In this article I am going to explain how you can make money from your blog? There are lots of ways through which you can make stable full time revenue from your blog . Here I am listing the 6 best available methods out of them and the possible and practical strategies to make a 5000$ income per month. Lets make money from your blog :).
Type #1: Using Contextual ads (Google Adsense).
Google Adsense is the most popular and easy money making method from blogging. I am using adsense for 9 years and have generated pretty good income from it. The most crucial factor with Google Adsense is that you need to have great deal of traffic to your website. Google pays money for ad clicks and no 50 unique visits per day will bring you a considerable income.
The traffic and revenue are very much niche dependent also. One of my celebrity blogs has around 7000 unique visits and around 19K page views per day, but it just generate around 7-8 $ per day. I had a health blog some years back which was generating the very same 7-8 $ through just 500 unique visits. The revenue earned through google adsense depends on cpc(cost per click). My celebrity blog has a cpc of 0.02 $ per click ,while my health blog had 1$ cpc. CPC is the amount you receive while a visitor click on your advertisement.
Some of the high paying niches are
How Google adsense work?
Advertisers advertise using Google adwords. Say,you need to advertise your new Face cream with Google adwords. You need to pick the keywords related to your product for instance, Fairness Cream,Beauty Products etc. Your ad will be displayed in different websites related to the keywords mentioned. Google Robots crawl a website and if it does have the keywords mentioned(Beauty Products,Fairness Cream etc) the specific ads will be displayed. Google adsense pays you for visitors and their clicks . More clicks on the ad means more money you earn.
Real life example
Dale Patridge
Lets have a look at Dale Patridges income report for May 2014. Dale Patridge writes positive living tips through his blog. He helps his readers to get a positive outlook to things happening around.He does have 20K + unique visits per day which generates an adsense revenue of 7000 $ per month.
Income Generated through adsense : $7036
How can you earn 5000 $ per month through Google Adsense?
You might be wondering how much traffic you need in order to touch our magical figure of 5K $ per month as revenue. Revenue through google adsense is recurring and traffic dependent. The more traffic you have the more money you make. Well, tweaks and ad optimizations on your can improve your earnings for sure but ultimately the biggest factor would be the traffic to your website.
How much traffic you need to achieve 5000$/mo through Google Adsense?
Lets have a look at some terms associated with Google Adsense.
CPC – The Cost Per Click (CPC) is the amount you earn each time a user clicks on your ad. CPC is very much advertiser dependent. The advertiser can set the amount for a click.
CTR -The Page Click Through Rate (CTR) is the number of ad clicks divided by the number of page impressions or page views you receive.
RPM – Page Revenue Per Thousand Impressions (RPM) is calculated by dividing your estimated earnings by the number of page views you received, then multiplying by 1000.
To earn 5000 $, you need to earn $166 per day. Assume a CPM of 1 $ , you need 166 clicks per day to achieve this figure. Lets set the CTR as 1 % (on an average scale) and the pages per visit for your website as 1.5/visit. Now lets calculate the unique visitors needed to earn 5000 $ per month(with respect to the average data assumed).
We need 16600 page views to earn 166$ or nearly 11000 unique visits per day to achieve a monthly income of 5000$.
Well the CPC is very much niche dependant. If your niche is of movie celebrities you are less likely to get 1$ per click. On the flip side if you are selecting a finance/health niche you might get much more than 1$ per click.
Type #2: Affiliate Marketing.
Affiliate Marketing is another great way to monetize your blog. Lots of people does generate big revenue as affiliate income.
What is affiliate marketing?
The concept of affiliate marketing is very much similar to a real life sales person who gets commission for selling products. One of most profitable affiliate marketing is in the hosting business. BlueHost is the best example, bluehost gives 65$ to the affiliate for each referral signup. Patt Flynn makes more than 35000 $ per month through bluehost affiliates. Most of his revenue comes from his youtube video tutorial in creating a bluehost account and through his blog SmartPassiveIncome.
So whats the connection with your blog and affiliate marketing? A single word answer would be “TRAFFIC“. Bring some targeted traffic to your blog and sell some products(digital or real). Another great example of making revenue being an affiliate(selling digital products) is Themeforest. Themeforest is loaded with lots of themes and they will give you commission for selling a theme via your referral link.
How does affiliate marketing work?
First of all you need to sign up to and affiliate support program like amazon affiliates.
