Welcome to dinarupdates.com for News Time with Millionday!! Millionday: LETS BEGIN WITH A SUMMARY Millionday: THE INVESTMENT LAW IS PRINTED IN THE GAZETTE Millionday: THE PARLIAMENT SESSION WAS TO BE THE 16TH OF THIS MONTH AND HAS BEEN CHANGED TO THE 19TH Millionday: LET ME COVER ALL TO BE VOTED ON AT THAT SESSION — (THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT ECONOMIC REFORM WILL WAIT FOR THIS SESSION — WE DO NOT KNOW THE DATE) Millionday: THE PARLIAMENT REFORM VOTE — THE FEDERAL COURT ACT — THE AMNESTY LAW — THE LAWS NEEDED FOR LEGISLATING THE NATIONAL RECONCILIATION CONFERENCE Millionday: ALL OF THESE LAWS ARE SO PLANNED TO BE VOTED THROUGH THAT THE FEDERAL AND KURDISTAN IS MEETING NOW AND HAVE BEEN TO MAKE IT GO AS SMOOTHLY AS POSSIBLE Millionday: HUGE HUGE PROGRESS FOR IRAQ AND THE GLOBE WITH THESE IN PLACE Millionday: WHOOOPOW Millionday: OK SO LETS LOOK AT WHAT I COULD PULL — THE MEDIA DUE TO MANY PLANS OF CLEARING TERRORISTIC GROUPS HAS BEEN MONITORED OF COURSE Millionday: MANY OF THE REPORTS ARE OLD SO I HAD TO DO SOME SERIOUS READING AND RESEARCH Millionday: THE ATTACK ON CBI DID NOT — I REPEAT — DID NOT HAPPEN Millionday: HOWEVER — THE REPORT SO MANY COULD NOT TRANSLATE WAS THE AUDIT OF CBI THAT WAS EXPECTED BY MANY — IT IS COMPLETE Millionday: CBI HAS GIVEN LICENSING TO TWO MONEY EXCHANGE COMPANIES AND HAS REPORTED THAT FORMALLY AS WELL Millionday: THE ECONOMIC REFORM THAT IS A HUGE HUGE GLOBAL EVENT IS ON MARCH 6TH — IT IS HOSTED BY CBI AND OF COURSE MASTERCARD AND LICENSED BANKS AND FINANCIAL ENTITIES ETC Millionday: THE LIST IS LONG Millionday: BRB WITH NEWS REPORTS Millionday: NOTE — TENDER IS NOT JUST PAPER ANY MORE IN THE WORLD WE LIVE — OBVIOUSLY IT IS HUGELY ELECTRONIC — THIS REPORTS REFLECTS THAT Millionday: Mustafa al-Hashimi confirmed specialist in the field of internet and software electronic that the impact of technology in marketing and achieve productivity has become clear in Iraq, especially after the spread of use in social sites for advertising, promotion of goods and commodities all. Millionday: NOTE — IT IS SECOND NATURE HERE BUT THIS IS A HUGE PROGRESSION IN IRAQ — Millionday: NOTE — THE LEVEL OF THE PLAYING FIELD IS APPARENT WHEN YOU APPLY ELECTRONIC CAPABILITIES —- THE EXPENSE OF MARKETING ETC IS HUGE — APPLY ELECTRONIC CAPABILITIES AND THAT CHANGES OF COURSE Millionday: NOTE — MANY COUNTRIES INCLUDING OUR OWN HAVE BEEN SLOW IN PRODUCING LEGISLATION FOR INTERNET AND ALL IT BRINGS TO LIGHT — IRAQ HAS MOVED FORWARD WITH LEGISLATION AND THIS WILL TELL US ALOT ABOUT JUST THAT Millionday: He is known that modern technology could have doubled the productivity of workers, but he also said: but they will not achieve it as long as lacking the technical knowledge to be used, indicating that it could lead to the emergence of new business back benefit consumers, according to market needs. complementary reforms and the need to pursue policies to accelerate the pace of reforms in the supplementary production and commercial sectors for the success of this type of trade through the proliferation of Internet service across the country. Millionday: NOTE — THE HUGE PROGRESS OF INTERNET SERVICE HAS A HUGE SPACE IN IRAQ`S PROGRESS AND OPPORTUNITY — THIS IS A HUGE BENEFIT TO THE PRIVATE SECTOR AND THE COUNTRY AS A WHOLE Millionday: He called on stakeholders and specialists to the legislation of new laws, after extensive studies, to regulate this type of trade, which contributes to keep pace with global developments in the field of the use of the digital economy and the organization of trading, selling and buying. It is known and reviewed the process of the use of digital technology in the trade, saying: this activity appeared in Iraq since 2007, but its beginnings were weak because of the situation at the time, stressing that this activity increased pace through local websites announces sale of personal goods and small needs that have reached the stage specializing in these sites to develop into selling real estate, cars and other. Millionday: NOTE — IN 2007 WHEN IRAQ WAS MADE AWARE OF THE NEED FOR LEGISLATION AND THE HUGE BENEFIT