
charlie ok so who is doing their homework?

guardian count me out, been busy with family

Jade Hey Moppy, chandler1, b1955 .. we are just being wacky over this chat being back...

Jade Watched and read a lot this am

charlie Please watch this now if you can: http://www.dinarspeculator.com/conte...MONEY-CREATION

gigi3 Thanks, Charlie.

Jade Watched this earlier...very good!

guardian that was excellent!

gigi3 Very useful.

Jade Makes me want to study North Dakota and start our own banking system!

gigi3 I thought about that this afternoon, Jade.

guardian i'm sending it out right now to my email contacts

gigi3 Good plan, G.

charlie Jade you are right

guardian could be, but i don't know

Jade Ok, lets study

charlie did anyone watch the oil videos?

Jade yes

charlie http://www.dinarspeculator.com/conte...ergy-Economics

charlie http://www.dinarspeculator.com/conte...Peak-Cheap-Oil

charlie http://www.dinarspeculator.com/conte...5087-Shale-Oil

charlie http://www.dinarspeculator.com/conte...nd-the-Economy

charlie Jade, you are on your game!

charlie my chats will avail little without watching and reading what i post

Jade Have seen a current - today - report that the US oil is not decreasing right now?

charlie it will in the next month

Jade I love how they swear it is not crashing ... fill up the tank and cherish the royalty check!!

charlie it will be down to 600,000 barrels per day by june

charlie there's a lag from rig to production numbers http://srsroccoreport.com/shale-oil-...r-day-by-june/

Jade G, willyou show me later how to send those you tubes please

Jade I knew it had to happen ... you saw the ero is at its lowest point in 12 yrs?

guardian ok



guardian i am still in shock 8-| after seeing that video, i had no clue the Federal Reserve was that bad

guardian drawn on an account that has NOTHING in it...geesh!

Jade That's why I want to study the banking system in North Dakota ... they got away from Fed reserve

charlie nothing at all

guardian me too Jade

charlie private banks can be fed free

guardian that's a relief

Jade and loan only what they have

charlie i will get into money creation tonight

charlie we own dinars

charlie where do they come from?


charlie when we look at M0, M1, M2 we need to understand why it goes up, and up, and up and up and....

Jade Mine came from a company in USA

Jade Getting educated properly!!

Roadrunner good deal Jade

guardian just fine, soaking up info

Roadrunner absolutely excellent!!

Jade What is M0 M1 M2 ?

guardian money supply

charlie If you didn't get a chance to watch the videos before tonight's chat, I advise you watch afterwards and then review the chat again

Roadrunner different tiers

charlie yes i posted the definitions in the glossary

charlie http://www.dinarspeculator.com/showt...-The-Three-M-s

Jade Right..ok

charlie Just did that a few minutes ago

Roadrunner thank-you Charlie

charlie you are welcome roadrunner

charlie at some point i need to make a beginners guide, because we will be moving on very fast going forward

charlie the money people try to confuse us, they do a good job at it

Roadrunner that is for sure

Jade That would be good - have memory issues anyway

charlie roadrunner, have you seen our other chats yet?

Roadrunner very nice chat last night

Roadrunner I have seen 2 of them Charlie

charlie good!

Roadrunner I am catching up on the reading

charlie we have so much to cover, i may have lost a few with long drawn out boring non-dinar conversation but it's all connected

Roadrunner one can never learn too much

Roadrunner and then associate it together for the bigger picture

gigi3 I need to study it so I can articulate it... as suggested.

charlie so i begin tonight with a very important question: where does money in the our central banking system come from?

charlie if you watched the video on money creation, you might be shocked

Jade I guess we print it as wa ted

charlie we were asked by our parents: "do you think it grows on trees?"

tudor WOW!!!

Roadrunner tax payers, stock market,, list is long

charlie truth is stranger than fiction

charlie it comes from THIN AIR!


Roadrunner there ya go

tudor charlie, what a cool room!!

charlie HEY TUDOR!!!

tudor what did you do in here lol

Jade Welcome T

tudor its cool!

charlie so how does it come from thin air?

tudor hey Jade

charlie fractional banking allows banks to take your money deposits (anywhere from 90% to 100%) and loan it out at interest

preacher man It's just printed like ours

tudor Roadrunner!! hey sweety

tudor hows your back?

charlie most of the money in circulation is not printed

tudor nope, digital isnt it?

charlie it's keystrokes on a computer into a system

Jade Yes, the minute we got into here!

