
Instructor Development Course (IDC) candidates, Julien, Wai and Tyler are introduced to PADI teaching tools by Downbelow’s resident Platinum PADI Course Director Richard Swann!

During the next week, the IDC candidates will be participating in sessions of pre-IDC preparation to benefit their knowledge development for the IDC, which starts January 27th.

The pre-IDC prep is complimentary sessions included within our Go PRO internship programs, which Richard and the Downbelow Go PRO team conduct before the beginning of the IDC.

Our next IDC will be starting on January 27th and the week prior to the start date is filled with sessions of pre-IDC preparation so that the IDC candidates will feel much more prepared.

The highly experienced and full time Downbelow PADI Instructor Trainers of the Go PRO team is committed to supporting the candidates to succeed at their Instructor Examinations (IE). The pre-IDC prepares the candidates for the IDC, and the IDC prepares them for their IE! Our attention and support of their success will be constant throughout and even after they are fully certified PADI Open Water Scuba Instructors!

The pre-IDC preparation is complimentary for those IDC candidates who are on a Downbelow Go PRO internship program, which we cater to suit the needs of the individual client, you!

How soon until you yourself are living the diving dream? As soon as you enquire one of our experienced Head Office staff to consult with you on how to Go PRO!

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