THEY COULD TAKE ADVANTAGE OF — IT WAS OBVIOUSLY NOT THE RIGHT TIME DUE TO THE SITUATION AT THE TIME — THIS MEANS THE SITUATION HAS CHANGED Millionday: NOTE — OBVIOUSLY THIS REPORT IS TELLING US THAT THEY WILL BE GOING GLOBAL WITH NEW ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY BEING TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF — HUGE TO BE CALLING FOR THE LEGISLATION IN ORDER TO MOVE FORWARD — WHOOOPOW Millionday: purchase and shopping decisions and was known to draw earlier in the «morning» to the growth of social networking online and increase their impact on the purchase and shopping decisions as a result of the increasing interaction between the users of those networks and their role in the expansion of this trade for graduation from the local framework for regional and external. Millionday: NOTE — THE EXPANSION INTO THE USE OF THIS TOOL WILL EXPEDITE THEIR GROWTH AND THE BEAUTY IS THAT THEY SEE THE FACT Millionday: READ EVERY SINGLE WORD >>>THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT AND VERY TELLING TO SAY THE LEAST Millionday: He noted that the revitalization of this trade and activated in the largest requires the development of the means of electronic payment to meet the requirements of consumers in the region, so as to ensure them the introduction of money into Iraq of their assets abroad, noting that the introduction of money into the country more difficult than taking them out and turn them because strict measures to prevent money laundering operations. electronic credits and stressed known the importance of opening the electronic credits in banks for foreign remittances, especially for users of Visa accounts and MasterCard being widespread and traded widely in all countries of the world. Millionday: NOTE — OBVIOUSLY THE REGULATIONS AND THE EDUCATION OF SUCH IS HUGE AND WILL BE REQUIRED AND IN SOME INSTANCES REQUIRE A HIGHER OVERHEAD — HOWEVER THIS IS TALKING ABOUT THE IRAQIS REACHING OUT AND DOING BUSINESS WITH THE GLOBE AND THE NEED FOR THE LEGISLATION TO BE ACTIVATED FOR INTERNET SALES — WHOOPOW Millionday: THE CALL TO HAVE IT ACTIVATED HAS BEEN MADE TO DO THIS RIGHT AWAY Millionday: READ EVERY WORD OF THIS LAST PART SO YOU COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND Millionday: The central bank had said earlier in the possibility of expanding business banks and companies money transfer and mobile phone companies and the exercise of any of the electronic payment activities in the event of their willingness to work electronic payment services to cash No. 2 system for the year 2014. According to the Central Bank Law No. 56 of 2004 and the system of payment electronic funds mentioned services have been licensed to two companies – by the Central – two (Iraq portfolio company, Asia Company Money) to work Kmzoda electronic payment services via mobile phone in the country. Millionday: SO AS OF NOW — IN 2016 — THERE ARE 2 COMPANIES LISTED — IRAQI PORTFOLIO COMPANY AND ASIA COMPANY MONEY – IMO THIS IS DUE TO THE EDUCATION ALREADY RECEIVED BY THESE TWO COMPANIES — LICENSING WILL OF COURSE REQUIRE MEETING ALL REQUIREMENTS INCLUDING EDUCATION IN THE ELECTRONIC PAYMENT WORLD — VISA — MASTERCARD ETC Millionday: WHOOPOW Imperator: so this is them to bring her toe in the global swimming pool or are they about to do a triple axel up Imperator: board Imperator: my software is terrible mperator: are dipping their toes in or about to dive in head first? Millionday: THIS IS THE CALL OF LEGISLATION TO BE APPLIED SO THAT THEY MAY COMPETE WITH THE LOWER COST AND SPEED WITH NEW TECHNOLOGY AND OF COURSE THE SPEED THIS WILL PROVIDE TO GET THE ‘MADE IN IRAQ’ OUT INTO THE GLOBE SO HUGE ENCOURAGMENT FOR INVESTORS AND ALSO THIS GOES VERY WELLL WITH SINGLE WINDOW ACTIVATION homie: importance of opening the electronic credits in banks for foreign remittances, especially for users of Visa accounts and MasterCard, this sounds huge. Millionday: HOMIE THIS IS MASSIVE Snowflake59: Do you feel that the sanctions being lifted off iran has an effect Millionday: SNOW — I THINK IT WILL IMPACT THE GLOBE BUT THIS OBVIOUSLY WILL IN