Light periods are menstrual periods that have an unusually light flow or a very short duration of blood loss. Although the menstrual cycle varies from person to person, most women have a normal period approximately every 28 days. Each period typically lasts from four to seven days. The amount of blood lost during a menstrual period ranges from 20 to 80 milliliters (mL). Blood loss of less than 20 mL may be considered a light period.
Light Period Causes
1. Hormonal Imbalance
2. Excessive Physical Activities
3. Persistent Endometritis
4. Sheehan’s Syndrome
5. Asherman’s Syndrome
6. Pregnancy
7. Genes
8. Being a Teenager
9. Taking Medications
10. Sudden Weight Loss or Weight Gain
When period is scanty, menstrual blood is often too light or, on the contrary, too dark. The menstrual cycle is usually normal but duration of a period is less than 3 days, though in previous cycles it was about 6 days. That is a weighty reason to consult a gynecologist.
Light period shouldn’t be a reason for concern in young girls, whose cycle hasn’t established yet. Women, aged 40-50 years old. who have scanty periods can take this phenomenon as the first symptom of menopause. While 20-40 years old women are in a risk group.
Often women of reproductive age, who have scanty periods, have to deal with infertility issues. Frequently such women have disorders of lipid balance in organism, acne on face, chest and back, low libido and red spots spreading all over the body.
If your periods have become scanty, it’s crucial to determine the cause of your condition, otherwise it’s not possible to start effective treatment.
How to Deal with It
Pubertal or menopausal irregular periods generally do not need to be treated. However, if the irregularity has another cause, the underlying condition will need to be dealt with. You may also consider changing contraceptive method, lifestyle modifications (e.g. gaining or losing weight, cutting back on exercise, or reducing stress), hormonal therapy or surgery to correct any structural problems. Treatment choice may depend on whether you plan on having any children in the future.
You need to call a doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms:
1. Continuous bleeding for more than 7 days.
2. Bleeding that is heavier than usual during your period.
3. Increased pain during menstruation.
4. Missing more than three periods a year.
5. Periods more frequent than every 21 days.
6. Periods less frequent than every 35 days.
Your doctor may conduct a physical examination and will test to see if health conditions and pregnancy can be ruled out.