
Omaiki is a Canadian company which specializes in the manufacturing of cloth diapers and nursing wear. Their range of products is completely designed and produced in Canada.

You should change the nappies for babies regularly. Your baby’s urine and feces can lead to bacterial infections, making her skin sore and leading to nappy rash.

A modern cloth nappy is a very good alternative to a disposable nappy. They can be washed and reused many times and this makes them better for the environment and for your wallet. A modern cloth nappy is very easy to use. It has a pocket design and you need to fix the liner into the pocket and that’s it. There are no more pins which could hurt your baby. A cloth nappy is cheaper than a disposable one over time. It is designed to be dried quickly and is chemical-free and hence soft on your baby’s bottom. Also, it can be used with multiple babies and its reusability makes it environment friendly unlike disposables. It is also available in a wide range of designs.

Swim nappies are a perfect and stylish bathing suit for babies. They are reliable and have an additional protection of an interior lining, thus preventing little accidents in the pool. Bathing suits are equipped with side snap buttons, making it easier to remove the swim nappies without mess. It is to be noted that such nappies allow some water to penetrate. When this water mixes with feces, there may be a risk of leaking into the pool unless the baby is quickly removed from the swimming pool.

BBH or Baby BeeHind nappies are a particular brand of soft cloth nappy alternatives for your baby. They consist of fluffy fabric, bright colors and catchy prints which are more fashionable than paper and plastic of disposable diapers. They have nice great absorbency, versatile (one size fits many) and long lasting.

There are various online retailers in Australia selling branded cloth diapers such as BBH. They offer online payments and checkouts and you have a hassle-free shopping experience with them.

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