
A comprehensive look at the final auction prices, closeouts and more from the auction list posted on September 25, 2016.

If you would like to submit names to be considered for inclusion in the upcoming October DSAD Namejet auction you can list them here or use the white button at the top right of the page.  The commission is the standard Namejet 15%, and we will be marketing the names at no additional cost to you.

If there is an asterisk (*) next to a price, it means that the name was at auction from a private seller (rather than an expiring name) and may have had a reserve.  I’m only showing where the price was when the auction ended, but the name may not have sold if a reserve was in place.

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SaveFuel.org    Fuel Efficiency is the name of the game right now.  Its the reason fuel is so cheap

No bids yet

Wixty.com   I like this one at this price.  And its met reserve



I rarely have final prices for the Namejet names on the list, because they usually do not end the same day as they are posted to the list.  For now, instead of posting the list with no prices, I’ll post the top 10 Namejet sales for yesterday as listed on Namebio.

15856.com $2,201

epss.com $1,635

8617.net $1,409

calltech.com $1,316

us-civilwar.com $1,101

fuelstorage.com $885

sikyon.com $811

laweed.com $720

coincentral.com $631

73801.com $585

The post AUCTION RECAP OF SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 appeared first on Domain Shane and Accidental Domainer.

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