Roadrunner not good tudor- but managing- thanks

charlie so lets say Jade goes to the bank and deposits $1,000

charlie the bank credits her account with $1000, puts $100 in the vault

charlie Tudor walks in and asks for a $900 loan

tudor alrighty lol

charlie they take Jade's money and give Tudor $900 because legally the can

tudor and I run like he......

tudor jk

charlie how much money now exists

charlie 1000 + 900

Jade right behind you

charlie Tudor goes to the store and buys a computer so she can chat on DS

tudor good for me!

guardian what about all the NSF Fees they incur?! (lol)

charlie the store owner deposits $900

charlie what do you think happens next?

guardian oh that's right, they're exempt

charlie the bank takes the 900, puts 90 in the account and then borrow 810

guardian they loan out the $900

Roadrunner and the cycle is complete

guardian and a very vicious cycle

tudor thats amazing charlie

charlie and this goes on until a $1,000 deposit becomes $10,000

gigi3 No wonder debt accumulates so quickly!

tudor do I get to keep the 900 hahahaha

charlie if we go back to the beginning of the process at the Fed, it's more astonishy

gigi3 YOU get to pay the interest!

charlie yes exactly

charlie the Fed lends money to the govt at interest

charlie money that doesnt even exist

jerry but Fed Reserve pays dividends to owners!

charlie if you lent me money by writing a check, i would deposit that check

charlie yes the owners are the banks

jerry sorry got ahead of you

charlie 6%

charlie good one jerry, not ahead

charlie i like the fact you are engaged!

tudor thats better charlie

jerry lol

charlie tudor thanks! i need my chat to stand out more

tudor that will do it lol

tudor perfect!

charlie but this might be over doing it!

jerry u stand out now!

tudor WHOA!!

charlie sorry

tudor hahahah

charlie how is this?

guardian yea that one smarts!

tudor nice, that stands out now

Roadrunner I am not blind in one eye

guardian last one is good

Roadrunner now^

Jade Great

tudor slightly larger than the rest, just right

charlie i'll go with blue too

tudor good choice lol

guardian yes good choice

charlie to understand how the fed works, please watch the video, it's animated and entertaining

charlie the CBI was created similarly

charlie iraq is a smaller version and does things slightly differently

charlie but when we hear someone talk about currency circulation, we need to understand that the increase is a product of economic growth

charlie i have heard lopsters talk about "whoa, look at the amount of dinars in circulation! lop time!'

charlie they don't know what they are talking about

charlie an economy that is growing, under this system, will naturally experience a growth in currency

charlie as iraq's gdp grow's, so will the the amount of dinars (not printed, but in computers)

charlie the issuance of bonds is a way to increase money supply as the govt borrows

charlie bonds are simply IOU's

charlie anyone can buy them, the big players are banks and central banks

charlie they gain interest and if the country (like the US) is relative stable, it's a good safe investment and a hedge against inflation

charlie money that sits devalues

charlie you need to stay ahead of your own inflation

charlie remember that rising prices is the sympton of inflation, which is simply the increase in money supply

charlie lets take a look at ira

charlie iraq

charlie http://www.tradingeconomics.com/iraq/money-supply-m0

charlie click the first year and change to 2003

charlie do the same for all three

charlie http://www.tradingeconomics.com/iraq/money-supply-m1

charlie http://www.tradingeconomics.com/iraq/money-supply-m2

tudor oh wow! what a change

charlie now look at gdp

charlie http://www.tradingeconomics.com/iraq/gdp

tudor all three went up dramatically

tudor make that all four

charlie gdp since 2006 as reported is nearly 5 times more

charlie this is why money supply increased in iraq

charlie businesses and people are borrowing to do whatever it is they are doing

charlie another chart to look at since 2003 is oil production

charlie http://www.tradingeconomics.com/iraq...oil-production

tudor bumpier, but still way up

charlie this is one of my favorites - gold reserves

charlie http://www.tradingeconomics.com/iraq/gold-reserves

tudor big jump

preacher man What about all the money that was skimmed off the top from all of the corruption?

preacher man Is it a total loss, or will they be able to get that back?

jerry holy maceral (sp)

charlie money is money regardless of who's hand's its in

guardian they found Maliki's and Sharistani's at HSBC

charlie nathan rothschild created an empire that is worth 1 trillion

tudor they are working to get some of it back

guardian and a few more people there

charlie but its a good question preacher man

charlie the oil in that ground is greater than anything that iraq does wrong in the beginning, yes 10 years is still a beginning

jerry do they really have all that gold?

