
Reality Sandwich, a magazine curating content for transformational culture, is expected to launch a fully redesigned site early this week.

Curious about what to expect?

For starters, more community participation: upvotes, downvotes, videos, news streams and more.

Here’s an interview that co-founder and editor-in-chief, Ken Jordan, did with Zoe Helene at Huffington Post:


What are some of the major changes on the new site?

We’re continuing to do all the things we currently do on Reality Sandwich — the long articles, the essays, the different features. I like that most people think of Reality Sandwich as a place to go for a full range of long, in-depth articles about transformational culture, so that will stay the same.

We’re adding a way to post a lot of short, newsy little posts from our editors and the community that creates a continual stream about what’s happening in the scene. We’ll still have our writers, but we want to add a special community area where anybody can post and the community can vote up or down when they find something they think is interesting. What rises up gets attention, and our editors will keep an eye on that. If we see something there that will resonate with a broader readership and fits our editorial mission, we can promote things from the community area into the curated areas.

You’re curating.

We’re curating Reality Sandwich and editing some, but for the most part we’re expecting a lot of people who have been following Reality Sandwich to write more quick informational posts and share more news links. Some people will be putting up a lot of stuff, and the community will start to learn who those people are. Some of those folks will get a lot of attention, and we’ll notice them and then we’ll ask them to become regular writers and maybe we’ll bring them onto the team. We’ll have a lot more of a flow that’s coming straight from the scene.

I’m anxious to get my hands on a more community driven social news platform, similar to Reddit, but dedicated to alternative media and spiritual counterculture. But, how about you? What are your thoughts on the relaunch? Please share below.

The post Reality Sandwich 2.0! appeared first on disinformation.

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