1. St. George’s Anglican Church Owen Sound is looking for a Pastor of Family Ministry, Part Time. Please check the diocesan website: http://www.diohuron.org/what/HR/employment/2016/Family%20-%20Owen%20Sound.pdf or contact the office atsgac@bmts.com or call 519-376-3287 for a more complete job description.
2. Erin Dance Benefit Concert - All Saints Waterloo is proud to present Rev Matt "Elvis" Martin for one night only, Friday, September 23 at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $20 each, available in advance at All Saints Waterloo or by calling 519-884-6600 and reserving your ticket. All proceeds from the concert will go directly to www.gofundme.com/helpforerindance in support of Erin Dance's medical cost while she undergoes Leukemia treatment in Houston Texas. For more information please visit https://www.facebook.com/events/532610256940328/
3. All Saints' Church, London warmly invites you to attend the festivities of our "Celebration Weekend" September 23-25.Join us for all activities as we celebrate All Saints' being a presence in the Hamilton Rd. community for 110 years. We begin withEvensong on Friday, September 23 and follow with numerous activities on Saturday, September 24: an art display by local London artists and L' Arche London, historical display and walking tour of All Saints Parish as well as silent auction items. Sunday, Sept. 25 (following our 10:30 service): the unveiling of a historic plaque that has been donated by the London Historical Society.
4. St. Paul's Cathedral Electronics Recycling Fundraiser – Friday, September 23, noon – 5:30 pm; Saturday, September 24, 10 am – 5 pm; Sunday September 25, 11:30 am – 1 pm. Drop off your electronics for free environmentally responsible recycling. Recycle free of charge: TVs, VCRs, DVDs, computers, monitors, printers, photocopiers, telephones, MP3 players and more… Enter driveway of Queens Ave, just west of Clarence St. For more info contact David Greenslade atewasteATstpauls@yahoo.com. Every pound of electronics dropped off during the event will help raise money!
5. St. James’ Church, Cambridge – Worship with our St. Paul’s Cathedral Choir – A Service of Evensong on Sunday, September 25th at 5:00 pm at St. James’. Please bring friends and neighbours for a traditionally sung worship service. Free Will Offering. All are welcome.
6. “The Call” concert – St. Michael’s and All Angels Church, London, will be held on Sunday, September 25th at 7:00pm.Come join the St. Michael and All Angels Choir and guests for a wonderful evening of music. Tickets: $10 adult, $5 child, and $25 family. Get your tickets before they are gone!
7. Please join us for our upcoming Anglican Fellowship of Prayer Fall Gathering at St. Jude’s, London on October 1, from 10am to 3pm. Join us as we explore the idea that our different personalities affect our prayer preferences and experiences. Our day will consist of a general discussion on the characteristics of prayer, and a personality assessment, followed by several presentations. These will address how particular personality styles relate to both structured and extemporaneous prayer. As well our day will include the Eucharist, time for fellowship and book browsing.
Snacks provided. Please bring a bag lunch.
Freewill offering taken. To register please contact: Rev’d Kim Metelka: kametelka@gmail.com; 2896 Old Lakeshore Road Bright's Grove, Ontario N0N 1C0; 519-869-2403
or text info to 519-464-8892.
A flyer for this event can also be found at:
8. Cursillo workshops – Cursillo Niagara and Huron Secretariat are hosting following workshops in October:
Saturday, October 1st – St. John the Evangelist, Kitchener http://www.stjohn316.com/. The topic is ‘Study’ – a workshop with practical tips to improve the ways we study, especially the Bible and devotional books.
Saturday, October 29th – St. George’s, Owen Sound http://www.stgeorgesos.ca/. The topic is ‘Prayer’ – a workshop with a practical approach to exploring different methods of communicating with God to improve the quality of regular private prayer for people in different stages of prayer experience.
All are welcome – bring a friend! Registration and coffee begin at 9:30 a.m. Bring a bag lunch. Free will offering. We will be on our way home by 3 p.m. For more information, please contact huroncursillo@gmail.com.
9. Greening Sacred Spaces – an inter-faith workshop. October 1 from 9 am to 12 noon, St. Mark’s Church, Brantford(155 Memorial Drive). This no-cost workshop organized by St. Mark’s in partnership with Faith and the Common Good will introduce you to the Green Audit and will describe how St. Mark's used the results of the Green Audit to improve its building's footprint. We will also have contractors on hand for break-out groups so that you may discuss issues specific to your building (electricity, stained glass, HVAC…). More info – Website: www.stmarks.on.ca; Twitter: @stmarksbford; Facebook:www.facebook.com/stmarksbrantford/. Open to all faith groups.
10. Bishop’s Friends events for 2016
Bishops’ Friends North with Bishop Bob Bennett and Bishop Linda Nicholls – October 6th at St. George’s church in Blue Mountains (Clarksburg). Contact Grayhame Bowcott at rector@stgeorgesclarksburg.ca
Kitchener Waterloo Bishop’s Friends – October 27th at Galt Country Club, Cambridge. Contact Jeff at jsford@bell.net
Bishop’s Friends London Area – November 9th at Sunningdale Golf and Country Club. Contact Bette Fergusonbaferg@sympatico.ca
Essex Windsor Bishop’s Friends – December 7th at the Macedonia Centre. Contact Amanda Gellman amanda@manan.ca
11. On October 1st, 2016 St. Paul's, Stratford will again welcome acclaimed musicians Don Besig and Nancy Price(composers of the well-known dismissal anthem "Go Now in Peace") from Rochester for a Music Workshop. Each participant will receive 20 anthems to keep for their music ministry. The workshop is for everyone, singers of all skill levels and from all denominations. The registration fee is $50 per participant, and the day runs from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm and includes lunch. Don and Nancy will teach a range of anthems in praise of God. Call 519-271-4527 or email jechidley@rogers.com to register.Registration deadline is September 7th, 2016. We look forward to this day in which God will be glorified!
12. Friday, October 14, Elvis Concert – “Strathroy All Shook Up” – 7 p.m. at St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church, 34 Head St. North, Strathroy. Tickets $15. For tickets call 519 245-2131.
13. Go Tell It on the Mountain, 7th Annual Festival of Biblical Storytelling, Friday October 14 and Saturday October 15, Church of St. John the Evangelist, 12 Carleton St. S., Thorold, ON (near Niagara Falls). The Festival is organized by The Network of Biblical Storytellers – Canada.
14. The Common Cup Company in Concert – Songs of life and faith. St. Thomas’ Anglican Church, Seaforth, Sunday, October 30 at 2:00 pm, corner of Jarvis and John Streets. Tickets $20.00 per person. Contact: St. Thomas’ Church at 519-527-1522. St. Thomas’ worship space is wheelchair accessible.
15. The 40th Anniversary of women to the priesthood will be celebrated on November 28th, 29th, and November 30th, for all women priests. The celebration will be held in Stratford. Please mark your calendar for this event. More information will be coming out shortly. Facebook group is up: https://www.facebook.com/ordinationofwomen/
16. MARK YOUR CALENDAR: NOVEMBER 26 at 1 pm – The Welcome and Seating of a Bishop in the Cathedral: Rt. Rev. Linda Nicholls as 13th Bishop of Huron. St. Paul’s Cathedral, London. All are welcome!