That is one of my affiliate links in amazon. You might have noticed the “tag=dollarfry-20″ in my affiliate link. This is how amazon tracks my affiliate links. Thats how amazon identify that I brought the customer to amazon so that they can give me the commission of the purchase. Usually amazon gives 5-6 percentage as commissions. It may rise up to 10 percent depending on the product and your sales.
Real Life Example
Patt Flynn
Patt Flynn is one of the biggest internet affiliates. He shares his monthly income reports with his readers. The income Patt makes through his blog is INCREDIBLE! His last months earning was nearly 98K$ ! 60 percent of this income comes through different affiliatesprograms . Check it out.
How much revenue can you make through your blog as an affiliate?
It depends on your traffic and audience quality. Unlike google adsense ,you don’t need heavy traffic to generate descent revenue. Say you have 100 unique visits per day and just 2 percent (2 visitors) buys your affiliate products. In case of amazon you could easily get 12 $ per day or 360$ per month for 100 unique visits. Which is literally impossible with google adsense.
How can you make 5000$/mo through affiliates.
If you are selling products which gives you a commission of 10$ per sale , you need to sell 16 products per day to earn 160$ per day (to achieve our 5000 $ benchmark). If you have 1600 unique visits per day to your blog , 1 percent of the readers/customer conversion is enough for you to touch this figure.
Some of the most popular affiliate programs.
Popular Affiliate #1: Amazon Associates
Amazon Associates is one of the most popular affiliate program used world wide. The best thing about amazon is its vast range of products which could fit the niche of your blog. Commission rate offered is 5-6 percent average which may rise upto 10 percent. The major difference from clickbank(check below) is that people trust amazon products very much. Even though the commission offered is less compared to clickbank,the probability for a sale to happen is much higher than that of a product in clickbank
Popular Affiliate #2: ClickBank
Clickbank is one of the most loved affiliate program because of its high commision rates(sometimes upto 75%) . Majority of the products are digital products(I’ve mentioned below) like ebooks ,online products etc. The commission rates can always be high for these kind of products(digital) as there are no other expenses to meet. Once an ebook is written , the effort is already done, and each sale corresponds to 100 percent profit . Moreover transportation cost for a digital product is zero. Have a look at some of the highest commission offered products in health category in clickbank.
Lots of accusations have been there on clickbank about the products being scam. Anyway lots of people are making good revenue with clickbank.
Popular Affiliate #3:Commision Junction
This is popularly known as CJ Affiliates. Very much like clickbank, CJ affiliates does have products from several niche. You can pick a niche suiting your blog, sell products in your blog and earn. You’ll get a higher affiliate commission for products using Commission Junction than directly from the product site.
Type #3: Selling your own product.
Sell some products through your blog. For instance, if you have makeup/beauty tips blog, you can always sell beauty products online. Once you have the trust of your readers, they’ll be willing to buy your products.This is my personal favorite way to monetize a blog as the profit percentage you get will be much high compared to the previously mentioned ways.
Why is products (Real or Digital) selling the best way to monetize your website ?
I’ll explain this with the challenges and hurdles you need to face in using Google Adsense and Affiliate marketing . You need to build good traffic to your blog to generate descent revenue from your blog.
How much traffic should you need to drive into your blog in order to generate a good income?
Well , even if you only have 50 unique visits per day,you can generate revenue from your blog through adsense, but negligibly small. Being a person using adsense for 9 years , I would say,
You need to have a minimum of 2000 unique visits per day in order to generate 1000 USD per month(in any high paying niche)
This is the real hurdle you need to face. And if you are a webmaster you know how difficult it is to generate 2000 unique visits a day.
For an average webmaster it should take a minimum of 1 year to reach 2000 unique visits per day (stable traffic,depending on content )
And saddest part is 1000$ per month is never gonna make you a full time living. How much money you gonna need to overtake your full time job? 6000$?
You might need 12000 unique visits per day in order to achieve this magical figure(6 x 2000 unique visits per day)
Some of the disadvantages of Affiliate Marketing.
The biggest disadvantages in affiliate marketing is the low commission rates offered by big affiliates.Lets have a look at the commission rates offered by some of the world famous affiliates.
The commision rate of amazon affiliate might pull you back . Well its never that bad (an average of 6-7 percent , upto 10 percent). But its little hard when it comes to practical figures. You should sell products worth 600 $ per day in order to earn the 1000$ benchmark per month which is not that easy.
