

Charles H. Mercer D’43, a retired United Methodist pastor and recipient of the 2003 Duke Divinity School Alumni Association Distinguished Alumnus Award, continues to preach, teach, and mentor. He and his wife, Florrie Smythe Mercer N’42, are residents of Croasdaile Village in Durham, N.C.


S T Kimbrough Jr. D’62, research fellow with the Center for Studies in the Wesleyan Tradition at Duke Divinity School and founder of The Charles Wesley Society, has written Radical Grace: Justice for the Poor and Marginalized—Charles Wesley’s Views for the Twenty-First Century (Cascade, 2013).

Edgar H. “Ed” Ellis D’67, a United Methodist minister now retired in Columbia, S.C., has been elected for service on the National Alumni Council of Duke Divinity School.

J. Christian Wilson T’67, D’70, D’72, G’77, is a new member of the Divinity School’s National Alumni Council. Now a resident of Chapel Hill, N.C., he is retired from United Methodist parish ministry in the Western North Carolina Conference and a career in college chaplaincy and teaching.


Stephen C. Gray D’72 and his wife, Lennie, have retired to Brunswick, Maine. He served for the past 12 years as conference minister for the Indiana-Kentucky Conference of the United Church of Christ.

Vergel L. Lattimore III D’77 presented the Alfred E. White Endowed Heritage Lecture Series, “Living Pastoral Theology: New Dimensions and Interpretation” in February at Hood Theological Seminary in Salisbury, N.C., where he now serves as vice president of academic affairs and professor of pastoral psychology.


D. Stephen Long D’87, G’90, professor of systematic theology at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wis., has published Hebrews in the series Belief: A Theological Commentary on the Bible (Westminster John Knox, 2011).

Shelley A. Wilson D’88, founder and pastor of High Country United Church of Christ in Vilas, N.C., was featured in a Watauga Democrat article Sept. 4, 2012, about the 10th anniversary of the socially engaged church congregation.

William J. Barber II D’89, president of the North Carolina chapter of the NAACP, is the 2013 recipient of the Friend of Education Award presented by the North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE). He is the senior pastor at Greenleaf Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Goldsboro, N.C., and chairman of Rebuilding Broken Places Community Development Corporation.


Keith Gammons D’93 has been named publisher at Smyth & Helwys Publishing, an ecumenical publisher of church curricula, books for pastors and scholars, and digital resources. He came to Smyth & Helwys in 2001 as book editor and began serving as director of editorial and design in 2007. He and his family live in Macon, Ga.

John P. Cleveland D’94 recently accepted a position at NYU-Polytechnic, located in Brooklyn, N.Y., as director of the tutoring center. He was employed previously at Pace University in a similar capacity.

Kerry Halbert D’94 of Chase City, Va., has written Understanding the Pastorate (Tate, 2012).

Carl H. King D’95 and his wife, Dr. Stacy King, announce the birth of their daughter, Amalia Noel, born Sept. 27, 2012. Carl is senior minister at University United Methodist Church, Chapel Hill, N.C.

Darryl I. Owens D’98 is president elect of the Association of Professional Chaplains, a national organization with over 4,300 members. He will assume the presidency in 2014. He is a chaplain at the University of North Carolina Hospitals in Chapel Hill, N.C., where he is the Women’s Services chaplain and grief counselor.


Fred Bahnson D’00 is the new director of the Food, Faith, & Religious Leadership Initiative at Wake Forest School of Divinity. He is co-author of Making Peace with the Land (InterVarsity Press, 2012) and in 2005 co-founded Anathoth Community Garden, a church-supported agriculture ministry in Cedar Grove, N.C., which he directed until 2009. Fred and his wife, Elizabeth Bahnson D’08, and three sons live in Transylvania County, N.C.

T. Judson Dunlap D’01 and his wife, Laura A. Dunlap D’05, along with their daughter, Grace Elizabeth, welcome their second daughter, Kennedy Brooke, born Dec. 26, 2012. Judson and Laura are elders in full connection with the North Carolina Conference, currently serving in the Gateway & Fairway districts. They reside in Aberdeen, N.C.

L. Roger Owens D’01, G’06 is co-pastor with his wife, Ginger Thomas D’01, of Duke Memorial United Methodist Church in Durham, N.C. He has written Abba, Give Me a Word: The Path of Spiritual Direction (Paraclete, 2012).

Anna Kate Ellerman Shurley D’01, D’06 completed a Ph.D. in pastoral theology at Princeton Theological Seminary in May 2012. She and her husband, Will, a Presbyterian pastor, are the parents of Virginia, age 2, and Oliver, who was born Dec. 26, 2012. She had worked for three years as a chaplain to people with developmental disabilities. They live in Titusville, N.J.

