

"There are no easy conversations left in America-

it's going to take hard work."

"There is no 'right' way to vote for a wrong
$762,868.77 severance package."
Kathy Hamilton, Vice-Chairman College of DuPage

500 plus citizens showed up

ABC, CBS, NBC, WGN TV nightly newscasts

Chicago Tribune, Daily Herald, Suburban Life News, Naperville Sun wrote lead pieces

State Representatives Peter Breen and Jeanne Ives

Candidates for College of DuPage Board of Trustees- including Deanne Mazzochi, Frank Napolitano, Charles Bernstein, Claire Ball, Roger Kempa, Sandy Pihos, and Joseph Wozniak delivered public comments

Support for Medal of Honor Sgt. Robert Miller speaker- Bob Kaye

Band of Mothers founder, Beverly Perlson

Good Government Groups including Edgar County Watchdogs, Americans For Prosperity, DuPage United, IL State Tea Party, West Suburban Patriots, American Transparency, For The Good of Illinois and many others attended and spoke out

The College Of DuPage Faculty Association Glenn Hansen and Richard Jarman spoke

Attorneys representing many top-notch local and nationally branded law firms

Crowd Voices Dismay at College of DuPage Presidents Exit Deal

by Dick Johnson | NBC 5- Chicago

Watch the NBC broadcast report here

College of DuPage Trustees Approve Buyout,
Despite Community Outrage

By John Garcia | ABC News- Chicago

Watch the ABC broadcast report here

Over 75 regular people gave public comment for over three hours. Watch as I aggressively battled the legalities of this outrageous payment.

Our lawyers - Timothy Elliott, Charlie Philbrick, and Jordan Franklin - convinced Judge Bonnie Wheaton to force COD to open a large room to accommodate the 500 citizens. Read Chicago Tribune article

State Rep. Jack Franks (D- Marengo) threatened to withhold $1.25 million of state funding.

The pressure was intense on this college board...  in fact, the board stood up (for the first time in three meetings) for the pledge of allegiance. The board blamed previous COD boards. Incredibly, Trustee Savage blamed the 500 citizens for not showing up--  years earlier. Chairman Erin Birt repeatedly stated that she takes this stuff seriously. Really?

And then they rubber-stamped 6-1 the $762,868.77 severance package of the college President. Read Daily Herald recap story here.

The coalition united against this action was formidable and non-partisan. But, for many people in the audience, these were their supposed "friends" - a Republican majority board. The coalition feels sold out.

Last night, this board told the people that their voice doesn't matter.  In the April elections, three board seats are on the ballot.  At the ballot box, the people must speak with their vote.

For The Good of Illinois.


Founder & Chairman, For The Good of Illinois

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