
About LOSE YOUR FAT, NOT YOUR MIND: The FASTEST way to lose weight naturally, boost energy and reduce sugar cravings in 7 easy steps! by Adrian Padula:

This NEW edition includes BONUS recipes, a 7-day meal plan and an easy to follow, step-by-step 30-day transformation program! Also included with this book is FREE 24/7 online support plus FREE resources.This book is a must-have guide to help support your weight loss journey and your quest for better health. Written by a nutritionist, personal trainer and chef with over 20 years experience in the industry, this guide includes important tips to lose weight fast by eating healthy and delicious foods. Healthy eating need not be boring or difficult, and to lose weight for life, all you need is a complete weight loss plan that will help support your goals.What should you expect from this program?Can you expect to look like the cover model of Shape or Men’s Fitness magazine? ANYTHING is possible! You can achieve ANY goal with the right amount of purposeful action, motivation and dedication. What you SHOULD expect though, is to:*LOSE ABOUT 2 POUNDS OF FAT A WEEK.*DESTROY YOUR SUGAR CRAVINGS.*DRAMATICALLY BOOST YOUR ENERGY LEVELS.*FEEL MORE SELF-CONFIDENCE AND SELF-ESTEEM.*STILL ENJOY LIFE.Your results will depend on how closely you follow this program, whether or not you exercise, and how committed you are to making a positive change.This book will also show you:*How to switch on your fat-burning hormones.*How to prevent chronic diseases.*How to prepare healthy recipes for weight loss.*How certain additives in everyday foods are not only preventing you from losing weight, but also ageing you prematurely.*How to structure meal plans for weight loss.*How to enjoy ALL of your favorite foods in moderation.*How to make this program a part of your life so that you can enjoy being your ideal weight, as well as enjoying the benefits of improved health.Consider this book to be a very small investment in your health. Stop reading books from authors who have no experience working with real people, authors who fail to give you the right tools that will enable you to look and feel the best you can be. You only have ONE life and ONE body. Decide to be the very best version of yourself!

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Author Bio:

Adrian Padula is a certified nutritionist, personal trainer and chef with over 20 years of experience. Adrian became deeply interested in the unhealthy relationships that often develop with the foods we eat, and the effects that food can have both on our body and mind.His keen interest in health and fitness led him to discover the truth behind how we all should be eating, not only for weight loss, but also to boost our energy levels, improve our mental state and also to help us to live longer. This involved many years of research, allowing Adrian to test his findings on his clients and help them achieve both their short-term and long-term goals.Adrian’s ultimate passion is to help others look and feel their best, through information, motivation and inspiration!For a personalised 7-day diet plan based on your goals and lifestyle, email absolut_adrian@hotmail.com for more details.

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