Thomas C. Broom Jr. D’02 is a chaplain with the New Mexico National Guard on active duty in North Sinai with a multinational peacekeeping force. His father, Thomas C. Broom Sr. D’90, is pastor of Center United Methodist Church in Tucumcari, N.M.

Eric M. Sapp D’02, S’02 and his wife, Julie, announce the birth of Beckett Owen on Nov. 12, 2012. Eric is a founding partner of the Eleison Group and executive director of American Values Network. They reside in Great Falls, Va.

Ken Walden D’02 has authored Challenges Faced by Iraq War Reservists and Their Families: A Soul Care Approach for Chaplains and Pastors (Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2012). He is the university chaplain and assistant professor of philosophy and religion at Claflin University in Orangeburg, S.C.

Summer Kinard D’03, D’05 anticipates publication this summer of her first novel, Can’t Buy Me Love: A Tale of Love, Friendship, and Lucha Libre, (Light Messages, 2013). She is a resident of Durham, N.C.

Sharon Hodde Miller T’03, D’07 and her husband, Isaac “Ike” F. Miller D’10, announce the birth of Isaac Xavier on Aug. 28, 2012. The Millers reside in Hawthorn Woods, Ill., and Sharon and Ike are pursuing doctoral degrees at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Ill. Sharon continues to write her blog—She Worships: Theology for Women.

Daniel P. Rhodes D’03 and his wife, Elizabeth, announce the Oct. 9, 2012, birth of Rachel Elizabeth. They live in Raleigh, N.C.

Candice Ryals Provey T’04, D’10 has been named associate chaplain of Yale University Church, New Haven, Conn. She had previously worked with Duke Engage, as minister to young adults for First Presbyterian Church, Durham, N.C., and with the Peace Corps in Malawi.

Ailsa Guardiola Gonzalez D’05 has been installed as pastor of First Christian Church in Tucson, Ariz. She previously served a parish in Wilmington, N.C., and did mission work in Honduras and El Salvador. She and her husband, Marco, are the parents of a daughter, Krysia.

Mandy E. McMichael D’05, D’06 has been awarded a dissertation fellowship from the Louisville Institute as she completes her book, Religion, Miss America, and the Construction of Southern Womanhood. She and her husband, Chad Eggleston D’03, G’09, serve on the faculty at Huntingdon College in Montgomery, Ala.

Brittany E. Wilson D’05 was awarded a Ph.D. degree in May 2012 from Princeton Theological Seminary. She is currently a visiting assistant professor of New Testament at Duke Divinity School.

Scott Chrostek D’06 has published a book about the missional life entitled Pursuit: Living Fully in Search of God’s Presence (Beacon Hill Press, 2013). He and his wife, Wendy Lyons Chrostek D’06, are currently serving on the staff of the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Kansas City, Mo. Scott is also on the Divinity School’s National Alumni Council.

Sarah S. Howell T’08, D’12 was the winner of a competition for new music for a traditional text in the national competition “New Songs and Hymns for Renewal” at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. She used the text “Behold the Savior of Mankind.” She serves as associate minister for worship and young adults at Centenary United Methodist Church in Winston-Salem, N.C., and blogs at Both/And.

Anna Layman Knox D’08 is the new pastor at Hawley United Methodist Church in Hawley, Pa., following four years of service with a Methodist congregation in Durban, South Africa, where she met and married her husband, Simon Knox.

Stephanie Lind D’08 and Matthew Schlimm D’02, G’08 were married June 16, 2012, at Alamo Heights United Methodist Church in San Antonio, Texas, by senior pastor David McNitzky D’80. The minister to older adults at Alamo Heights is Harold Burkhardt D’50. Matt and Stephanie live in Dubuque, Iowa, where he is assistant professor of Old Testament at the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary and she is pastor of Epworth United Methodist Church.

Katie Roberts D’09 and Andy Lee Lineberger were married July 14, 2012. She is the associate pastor at Aldersgate United Methodist Church in Shelby, N.C., and he is an M.Div. student at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Charlotte, N.C.


Lauren Durr Emery D’11 and her husband, Matthew Emery T’07, are now living in Winston-Salem, N.C. She is the interim assistant chaplain at Elon University.

Rebekah A. Eklund D’12 has been awarded a dissertation fellowship from the Louisville Institute as she completes her book, Lord, Teach Us How to Grieve: Jesus’ Laments and Christian Hope. She lives in Baltimore, Md., where she teaches in the Department of Theology at Loyola University Maryland.


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