check, so far)

7.      Home
school our children (still planning to)

8.      Be
Organized (I am trying to get together a household binder, but this one is slow going, organization is hard for me)

9.      Have
book(s) published (not yet, maybe one day)

10.  Express
myself through Art (not as much as I'd like, but I did get my craft area organized, that's the first step, the second step is wait until it is done being a construction zone)

11.  Travel (we went on 1 vacation so far this year)

12.  Be
more positive (I think I am doing better)

13.  Have
better posture (not doing great, but occasionally remember)

14.  Be
healthy (working on it)


15.  Go
to bed by 11 pm (not doing well on this one. I have a hard time because frequently if I go to bed at 11 I wont fall asleep for an hour or two, so I feel like I might as well be up working)

16.  Get
up by 9 am (this one flew out the window when I got pregnant, I need to sleep when I can actually sleep)

17.  Only
check email during email time (I haven't yet established an email time, so not happening so far, but in the spirit of the goal, I am doing better at not wasting as much time on email, it helps that I started unsubscribing from emails I don't really need to be getting)

18.  Think
about (and adjust) my posture twice a day (not doing great on this one)

19.  Write
down one good thing someone else did every day (oh, I totally forgot about this goal, I need to work on it)

20.  Listen
to WBCL's midmorning program one day a week (I don't always do one day every week, but I try to listen if I am working in the kitchen or around the house, and then I listen to several that day)

21.  Enter
at least 20 sweepstakes per week (I stopped doing this because I don't have time now, maybe I will start again later if I get organized)

22.  Make
a To Do List (I do sometimes when I remember, it always helps me stay focused)

23.  Make
my own laundry detergent (still hasn't happened yet, but I have all the ingredients)

24.  Try
at least 1 pin per month (I haven't kept track of this, but I do try new recipes fairly regularly)

25.  Make
schedule cards or personal binder (working on it, slow going)

26.  Find
out how to publish a children's book (haven't had time to work on this yet)

27.  Attempt
to get the Children's books I have written published (same)

28.  Write
1 more Children's book (not yet)

29.  Learn
how to publish ebook (I have read a little, but not enough)

30.  Write
1 ebook (thought of ideas, but nothing written yet)

31.  Read
2 books on parenting toddlers (umm, I don't remember if I have read toddler books, I have read several on random child/teen issues/ parenting)

32.  Read
at least 1 relationship book (I am pretty sure that I have done this)

33.  Read
at least 1 spiritual book (Also pretty sure I have done this, I don't keep track of everything I read because I read tons of books)

34.  Clean
up email so I don't spend so much time in it (have been working on this, seems like no matter how many I unsubscribe from there is always more, but it is way better)


35.  Do
devotions as a family after supper every day (we kinda fell away from this, we need to get started again)

36.  Go
to at least 1 Moms and Munchkins event every month (unfortunately Mom and Munchkins is no longer happening :( )

37.  Go
on at least 1 family vacation (we took a weekend away :))

38.  Go
away for the weekend at least 4 times (1 down, unlikely to get in all of the others because of trying to stay nearby in case I go into labor :))

39.  Paint
the back room in the basement (Mr. Random is working on this now!)


40.  Have
2 date nights per month (we haven't had one for a while, time to get back on the horse)

41.  Go
on at least one vacation without Little Man (Not sure if this will happen because of the pregnancy/ waiting for delivery/ will be dealing with a newborn, but we'll see)

42.  Go
on a marriage retreat (unfortunately not going to happen unless we can find one for free that is close)

43.  Read
one book together with Mr. Random (does the bible count? oh wait, we haven't finished that either, well he did show interest in America's Cheapest Family, maybe we can read that)

44.  Do
The Husband Project (I keep meaning to do this)

45.  Go
to at least 3 ballroom dances (We did a dance at our church talent show, but other than that, no)


46.  Spend
15 minutes a day just playing with Little Man (I do play with him probably more than 15 min a day, but not in one chunk of time like I was wanting to yet)

47.  Read
at least 1 book to Little Man every day (many days I read him Hello Baby, his current favorite book)

48.  Have
Little Man try 1 new food every week (having him try it, most of the time he doesn't eat it, but I am doing my part)

49.  Have
at least one photo day per month (I do not even remember what I meant by this, but I do take pics and videos of him regularly)

50.  Have
one Mother/Son date night every other month with Little Man (haven't started this yet because we spend so much time together, I am thinking that it will prolly be more important once Little Man 2 is here)

51.  Let
Mr. Random go on one Father/Son date night every other month with Little Man (same)

52.  Write
down Little Man’s new schedule (check)

53.  Begin
preschool with Little Man (nothing official after I posted this I realized there is not much official that you do with a 1.5 year old)

54.  Find
information on home school groups for preschoolers (not yet, but I should)

Extended Family/Friends

55.  Get
together with each side of the family at least once a month (most months we do, some months we haven't because of different people being out of town, but do as much as we can)

56.  Get
together with aunts to scrapbook once a month (that fell apart because of busy schedules, maybe we can start again soon?)