charlie yes, but not in country

jerry got it

charlie which is always a concern, nonetheless they have a claim

charlie so shifting back to money supply

charlie if your money grows and your gdp doesn't, you got a big problem

charlie unless you are the US and all your money is in central banks around the world

charlie the fed introduced nearly 4 trillion since 2008 into our system

jerry all in key strokes or gold

charlie keystrokes

jerry figures

charlie the dollar flows farther than any currency

charlie it travels the world

charlie china owns 1.3 trillion in dollars

charlie japan is closely behind

charlie iraq doesn't flow the same

charlie dinar circulation to gdp in iraq is truer than dollars

charlie iraq wants a stable currency and they really do have one

charlie give me a minute...

tudor but they need more value

tudor heck, we need them to have more value lol

Jade they will before we collect!

guardian stable because backed by gold?

tudor very true Jade

charlie good point tudor - value vs ?

tudor I think your right guardian

charlie gold immensely helps to stabilize

charlie value vs the euro - the dinar increased

tudor yes

charlie http://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?fr...to=EUR&view=1M

charlie so you are right, we want value, but we want value vs the dollar

charlie we can only increase vs the dollar by depegging

tudor and value that is internationally traded

charlie i believe that when the world economies are shaken, and i believe this will happen within 2 years, the reset will be a look at your natural inventories

charlie what does your country bring to the game

charlie got gold? good

charlie got oil? better

charlie pause for a minute and realize the the 20th century was ALL ABOUT OIL in terms of progress

tudor natural gas is good too isnt it?

charlie IT STILL IS

charlie yes but only for certain purposes

charlie all energy is not equal

tudor agreed

charlie it's in the oil videos (Tp)

charlie i keep going back to oil because there is NO ECONOMY in the world without oil

charlie our systems are built around it

tudor black gold

charlie it will take decades for us to change and even then, you won't get the same energy

charlie it is black gold

charlie not to mention all the products made from it

jerry we stock pile natural gas too

charlie yes natural gas is good, for heating and cooking and other things

jerry and practilly in my back yard

charlie OIL IS KING

charlie heavy grade middle east oil is KINGER

jerry I agree

tudor hahahaha

charlie i will fast forward to the fact that OIL is more important than just about anything on the face of the natural earth except water

charlie and maybe dirt (@)

charlie we need dirt for food

charlie most of us came to dinars because of oil

Jade For water too

charlie by golly we were right!

Roadrunner and toast

guardian lol

tudor hahaha

charlie politics and banking and all the other things that come in between

charlie i love toast

charlie butter

charlie olive oil

Jade jam

tudor honey

charlie so lets roll this back to the CBI and the creation of dinars

Jade garlic bread

Roadrunner all good condiments

charlie they can create dinars

jerry goodnight all, nice to have the old chat system back

tudor night jerry

charlie it wont be on the backs of iraqis

charlie it will be on every drop of oil

charlie its not represented yet

charlie because the US controls iraq - though many might disagree

charlie just look at their central bank reserves and you will see who's side they're on

charlie but i believe that will change soon

preacher man If we started using our own oil, wouldn't that throw a kink in Middle East oil?

charlie we can't because our refineries are not made for light grade like shale

charlie in a free for all, the US has oil it needs

charlie it would need to change the system

charlie but that costs money

charlie and the oil industry won't spend unnecessarily

charlie it prefers to export oil

charlie let the country import all it wants

charlie http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of...oil_production

charlie http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articl...ertaking-saudi

charlie bottom line is the US needs it's oil

charlie we consume more than any country - its not close

charlie but back to iraq

tudor night RR

Jade by RR

charlie the global reset will allow iraq to reposition itself

charlie the reset is not and "if" but a "when"

charlie at which point, OIL will be placed in the fore front

tudor hope that when is almost here

charlie Saudi Arabia is spending more money on military than any country in the world

charlie it knows that the neighborhood is about to get rough

charlie like it never was :)

charlie good night rr

guardian is it true that Saudi Arabia is running out of oil, therefore, reverting to selling solar as a backup plan?

