
Were prepared and implemented the following changes:

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1. Fully fundamentally new control panel script DLE. Dear friends, in this version of the script we want to give you a completely revamped control panel script. This panel was developed using all the latest new technologies that allow us to make the process of managing the news and other sections of the script, more convenient and informative understandable. Along with the new contemporary design, this control panel is adaptive and able to self-adjust to the devices used, thereby providing more convenient control as using a desktop computer, and using tablets and smartphones. Given the importance of such moments as muscular and visual memory, as well as a habit, we have tried to create a new control panel so that all for you remained at the usual places, and you do not have to spend a lot of time on the development and study of new control panel. We very much hope that you will like the new panel, and you appreciate it. Due to the fact that the new control panel are widely used HTML5 and CSS3 standards, we were forced to abandon support for older browsers IE, to work in the new panel you need IE10 and above, as well as current versions of browsers Chrome, Firefox and Opera.

2. All javascript files DLE admin panel is now separated from the user of the site and work independently. For example, if you want to update your own site library, for example such as Jquery and Jquery UI, you can do it without fear of compatibility with the work of the administrative panel.

3. Added new control system for the keyword tag clouds and keywords meta tag for when editing news in admin panel. Now you can easily in one click you delete unnecessary keywords, as well as add new ones. List them separated by commas no longer need all filled intuitive.

4. As of control in the management section groups added ability to specify, based on what the group to create a new group. Thus, you can create new groups, on the basis of any group settings as a template for the new group.

5. Changes in the logic display promotional materials in admin panel , now, instead of showing the added ad code, shown highlighted source code, thereby adding any fragments of HTML tags will not be violated layout admin panel, and you will always be able to manage and edit the code directly control panel.

6. Significantly improved and redesigned module edit comments in the script admin panel. Added ability to delete a single comment using technology AJAX, and also added the ability to mark a comment as "Spam" and as a consequence of the automatic ban spammer and delete all of his comments, and notice a spammer cloud service, if it is included in your script.

7. Added the function of dynamic loading comments as a visitor viewing the page with a complete news and reading them comments. This functionality is based on the principle: "Lazy loading" and is applied using technology AJAX. For example, you set to show 30 comments on each page, while the news 100 comments, the approach-page news, the user will see the first 30 comments, as scrolling down the page and read the comments at the end of the comment list instead of navigating comments on the page will automatically fetch the next 30 comments etc. as page scrolling until show all comments to news. This functionality is enabled and disabled in your script.

8. Added ability to specify a page title site rules directly in the admin panel when editing rules for the site.

9. To display news using a custom tag {custom ...} added the possibility to navigate through the pages. To do this, a new parameter tag Navigation = "Yes" . When you add this parameter to the custom tag will be displayed on the news page navigation outputted by this tag. Thus, you can output the news just as you select and still maintain page navigation, if the news according to many parameters. Navigation is only displayed for pages that support navigation for the tag {content} , for example, the home page, category pages, etc. If the page does not support navigation, for example, displaying the full news or static page, then navigate to the tag will also automatically disabled.

10. Tag for custom display news {custom ...} added a new option Fixed = "Without" , which displays only the news, which were not detected in the publication.

11. Updated HTML5 player to the latest version , adds support for full-screen mode in the browser IE11.

12. The module adds the ability to cross-reference the use of references, containing a URL encoded characters.

13. Added check e-mail user when a change in the profile of the fact whether this address or an address pool in the address list, banned by the administrator to register on the site. Previously this was carried out only during the initial registration site visitor.

14. Added indication in the user's login e-mail letter that is sent to the user in the event of a change of his e-mail address in the profile. This innovation is also useful to site administrators, if e-mail address is trying to change the bot to nonexistent, as a result of administrators receive letters NDR, and they can see who changes the data, and accordingly take steps for the user.

15. Added convenient system for adding and editing additional fields news of control, having the property "Use as a hyperlink." Now you can remove the unwanted value in one click.

16. Added the ability to allow the management of advertising materials on the site , insert ad tags directly in the text of news. This feature is set separately for each banner. You can enable or disable the insertion of an ad tag in the text of the news. If the tag is allowed to insert text news, when you write a tag in the text of this news, the ad unit will be published on the site in place of the tag. Thus, you can advertise directly to the text of the news in a convenient place for you.