57.  Have
people over 1-2 times a month (umm, we need to do better on this)

58.  Visit
my Sister at least twice (not yet, she lives a couple hours away, so we'll see if it happens after the baby is born)


59.  Do
my devotions 4 days a week (I did pretty good while in BSF, not doing well this summer)

60.  Go
on time to BSF (what is on time, really?, obviously didn't do well on this)

61.  Finish
this year's BSF lessons (I got many of them done)

62.  Sign
up for BSF for next year (check!)

63.  Continue
being involved in family group (check!)


64.  Write
at least 1 note of encouragement every month (I forgot this one, so I haven't done it yet, I will try to remember this month)

65.  Take
in a Foster Child (this one stopped being a possibility when we found out we were expecting again. With the first pregnancy I was put on couch rest at the end, and this time I was on semi-couch rest at the beginning. We knew that if I couldn't take care of myself and our child we shouldn't take on someone else's child, we will see if God leads that way again after we get settled with Little Man 2)

66.  Volunteer
outside of the home at least once (I haven't had the opportunity to do this yet. I have volunteered for our church community several times, but I was hoping to do something more)


67.  Maintain
my weight through the holidays (I don't remember for sure, but I think I did pretty well on this even though I was pregnant :)

68.  Exercise
at least 3 times a week (I am really bad at this)

69.  Fill
out the Calorie Counter every day (I stopped doing this when I found out how many calories I am supposed to be eating when pregnant. It is depressing to see that many calories when I got used to far less)

70.  Lose
10 pounds in 2 months (umm, this and the next one obviously went the opposite direction since I got pregnant)

71.  Lose
50 pounds in 1 year


72.  Work
on budget 2 days every month (check!)

73.  Calculate
how much extra we need to pay on the house to have it paid off in 3 years (I am not sure if three years will happen because the new tax codes hit us hard, but we are on a good track to get it paid off in 6 years or less)

74.  Go
through the Dave Ramsey course again (Mr. Random doesn't think we need to this year so we'll prolly wait)

75.  Pray
and talk to other leaders about teaching a Dave Ramsey course (haven't started this process yet)

76.  Get
the house on a mortgage from the bank (check!)

77.  Give
generously as God prompts

78.  Continue
to tithe 10% of gross income

79.  Continue
to put at least 5% of income in God only knows fund

80.  Build
up to 15% of our income going into our retirement funds (we are holding steady at this point)

81.  Continue
to pay extra on the house

82.  Save
up and pay cash for a new air conditioner when it goes out (working on saving up)

83.  Save
up and go on a big vacation next year or the year after (not happening this year, we'll see about next year)


84.  Write
2-3 posts per week (I think I am averaging 1-2)

85.  Apply
at least 1 of the Six Sister’s ways to grow my blog every week (haven't started this)

86.  Write
posts at least 1 week in advance (every once in a while)

87.  Plan
out posts at least 1 weeks in advance (not happening yet)

88.  Host
a biweekly linky party (I decided to cancel it because it was not getting enough trafic to be worth my time)

89.  Contact
1 company a month about sponsoring my blog (hasn't happened yet, but I have had a couple sponsor s and sponsored posts come in, yay!)

90.  Post
1 Let's Talk post a month (I have posted a few)

91.  Post
at least 1 recipe per month (haven't done well on this)

92.  Post
1 Swagbucks post a month (haven't done well on this either)

93.  Post
at least 1 product review per month (I have posted one)

94.  Write
1 guest post every other month (this is not happening right now)

95.  Post
a giveaway at least every other month (I have had a couple :))

96.  Host
a big linky/giveaway party for my 1 year blogiversary (I did, and it was great! although a lot of work :))

97.  Make
a Blog Binder (still working on it)

98.  Read
the Six Sister's 10 ways to grow your blog book (not finished)

99.  Find
some sponsors for/Save up and go to a blog conference this year or next (Not going to be going this year, maybe next)

Grow my blog to at least 200 pageviews per day (way over, yay!)

Well there you have it, obviously I got nowhere near doing them all, but it was good to review. And exciting to see the things that I could check off :)

Have you made any goals this year? How are you doing with them?

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