
It’s Wednesday and time for the Kid Lit Blog Hop and my story. 

As you know I love reading books at night in bed…I even need to keep one of the books with me in the bed…just in case I want to look at it when I get up in the morning, but it’s too early to call Mommy.

You want to hear something really cool? Mommy said she is going to start buying books from Scholastic Reading Club through my daycare. This way my own library grows, I LOVE having lots of my own books.  

Besides books, I like to read Ranger Rick Jr. magazines. My LaLa and PopPop bought me these magazines. There are so many great things to learn in Ranger Rick Jr. magazine. Plus Mommy had these magazines when she was a little girl.

In the magazine there is…

always a story about Chester and Bonnie

a story about Ricky Raccoon and his friends

new animals and things they can do

hidden pictures, activities for me to try

pictures other kids drew

a pull-out poster.

Did you want to know what I learned???

Ducks can waddle across an icy pond

Cheetahs can’t roar

Lizards squirt blood out of their eyes

Panda babies are really small when they are born

Tree frogs are the size of my small finger

Tree frogs can’t hop, but they crawl

Red fox have red fur, black feet, and yellow eyes. I have brown eyes.

Cheetahs run very fast

Zebras jump over each other

Gorillas climb up trees

Raccoon can do pull-ups on branches

White-Tailed deer baby have white spots, but when they grow up the spots disappear.

 What do you know about animals? 

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