
We are in Cape Cod this week and have been enjoying a wonderful vacation.  Our Cape Cod vacations usually consist of tennis, beach and dining each day.  Very fun and very relaxing.  However, yesterday we did something a bit different - we went parasailing.  I can honestly say that I have never had any real desire to go parasailing.  My husband has been talking about it for months.  He wanted to take my fifteen year old son when we were in the Caribbean earlier this summer, but it just didn't work out.  Well, it worked out here.  Like I said, I had no intention of going parasailing.  My son and my husband were very excited.  My twelve year old daughter was another story - I think she really did want to go, but was just afraid.  One of the many mottos I have with my kids is to never have fear hold you back from doing something you want to do.  So I made my daughter a deal.   If she wanted to go, I would go up with her and we would conquer our fear together.

My husband and son went first.  The worst part was the anticipation before it was our turn.  Once my son and husband landed safely, my daughter and I went and sat on the back of the boat and they clipped us onto the bar.

Then you just start flying away from the boat.  No warning...no are you ready...no one, two, three, go...you just take off.

It's the weirdest, coolest sensation.  You fly 500 feet above the water.  When you're in the boat waiting, it's windy and a bit loud with the engine roaring.  When you're up in the air it's almost silent.  My daughter and I were up there talking the whole time.  We each were holding onto to the straps like it was a life line.  Halfway through the ride my daughter asked me if I thought we were supposed to hold on this tight.  Her arms were shaking and hurting (as were mine).  She got brave first and let go with one hand to wave.  Then I tried too.  We could see everything from up there.  We are here with my brother-in-law and his family and we could see them jet skiing below us.

It was a very beautiful view of Cape Cod.

It's a super gentle ride.  There were some parts where the wind pushed us a little, but mostly it was very calm.  I looked over at my daughter a few times, but that was when I discovered just how high we were.  I also realized around that time that I had forgotten to take off my sunglasses.  As it turned out that was okay.  Nothing happened to them.

As fun as it was, we both were very happy when they started to pull us back in.

Today we will be back at the beach just relaxing! :)

What fears have you conquered lately?

Have a great weekend.


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