SOME CASES GIVE THEM A LEG UP AND IMPACT THE PROFIT MARGIN THROUGH COMPETING IN THE REAL MORE ADVANCED WORLD OF ELECTRONIC ABILITY — THE IRAN MOVE COULD BE TALKED ABOUT FOR HOURS BUT — I BITE MY TONGUE — SMILE Millionday: IRAQ WILL BE A MODEL IN MANY AREAS FOR THE REGION OF IRAQ — REMEMBER EVERYTHING BEING APPLIED IS THE NEWEST AVAILABLE IN ALL AREAS Nadita: So Iraq has been busy behind the curtain and now it’s show time. Do you think Iraq is in fact further ahead than what they are disclosing in the news now…??? Nadita: because if you read the article above.. they are not the country that is war torn anymore but about ready to tackle 21st century business and will not be left behind Millionday: I DONT KNOW BUT THEIR REPORTS HAVE ALWAYS BEEN A COUPLE DAYS BEHIND DUE TO TIME ZONE AND ALSO SENSITIVITY ISSUES Millionday: I AGREE NAD — GOOD POINT Nadita: I see… do you know anything about Abadi making a speech tomorrow…? do you have article about it.. Millionday: I MAY — HOWEVER I THINK IT WAS DUE TO THE RESULTS EXPECTED FROM PARLIAMENT WHICH HAS BEEN MOVED TO THE 19TH — I COULD BE WRONG BUT WILL BRING WHAT I HAVE ON IT quicktolegit96: ANYTHING ON IRAN? Millionday: ALOT ON IRAN BUT WE SHALL ALL SEE WHAT COMES FROM THAT — RIGHT NOW I AM JUST BRINGING IRAQ HUN Millionday: IMF Managing Director Approves a Staff-Monitored Program for Iraq Press Release No. 16/04 The Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved a Staff-Monitored Program (SMP) 1for Iraq covering the period of November 2015-December, 2016, on which the authorities and staff had reached ad-referendum agreement in November 2015 (see Press Release No. 15/509). Iraq is facing a double shock arising from ISIS attacks and the sharp drop in global oil prices. The conflict is hurting the non-oil economy through destruction of infrastructure and assets, disruptions in trade, and deterioration of investor confidence. The impact of the oil price decline—already felt in 2014—intensified in 2015, affecting the budget, the external sector, and medium-term growth potential. The authorities are responding to the crisis with a mix of fiscal adjustment and financing. Millionday: NOTE — THE IMF IS HELPING IRAQ BY RESPONDING TO THE UNEXPECTED EXPENSE OF TERRORISM AND ALSO THE LOW OIL PRICING – THIS IS A PROGRAM THAT WILL RUN FROM NOVEMBER 2015-DECEMBER OF 2016 — THIS HAS ALREADY BEEN AGREED UPON BY IRAQ AND THE IMF Millionday: HERE ARE SOME OF THE BENEFITS EXPECTED Millionday: To help address the present and urgent balance of payments and budget needs triggered by the ISIS attacks and the collapse in oil prices, the authorities have also requested an SMP to establish a track record of policy credibility to pave the way to a possible Fund financing arrangement. Under the SMP, the authorities will implement fiscal consolidation that will contain public expenditure in line with available revenue and financing, and aim to reduce the non-oil primary deficit by US$20 billion or 12 percent of non-oil GDP between 2013 and 2016. Under the SMP, agreement has also been reached on measures to strengthen public financial management, anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT), and financial sector stability. Millionday: NOTE — THEY PLAN TO HELP WITH THE UNEXPECTED DEFICIT OF THE FINAL ACCOUNTS REACHING 12% Millionday: NOTE — ALSO PLAN TO HELP IRAQ WITH FINANCIAL STABILITY Millionday: NOTE — MORE ON THE PLANS OF THE AGREEMENT >>>The IMF has assisted Iraq in strengthening economic institutions and in providing advice to the government on economic policies and reforms for more than a decade. IMF staff will work closely with the authorities to monitor progress in the implementation of their economic program. In addition, the IMF will continue to provide technical assistance to support Iraq’s capacity-building efforts and its reform program. 