

Welcome to Love and Comics, a spectacular display into the art of amore. San Diego Comic-Con brings creators and artists to the forefront of their fan base. With signings and appearances, industry professionals have an opportunity to reach out to their comic community and share in the festivities that is San Diego Comic-Con. This year we had the privilege of interviewing the creator of Dark Horse’s stand-out hit, Lady Killer, Joëlle Jones. Read below for an exclusive interview with Jones and find out more on the second arc of the hit series.


LoveAndComics: Go ahead and please give us your name and your current project.

Joëlle Jones: I’m Joelle Jones and I write and draw Lady Killer.

LoveAndComics: Thank you Joelle, so I know you work with Jamie S. Rich on this project. What is that collaborative process like for the both of you?
Joëlle Jones: Lady Killer has been a little bit different than the other books we have done in the past. I basically write out the full script and then I draw it. He’ll look it over in the very end and kind of tweak the dialogue and make it seem a lot slicker than it is.

LoveAndComics: It seems like it is sort of your baby and you’ve really put a lot of your heart and work into it. Especially with the success of Lady Killer, both being a fan favorite and personal favorite, what has been some of your favorite parts of the series?

Joëlle Jones: I wanted to do it for years and I sat on it for three years. I had to wait until I had a break in my schedule to actually start drawing it. It’s just been so fun. I didn’t think I would like writing and I love it but I don’t know if it’s cause I think writing is fun or I just really love the series. It just feels like I’m allowed to play with imagination all day long, it’s been great.

LoveAndComics: What have been some of your inspirations behind Josie’s design as well as her characterization?

Joëlle Jones: Inspirations. I mean I really love old movies and I kind of wanted her character to have a mix of Katherine Hepburn with a little bit of Goldie Hawnn from the 60’s. I like the bubbly personality but also something really strong underneath.

LoveAndComics: Do you have a favorite golden era movie that you just love to come back to?

Joëlle Jones: Probably…Notorious. You got to see it. It’s pretty dark, it doesn’t seem like a love story but I love it. It’s fantastic. It’s Hitchcock.

LoveAndComics: Again with the art direction you have on Lady Killer, you have complete control of everything you want in it, I’ve found that the series itself has an elegant violence to it in the way that the splash pages go and the action scenes but the wardrobe is really what stands out to me. You have such an exquisite taste for how you dress her, do you have designers you really call to or that you like to draw inspirations from?

Joëlle Jones: You know it depends on each character. I think Josie, for sure, I like to of course put her in those Dior silhouette. It’s my favorite look on her. I know as the comic progresses in time I’m going to do less and less of those silhouettes and that’s sad for me. It’s moving more into a sleeker style, which I’m enjoying.

LoveAndComics: Is that a movement in time in terms of the time period?

Joëlle Jones: Yes, time period. So the clothes are going to change with each book.

LoveAndComics: Speaking of the next arc or book, what are you most excited about coming up? What is in store for Josie?

Joëlle Jones: They move to Cocoa beach, Florida. I am beyond excited to do like a Florida kitsch-tiki sort of over the top just tacky Florida stuff.

LoveAndComics: I see a lot of greens! Greens and Palm Tree’s.

Joëlle Jones: Yes! I’m very excited. I think Florida is a really good place to set the book because it is these pastels, these tropical, mixed with this really gritty, dark, violent streak and wierdos.

LoveAndComics: Is she just going to go from suburb to beach? Is that the vibe?

Joëlle Jones: It’s set in 1964 and that’s when a lot of the astronauts were moving there so she’s going to live in an affluent community in Cocoa Beach.

LoveAndComics: What’s the deal with Josie’s mother-in-law? Anything you can give us without spoiling too much? Should we be keeping an eye out for her?

Joëlle Jones: Oohh…haha. I love her. Yeah, she’s so mean. She is definitely going to be playing a bigger role in this next arc. Her and Josie’s are going to have to come to a head at some point.

LoveAndComics: Ok, so we’re not sure exactly what team she is playing for yet?

Joëlle Jones: Yeah…she’s very mysterious. I have a blast drawing her. I love the victory rolls and the crinkly old face and the big glasses.

LoveAndComics: I actually write an article about love and romance in comic books. It’s been the central theme of my writing. The relationship that Josie has with her husband is something that I’ve always been curious about. Now is that kind of just a front? Or is there some real love in there? Could you speak to that?

Joëlle Jones: I was very conscious. I want there to be a definite love. I want her to love her husband and I want that to be the glue that keeps her with her family. She loves her husband and she loves her children. So many times in these stories where it’s a housewife, I think they demonize the men a little bit. He’s a man of his time, he is a little bit out of what is progressive for woman but he is a man of his time. There is a true sweet love between them.

LoveAndComics: Happy to hear that, It’s nice when the romance settings have a nice backdrop to them.

Joëlle Jones: Yeah I don’t want to mess with their marriage. People have asked me if he’s going to find out and leave her. No matter what happens they do love each other very much.

LoveAndComics: I find a lot of similarities to some of the romance comics that I personally read because romance comics, at least in the golden age for comics, are such piece-periods. They’re piece-periods that spoke to the times as well as the clothing. I felt like your book really did the same.
Joëlle Jones: I went through a huge phase in my mid-twenties where I just devoured all of them. I loved them and I still do but I was definitely influenced like art style. They’re just so beautiful and elegant and something about those books I love.

LoveAndComics: A part of my writing is romance and comics but also dating advice, some of which is satire. What is like your ideal/perfect date you want to go on? Any person can take you out, what do they got to do to win you over?

Joëlle Jones: I like something different. I can’t stand, I mean it’s fine, but no going out to the movies…dinner is boring. Something interesting! Take me to a monster-truck rally or a tractor pull.
LoveAndComics: Have you been to those yet (monster truck rallys)?
Joëlle Jones: Yes I have! Something interesting that we can talk about. Something out of the ordinary.

LoveAndComics: Ok! How about best dating advice?

Joëlle Jones: Best dating advice? umm..practice safe sex?! HAHA. First thing that comes to mind.

LoveAndComics: Haha, I’ll market it. That’s important. So a fun question, What’s on your Netflix queue or DVR?

Joëlle Jones: Oh that’s embarrassing! HAHA. I have a terrible obsession with really dark documentaries. Like murder or serial killers. I just finished one on H.H. Holmes.

LoveAndComics: Alright! Well you’re doing your research for Lady Killer.

Joëlle Jones: Yeah, we’ll just say that.

LoveAndComics: Thank you for your time, I really appreciate you doing this and I’m excited to see what else is in store for Lady Killer both as a romance enthusiasts and a fan of your work.

Joëlle Jones: Yeah! Absolutely and thank you!

Stay up to date with creator Joëlle Jones over at her tumblr and her twitter @Joelle_Jones. Thanks for the love and be sure to write in suggestions, comments, questions, or PDA’s on Instagram: @eatgeekplay or @loveandcomics

, #Artists, #ComicConInternational, #ComicCon, #Comicbooks, #Comics, #Creators, #DarkHorse, #DarkHorseComics, #JoelleJones, #LadyKiller, #Love, #LoveAndComics, #Romance, #SanDiegoComicCon2015, #SDCC2015, #Writers, Artists, Comic con international, Comic-con, Comicbooks, comics, Creators, Dark Horse, dark horse comics, Joelle Jones, Lady Killer, love, LoveAndComics, romance, San Diego Comic-Con 2015, SDCC2015, Writers

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