Have a writing project you’ve been dying to start, but can’t find the time, energy or motivation? Knee-deep in revision? Drowning in drafting?
One of the best ways to get your writing back on track, or give yourself that extra boost and meet the next big challenge is to set aside a chunk of time, gather a few supportive friends, and knuckle down and get to work. But it can be hard to find that time or get to that place, be it a retreat, a conference or even a class. We’re writers, but we’re also family members, friends, community-members and employees. Here at DIY MFA, we know how you feel. We’re writers, too. And busy, too. And in need of a boost, too.
This is why we’ve created the DIY MFA Weekend Writing Sprint, a FREE event to help writers around the world get those words on the page and finally write that story they’ve been dreaming of. It’s a virtual writing retreat that you can attend in your pajamas, or in-between soccer games. The point is, it’s about fitting your writing into your life.
Join us on April 5-6, 2014 for this weekend-long writing sprint. To get started, sign up right here. You’ll get tons of inspiration to keep you motivated as you write. You’ll also be able to connect with other writers doing the retreat for lots of social accountability, and all from the comfort of your home computer or favorite local writing spot. Finally, the weekend ends with our grand finale: a free one-hour online workshop on Sunday night!
Ready to join the challenge? Sign up by clicking the button below:
Whether you jump in for just an hour or two, or you set aside the whole weekend for a writing extravaganza, this is your chance to stop procrastinating and finally write that book once and for all. Want details? Read on.
How the weekend writing sprint works
Sign up with your email. Watch your inbox for updates, as well as more info about the grand finale workshop. We’ll be emailing you a super-secret link to the retreat webpage where we’ll be posting short videos, writing tips and inspiration throughout the writing sprint weekend.
Mark your calendar. Block out some serious writing time for the weekend of April 5-6. You can write for both days, or just participate for an hour or two. It’s your choice.
Share your writing goals and results. Use the #DIYMFA hashtag during the retreat weekend to share your writing goals, tweet your progress and encourage fellow writers. Social accountability is a great way to boost your motivation and productivity.
Join the post-retreat extravaganza online. We’re hosting a celebratory online workshop on Sunday, April 6 at 8pm ET where we’ll share insider tips and proven techniques to help you take your writing project to the finish line.
Write, write, write! Whether you join for just a few hours or write for the whole weekend, this is your chance to get motivated and get those words onto the page.
Ready to jump in, stay accountable and get writing? Sign up right here! Be sure to Tweet to fellow sprinters using the #diymfa hashtag, and don’t forget to join us on Sunday night for a FREE writing workshop. Meet new friends and meet your writing goals. We’ll see you on April 5th!
Click the button above to register for the writing sprint.
Remember it’s fun and it’s FREE!
The post Announcing the Second DIY MFA Weekend Writing Sprint! appeared first on DIY MFA.