Themeforest offers 30% of the first purchase of the user while elegant themes, being very generous offers 50 percent of each sold theme via affiliate. If you are able to sell themes worth 100 $ per day (from eleganthemes) you can easily make 1500$ per month which is awesome!
Selling your own product through your website.
1. Selling Real World Goods.
2 years back I developed a website for a client in joomla. He was selling Protein rich food (chocolate,candies) for body builders. The traffic to the website was low (say around 100 unique visits per day) . But it had a total sale of around 300 $ everyday. His profit percent was more than 60 percent which would make 180 $ revenue each day or 5400 $ per month. When it comes to e-commerce Steve Chou from MyWifeQuitHerJob can be your best teacher. Check some of his articles and guidelines to start and e-commerce website. He makes more than 10K -15K $ per month selling wedding linens.
2. Selling digital goods.
The benefits with digital goods is that it does have 100 percent profit. Yes, you may need to invest time and money initially for launching digital goods, but after all you doesn’t need to spend any money on the product. Build your blog, generate some traffic and sell your digital goods. Neil Patel from Kissmetrics has proved this strategy successfully. Kissmetrics is a web analytical tool which gives you detailed data of people browsing your website.It provides something which google analytics doesn’t give. Neil drives a big deal of traffic to the product through his kissmetrics blog. He and his team has written lots of web analytics articles in kissmetrics blog and did build a great deal of traffic . These visitors gets converted into customers. The lowest package is $179/mo and highest is $599 /mo. With this great deal of traffic ,kissmetrics comes out as one of the most profitable digital products in the web industry.
What are most popular digital goods sold over internet.
Lets check some of the digital products that are in great demand all over the internet.
Web Applications/Software
Website Themes
Online Games
1. Ebooks.
Say, you did start a cookery blog and was able to drive a good amount of traffic and readers to your website. You can launch one cookery ebook and can sell it in your website. Say you have 200 unique visits per day and you are selling an ebook for 20$ , 3 percent conversion would generate 120$ per day or 3600$ profit per month.
Have a look at our detailed guide about Making Money Via ebook.
2. Tools/Themes
This is intended for technical persons. If you can make a good useful Tool/App/Plugin, readers will definitely be purchasing it if they find it useful. Have a look a popular people making money through WordPress plugins.
Real World Example
John Lee Dumas
John Lee Dumas of entrepreneur on fire is the best example of taking online product sales to great success level. His last months earning through product sales was $234,396 !
Type #4: Selling Blog posts, Links, Banner.
This is the most easiest way of making money through your blog. You can sell text links,banners,blog posts etc to other websites (they receive traffic and seo juice through this procedure). Placing a text link should literally take 1 minute. The biggest challenge for you is driving traffic to your website. No one advertise in your blog if it doesn’t have descent traffic. After the Penguin and Panda updates webmasters are very much vigilant in buying links , it may do harm than good if links are bought from low quality websites.
The price for a link/banner offered in your blog depends on many factors. The two most important ones are,
1. Traffic to your blog.
People want traffic. If your website has solid traffic to route some traffic to another website ,people would definitely advertise in your blog. The price varies, but I’ve sold one text link for 1000 $ for 3 months from my blog which was receiving around 6000 unique visits per day.
2. Page Rank of your Blog.
Well, now a days pagerank is a common term . Everyone know about pagerank, its a metric used to analyse the priority of a website. Websites with high pagerank (from 0 to 10) are said to be the ones with great quality. Well by great quality I mean Quality Content,Solid Backlink Profiles,Age,Authenticity,trust etc. Pagerank values upto 4 are normal , and above 4 are exceptional. The amount you can charge for a link can rise with respect to your page rank. If your blog has high page rank, the traffic doesn’t matter much. Say if it does have a pagerank of 6 , it doesn’t matter if it only have 50 unique visits per day, people will advertise in your blog.
Type #5: Selling Services through your blog
You can sell your services through your blog. Build some audience and offer your service expertise to the readers(customers). Neil Patel utilizes this strategy very brilliantly. He writes traffic building tips through his blog quicksprout. He’ve already established his brand in website marketing/analytic/traffic building. All his readers trust him and knows he is a guy they can completely rely on. This results in conversions for him. Neil offers website reviewing and consultation for a price and his readers can use his limited service. Neil , being a busy person works only for clients whom he think are worthy. Neil has placed testimonials from Techcrunch and other biggies for whom he has worked. He has driven great deal of traffic for these guys. He has placed a popup in QuickSprout offering his consultations for a price.
