Virtually all cases of mesothelioma are linked with asbestos exposure. It is a rare cancer of the thoracic and abdominal cavities and surrounding internal organs. The symptoms of mesothelioma are: shortness of breath, pain in the lower back or side of the chest, coughing and weight loss. Mesothelioma is the most insidious of the asbestos-related diseases in that it can affect people who have experienced low or intermittent levels of asbestos exposure.
Asbestos Lung Cancer : Lung Cancer is the most common type of cancer linked to asbestos exposure. It is found in people who have sustained prolonged exposure to asbestos. Lung cancer, asbestos related or otherwise, develops in the tissue that surrounds the lung, often obstructing and invading air passages. The length of time between exposure to asbestos and the occurrence of lung cancer is usually 20 to 30 years and in some cases longer. Smokers exposed to asbestos multiply the effect, which increases the susceptibility to lung cancer significantly.
Asbestosis : A serious, chronic, non-cancerous fibrous hardening and scarring of the lungs. The scarring can cause lung impairment and heart disease. The symptoms of asbestosis are: shortness of breath, coughing and a dry crackling sound while inhaling. In advanced stages asbestosis may cause cardiac failure. Asbestosis is a slowly progressive disease with a latency period of 15 to 30 years or more and can lead to serious respiratory problems.
Pleural Thickening : is a non-cancerous scarring of the lining of the lung. Pleural thickening, if widespread, impairs lung function, restricting breathing capacity.
We have successfully handled compensation claims on behalf of clients with all of the above diseases. Please contact us today to see if we are able to do the same for you.
Pleural Plaques : Are small localised areas of fibrosis found within the pleura of the lung caused by asbestos exposure. It has been argued by medical experts that they do not cause significant symptoms (if any) and do not impair lung function. They are seen as merely evidence that someone has been exposed to asbestos in the past.
For this reason, defendant insurers have successfully argued through the courts that claims for pleural plaques should not attract an award of compensation. This decision has been upheld and therefore despite pleural plaques being a condition for which compensation could be claimed for over 20 years, this is no longer the case.
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