Jade war over their oil?

charlie the world is a coiled spring about to explode

charlie saudis are pumping lots of water out of their wells

charlie it's costing them more

guardian ohoh

charlie this is the natural process

charlie watch the peak oil video

charlie peak cheap oil

charlie the first half life of an oil well is the most profitable

charlie the second half is the most expensive

charlie iraq is between saudi arabia and iran

charlie both claim to have the most oil

charlie wonder who does -----> my bet is iraq

tudor mine too

charlie so iraq isn't troubled by the dinar

charlie it is stable

charlie they are buying gold

charlie imitating china and russia

charlie it is possible they china goes to a gold standard

charlie but that won't happen until its the last nail in the dollars coffin

charlie many countries are chasing gold

charlie including the swiss

charlie iraq is doing all the right things to stabilize and prepare itself for the reset

charlie it needs to dump dollars and add gold

charlie that is what you need to look for

charlie the dinar isn't an overnight game

charlie but the stakes are very high

charlie http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-0...-foreign-trade

charlie i wont get into the topic of iran tonight

charlie dont know if we are ready for it

charlie the picture is painted they want nuclear power to build bombs

charlie iran has more oil than anybody

guardian the petro "dollar" and oil work hand in hand, aren't they stuck with the dollar?

charlie but they need to use it

charlie good question guardian

charlie that's all about to change with the new trade systems being created by the BRICS nations

charlie SWIFT was the way the US controlled the world

charlie you cant move money, bank to bank without it

charlie but now china http://rt.com/business/239189-china-...-system-ready/

charlie russia http://rt.com/business/204459-russia...t-alternative/

charlie folks, the next 20 years wont be like the last 20 years

charlie the world is changing and this is why we are looking for war wherever we can find it

charlie dinars are on the sidelines watching

charlie so are many other currencies and assets

charlie hard assets

charlie we aren't hearing about this because CONFIDENCE IN THE DOLLAR is TOO IMPORTANT FOR OUR BANKERS

charlie i've been having two conversations since i started chatting

charlie one is about the dollar

charlie the other about the dinar

tudor and you do it so well lol

charlie we have studied the dinar ad nauseum for 10+ years

charlie no one has looked at the dollar

charlie the dinar is FINE

charlie it has a good pulse, it's eating well and some days it gets some exercise

charlie the dollar is another story

guardian when they decide to dump the petro dollar, do you see another Great Depression?

charlie and because we are in a dollar economy, it matters to dinar holders or owners of other currencies


charlie yes Guardian, or war

charlie we are pawns

charlie hug your children if you have them

guardian sorry to hear that

guardian move to another country?

charlie we've pawned off our future, there is not vengeance like a woman scorned

charlie or debt

tudor no where to me is greater than the USA

charlie some think so but no

charlie we can position ourselves

guardian Puerto Rico, Balise, Panama ({)

charlie panama is the place that is most friendly

guardian ahhh sounds good

charlie my sources are trying to sell me that but i love america

tudor me too charlie

guardian me too, but we may starve

charlie i think we will figure it out

tudor I could stand to lose a few pounds lol

charlie the american spirit, when given the chance will find a way

guardian lol tudor

tudor I know this is serious, but have to keep humor too

charlie but we need to prepare

charlie haha!!!

charlie we need humor

Jade I'm stocking canned goods

guardian i can eat beans, doesn't bother me

charlie and candy bars toos

charlie too

tudor soups in cans are good too, dont need to be heated

tudor and are moist

charlie if and when you prep, you want things that you will like to eat

Jade and..rotel :)

tudor oh Jade lol, hotttt!!!

guardian lol jade

Jade goes with brown rice

charlie i have an excellent list of things everyone should do to be prepared for anything

charlie and it won't have a link to another site

tudor charlie you should post the list if you dont mind

Jade may we have it?

charlie im not selling anything, just trying to save a few

charlie i will tonight

tudor dont forget the T-paper lol

tudor thanks charlie

guardian store shelves will empty fast, so we need to stock up

charlie i live near big cities, bad place to be

tudor we bought some extra today, not much but every little bit helps

Jade Sam's / COSTCO have cases .. cheaper

tudor yes they do

charlie we aren't talking years, but a few months prep could spare you problems

tudor agree

charlie i drive around all day and see prosperity all around

charlie i say to myself, how could this possibly change

charlie we were very close in 2008

Jade That was when I had to sell silver...bars

charlie http://moneyweek.com/bill-bonner-the...like-a-picnic/

charlie not selling this book but this is a very accurate video

charlie rickards is not to be underestimated

charlie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYW5OGWfqJc

charlie good night and be blessed!

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