
1.       The Primate’s CBC interview following General Synod:




Bishop Linda Nicholls’ CBC interview following General Synod:



2.       We are excited that The Diocese of Huron is Co-Hosting with our Lutheran Friends The National Worship Conference.  The theme this year is Formation & Reformation: Worship, Justice, and God's Mission. This conference will be held from July 24-27 at Laurier in Waterloo.  Join our Primate Fred Hiltz and Lutheran National Bishop Susan Johnson for a tremendous opportunity to explore worship and issues of justice. Please visit the webpage http://www.

nationalworshipconference.org  NOTE:  This qualifies as Continuing Education.

3.       Good News from Huron Church Camp! Another season filled with faith, fun and friends is underway! Are your young people signed up? If not please invite families with children and youth both inside and outside your parish communities! There is still lots of room in our week-long camps for children ages six to fourteen, grades one to eight. Bursary support is available.

Go to our website www.huronchurchcamp.ca

to sign up today! For more information contact us at 519-434-6893 ext 217 orhuronchurchcamp@gmail.com

Share this glimpse of summer at HCC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?


4.       The Diocese of Huron 2016 Golf Tournament – Saturday, September 17, Pine Knot Golf and Country Club, Dorchester. All proceeds raised go to the Faith-In-Action Trust Fund for Outreach Ministry in Huron. Registration fee of $145 includes: 18 holes of golf with cart; lunch, dinner, photos, prizes & silent auction gifts and $25 tax receipt. This May we helped 17 charities with $11,000 from our event. For info on Sponsorship Opportunities contact: Paul Rathbone, 519.434.6893 ext. 240. To register contact: Rev. Daniel Bowyer, 519.301.9873 or hurongolf@gmail.com

5.       The 40th Anniversary of women to the priesthood will be celebrated on November 28th, 29th, and November 30th, for all women priests. The celebration will be held in Stratford. Please mark your calendar for this event. More information will be coming out shortly. Facebook group is up: https://www.facebook.com/


6.       MARK YOUR CALENDAR: NOVEMBER 26 – The Installation of Rt. Rev. Linda Nicholls as 13th Bishop of Huron. St. Paul’s Cathedral, London. More details to follow.

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