Likewise if you own a programming blog say WordPress tips and tricks blog, you can always offer your WordPress customization services. Your regular readers knows very much about you and your ability. Your regular readers should have the trust in you. You can convert this opportunity into money.
Niel Patel
Harsh Agarwal from ShoutMeLoud offers his consultation services. He is a blog consultant, and gives tips and consultations in building a blog and driving traffic to it. He teaches you everything from starting a blog and taking it to the next level. His consultation charges are 249$ per hour. Apart from blog consultation,he also offer WordPress Seo services through which he optimizes your WordPress blog making it search engine friendly.
How can you build trust to your blog and earn 5000 $ per month providing services ?
When it comes to services, its all about building your brand and trust. Build an email list from the beginning,collect emails as much as you can. There are lots of ways to collect emails, here in dollarfry we’ve used the SumoMe email popups which will be shown once the reader gets into the blog. The major question is why should the reader give you his email? If you can make that smart impression,the reader might not hesitate to give you his email. There are lots of smart ways to collect emails of the readers, like
Providing a free ebook on signup - This is a commonly followed strategy. Write an attractive e-book and email it to the readers for free. Well you can collect the email address of the reader notifying them about this
Newsletter signup box – Provide free email updates from your blog that the user need to provide his email
Offer Free service – If you have a WordPress tips blog, put a popup or sidebar widget like “Signup for my free WordPress services(only 5 slots left)” so that the readers who are looking for such kind of services may sign up for your service.
Check out the popup form which Neil Patel uses in quicksprout to collect email from his readers,
Provide trustworthy client testimonials
As I said its all about trust, no one signup for your services unless you are trustworthy. Providing Client testimonials gives a trusty feeling for the readers.
Get more user engagement in your blog
Getting more user engagement can build trust of you and your blog. Rather than writing small articles with 300-400 words, write big detailed articles worthy to receive heaps of comments. Reply to your commentators, clear their queries and try to build a relation with them that they might come back and comment again(in some other post).This strategy can build trust and relation with your readers.
Write unique tutorials and articles in the niche you are offering services
This is really important. If you are offering WordPress Customization services, write unique articles about WordPress tips and tweaks. If the reader finds some value to your article he might think like “Hey, this guy is a kick ass WordPress Developer probably I should take some of his services”.
Type #6: Selling your blog.
You can sell your blog through flippa,sitepoint,websitebroker etc. There are a number of aspects which decides the price of your blog, have a look at some of the major factors.
Write high quality articles in your website- High quality original content is always an asset to your blog. This will be considered with high priority when you are selling your blog.
Traffic of the website- The number of visitors per day is another key factor affecting the sale of your website. The more the traffic to your blog, the more you can set the buy now price of the blog
Revenue your blog is bringing in – How much money does your blog make now? This is another major factor which decide the price of your blog
Backlinks obtained and age of domain – If your blog have solid backlink profile, your blog will be of high value. Even if it doesn’t have much traffic, a high backlink profile always make it prone to have more traffic in future (which increase the market price of your blog)
Have a look at how tung tran sold his blog for 6000$ in 6 months . Tung Tran made a total profit of 12000 $ in 6 months through his websites.
How can you sell your blog?
People love high quality content and there will always be buyers for it. But the ideal question is which is the ideal place to sell your blog? I would recommend Fippa and Empire Flippers. Lets have a short look at both of them.
Platforms to sell your blog
Flippa is a website market place. You can list your website along with the statistics there and buyers who are interested in buying your blog can bid. The issue is that flippa will just act as a portal, you need to take care of all the other things yourself.Empire Flippers are website brokers, they’ll take care of every other things. You don’t need to worry about the payment fraud and other complications, just provide the details of your blog with along with genuine google analytics and income reports and they’ll handle the rest. EmpireFlippers do have a brokerage fees ,they’ll take a percent of your blog’s price as commission. But this is no big deal as you can probably sell your blog at a better price than in flippa through Empire Flippers.
Out of these methods you can select your own way to make money through blogging. You can also club all the six methods together to make great amount of money, lots of proffesional bloggers do so. All the methods take its own time, I dont want to you to be misled by the astonishing figures I showed you , it takes time! If you are looking from some quick money you’d better choose some other ways. Making money through blogging is very much possible but it takes time and patience.
We love comments ! Post your opinion as comments . Good luck making some money with blogging
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