17. Added ability predosmotra promotional materials added to the admin panel using a separate pop-up window.

18. Control module adds the ability to cross-reference instructions application where you want to replace the keyword link. You can for each keyword to specify whether to replace the entire page, or replace in the news and commentaries, or replacement only in the news, or replace only the comments.

19. Management module cross-references to the administration panel , added check for existing database keywords. Thereby avoiding the appearance of duplicate keywords.

20. Control module adds the ability to cross-reference the use of multiple words declines within key phrases indicating the decline for a few words at a time. For example, you can specify to replace the phrase Ivan (s | Peninsula | ovulation) Willow (n | for | well) Ivanova (h | ca | chu) . And also added the possibility to combine the phrase of a few words, as containing the declination, and does not contain, for example, the phrase: Remon (t | w | that) furniture .

21. The algorithm output information using the tag {title} in the template output similar news ( relatednews.tpl ). If you use this tag will be displayed full headline news without cutting up to 75 characters as before.

22. Template for output similar news (relatednews.tpl) added support for new tag {title limit="x"} , which displays headline news, shortened to a specified number of characters in the X tag. Thus reduction header made ​​prior to completion of the logical word, and does not break in the middle.

23. The template for the output of the summary news (shortstory.tpl) added support for new tag [not-newscount = X] text [/ not-newscount] , which is the opposite of existing tags [newscount = X] text [/ newscount] , and displays the text enclosed in these tags when showing any news on the account, other than those of X news. This tag can be useful if you want to display any design elements all over the news in brief news show, except the above. For example, do not show anything in the first list news.

24. Template for comments O (comments.tpl) added support for new tag [not-commentscount = X] text [/ not-CommentsCount] , which is the opposite of existing tags [commentscount = X] text [/ CommentsCount] , and displays the text enclosed in data tags when displaying any comments on the account, other than those X comments. This tag can be useful if you want to display any design elements in all the comments on the account except the above. For example, do not show anything in the first on the list to add comments.

25. For standard BB editor adds the ability to sharing links written using BB tags and written using HTML code. HTML code references will not be automatically replaced with the BB tags when editing. This innovation is particularly useful when you want to write any links for your own parameters, which does not have a BB tag links. For example, you want to assign to link your specific CSS class and write news

then when you edit it persists in the form in which you wrote it and will not be transferred to the BB tag as before, thereby removing the purpose of your class.

26. When you disable displaying video and audio to mobile version of the site , in your script, added also show off videos, published news using the tag [mediа=...].

27. Added support for inserting video service "Video mail.ru" using the direct insertion of the resulting video service code tag

28. Added Russian language spell checker in the visual editor TinyMCE. Verification is performed using the appropriate service Yandex.

29. Changes in the algorithms and display banner rotation defined in the control panel script. Now you can set the banners the same name and at the same time tell them to show different conditions. For example, you can specify one banner displayed in one category and another banner with the same name in another category, which simplifies the layout of the template in which you can add only one template tag and manage its showing in the control panel.

30. Added automatic removal of a user of the subscribers to the comments, if the user banitsya site. Thus banned users will not receive notifications about new comments.

31. Updated to the latest version of TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor . Full list of fixes in the editor you can read on page http://www.tinymce.com/develop/changelog/index.php?type=tinymce

32. Fixed an issue where site visitors could see the news that has already been published, but the time of its publication has not yet arrived, driving a corresponding number of news in the browser URL. Now view such news can only administrators and editors of the site.

33. Fixed an issue where if the news added in admin panel not on behalf of an authorized user, and specify a different username website, downloaded images on behalf of the user is not appointed the news.

34. Fixed an issue where during rebuild publications adminpaneli damage occurred text published in the tags [cоde]...[/cоde], if used with visual editors.

35. Fixed an issue where the counter could stray comments in the news, if the comments were removed in the section "IP Utility" and thus part of the user comments, is in development.

36. Fixed an issue that sends notifications about new comments by users if these comments only sent for moderation.

37. Fixed problem with incorrect insertion tag [leech] in the visual editor TinyMCE.

38. Fixed problem where the citation was not working in the comments when the comments editor TinyMCE.

39. Fixed the previously declared and small mistakes in the script.

Source: dle-NEWS.RU

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