Group went after locksmith in Naples who uses the business name AAA Locksmith.
American Automobile Association (AAA) has lost a cybersquatting claim against a Florida locksmith who uses the brand AAA Locksmith.
Adam Cooper uses the domain name for his business, and AAA filed a UDRP with World Intellectual Property Organization to take his web address.
The panel agreed that AAA is commonly used in business names and that American Automobile Association did not show that Cooper lacked rights or legitimate interests in the domain name. The panel also determined that the domain name was not registered or used in bad faith.
Cooper represented himself in the case. Unfortunately for him, AAA is known for turning to the courts when it doesn’t get its way in a UDRP. In 2009 it lost a UDRP for but subsequently won it in a court decision.
AAA has used UDRP to recover ridiculous domain names such as,, and
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