1 An SMP is an informal agreement between country authorities and Fund staff to monitor the implementation of the authorities’ economic program. SMPs do not entail financial assistance or endorsement by the IMF Executive Board. Millionday: SO AS WE SEE HERE — THIS ANNOUNCEMENT IS THAT THE IMF IS WORKING WITH AND MONITORING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ECONOMIC PROGRAM THEY HAVE WORKED WITH IRAQ TO GET TO THE POSITION TO IMPLEMENT AND NOW WILL HELP THROUGH PER AGREEMENT TO DECEMBER OF THIS YEAR 2016 Millionday: WHOOOPOW cjquade54: that is great news for them and for us !!! Millionday: OH YES — GREAT NEWS Millionday: AND ALSO THE UPDATE WE HAD YESTERDAY — IRAQ HAS MET WORLD BANK REQUIREMENTS THAT ALLOWED FOR THE BONDS TO BE BUDGETED FOR AND ANNOUNCED TO BE COMING WITH THE BEGINNING OF THIS BUDGET AS EXPECTED Millionday: WHOOOPOW quicktolegit96: AS NOTED BEFORE, BONDS DONT MAKE SENSE WITHOUT A RATE INITIALLY RIGHT? Millionday: THE RETURN IS DONE BY % AND DETERMINED BY THE TIME LINE OF THE BOND INVESTED IN (I AM NOT AN EXPERT) HOWEVER — IT WOULD MAKE LOGICAL SENSE WITH THE MARKET HELD BONDS TO BE VALUED AS TRUE VALUE AND AFTER THE INTERNATIONAL EQUATION IMO Millionday: HERE WE GO WITH THAT ANNOUNCEMENT Millionday: NOTE — ALWAYS KEEP IN MIND THAT IT IS VIRTUALY IMPOSSIBLE TO GAUGE THE GROWTH OF A NEW MARKET IN HARD ECONOMIC TIMES — Millionday: Governor of the Central Bank announced that Iraq has the hard currency enough to cover imports only six months, while the central bank plans to issue international bonds two billion dollars, during the current year 2016. The governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords in a statement to the newspaper “Morocco today,” that Iraq possessed of hard currency enough to cover imports only six months, pointing to “intensify efforts towards borrowing from international institutions to bridge the fiscal deficit.” Millionday: NOTE — CBI IS OBVIOUSLY TRYING (TO) CALM THE MASSES WITH THIS INFORMATION BUT Millionday: LETS LOOK AT WHAT THEY ARE SAYING — THEY HAVE ENOUGH TO COVER THE FIRST TWO QUARTERS OF TRADE — THIS TO ME IMO IS SAYING THAT THE FIRST TWO QUATERS ARE GOING TO INCLUDE TRADE — BUT WHO AM I ? SMILE Millionday: READ EVERY WORD >>>He assured the Governor of the Central Bank of the citizens of the lack of fear of the rise in the dollar’s exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar “revealing” Ask a local bonds worth $ 5 billion to provide liquidity to the state. ” Millionday: NOTE — SO THE RATE RAISING IS NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT AND THE SALE OF BONDS IS GOING TO HAPPEN — WHOOOPOW Millionday: HMMM AN EMERGENCY IN THE MARKET >>He added that “the central bank has foreign currency is the weakness of the local currency in the market, and what happened in the past few days indicates that these attempts involve the kind of speculation and profit-taking, and may also involve other goals I do not want to enter into details; because this increase is certainly within the indicators it is natural, but you referred for the withstand central bank policy certainly both, which is an emergency on the market. ” Millionday: LOVE IT Millionday: He said the “local currency derives its strength from the reserve of foreign currency, and how much you can last that covers local” He stressed Keywords: “We can respond to the request of the dollar, no matter how its size, and there are no fears of the impact of the exchange rate,” adding that “the financial reserves of the Central Bank is the number variable and the day of the limits of $ 68 billion and the size of the money supply of the dinar 40 trillion dinars.” Millionday: SO CBI IS STATING THAT THE CHANGE IN THE DOLLAR RATE IS NOT ANYTHING TO BE AFRAID OF — Millionday: WHOOPOW — SO GLAD TO HEAR THAT BEING ANNOUNCED TO THE CITIZENS jwjd: so talking about rate raising – are they talking about dollar rate or dinar rate? Millionday: THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT THE RATE OF THE DOLLAR TO THE DINAR Millionday: HE IS ADDRESSING THE IRAQIS jwjd: ok thanks….. i was hoping raising the dinar rate Millionday: THE NATIONAL CURRENCY IS THE DINAR Millionday: THAT IS ALL I COULD VERIFY AT THIS POINT Millionday: HAVE A BLESSED NIGHT AND LOVE TO YA http://www.dinarupdates.com/observer/ http://www.dinarupdates.com/blog/
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