
South Africa, a beautiful but tormented country. No power thanks to ESCOM’s entitlement. Every senior manager is entitled to a massive salary. Prior to 1994 under the National Party, there were no such black outs. Since when must the rain be blamed, for the coal being wet? Do the coal-fired power stations not have the facilities to ensure that the coal prior to loading into the coal bed for combustions is dried? Was this only an apartheid thing?

Blaming apartheid is good and well, but it is intensely disturbing to note that the ANC (African National Congress) is so afraid of apartheid that they blame everything on it! Indeed, it would appear that the governments after 1994 have all been populated by cowards. They just do not seem to have the guts and pride to sort out their own mess, apartheid is being blamed. By doing this, they are perpetuating apartheid.

During the apartheid heydays, the world was garnering abnormal returns on its investment into apartheid. As is always the case with accelerated growth, it leads to an increase in living standards and rising expectations. Once such happens, the cost of production increases, i.e. the profits decrease. However, South Africa had always had a vast treasure trove of mineral riches. Since 1812, the British has been involved in the RSA trying to unlock these riches to their benefit.

The freemasons in South Africa came into being. It is actually reported that in 1902 after the Anglo Boer war, Cecil John Rhodes was riding by horseback through the then Transvaal and Free State in order to acquire mining rights and farms, which would give him access thereto. He was accompanied by various Afrikaners, including Paul Sauer who eventually became a Minister in the National Party leadership. The freemasons started their reign.

The freemasons in South Africa are of a decidedly different breed than their big brother back in the United Kingdom. The broederbond was a creation to control the economy and give rise to an Afrikaner business class. In this regard, the broederbond was always controlled by the freemasons, whatever they wanted to believe.

In 1994, a supposed democratic South Africa came into being. The white gullible supporters of the National Party fell hook line and sinker for the democratic solution as offered to them by F W De Klerk, the resident at the time. This same man allegedly exerted pressure on PW Botha when he wanted to advance politically in his Rubicon speech. De Klerk was the man who threatened to break away with the National Party in the Transvaal. Botha acquiesced, and the rest is history.

What everybody has overlooked is the fact that the ANC had learned from the famous Genl Von Giap in Vietnam how to conduct a reign of terror. This came into being at the infamous Quattro camps in Angola during the struggle by the ANC. This legacy continues until today. At this time, Zuma was in control of DIS, the ANC’s intelligence arm that exists until today. During this same time, Zuma’s nemesis, Thabo Mbeki was celebrating in London, feted at the London School of Economics along with other ANC luminaries. They were in most cases approached by various different intelligence organizations with an eye on the future. At the same time, the National Party was running South Africa into the ground. By the time, the NP government capitulated the ANC stood to inherit a country on the brink of insolvency!

Due to the efforts of then Pres Nelson Mandela, the country did not suffer such a fate. However, the issues that came before the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) included the aspects of the Civil Cooperation Bureau (CCB). At this time, little was known of the CCB, and until this time, a frail shadow of the truth is known.
However, in a letter to Pres Zuma these questions are asked, as to whether it is true that the logistics elements of the CCB, which faded away into the government structures, are behind the looting of businesses and the creating of economic chaos in the RSA? In this regard, reference has been made to the role of the NCACC (National Conventional Arms Control Committee), a ministerial committee with a mandate to control the arms industry. However, what seems to be happening is that different Ministers seem to cull from the applications serving before it, business transactions, which are then sidetracked to other parties.

In this regard, the Director Compliance of the NCACC, Vanessa Du Toit is pointed out as well as the Chairperson, Mr. Jeff Radebe. Minister Radebe is also the Minister for the Department of Justice.

He was put in this position ostensibly to ensure the safety of Pres Zuma, but he is in fact, leaking the information in order to embarrass Pres Zuma. Jeff Radebe is working with various factions and has become a wealthy man, but not because of his ministerial salary. It is understood that the Justice system is in complete shambles. In this regard, it is intriguing to note that generally the Afrikaans speaking judges show no respect for the constitution and carrying on in their merry ways of trying to protect the state. This, despite the fact that the state had been infiltrated by the CCB remnants that are controlling their black colleagues due to their insatiable control of having their hands in the cookie jar! Therefore, Gaddafi’s money had gone missing in the RSA. Various Ministers have been implicated in this issue. Allegations also are that a vast amount of Gaddafi’s moneys had found its way to the South African Reserve Bank and that a substantial amount thereof went missing from here. This is encapsulated in a different letter to Pres Zuma from a different source.

In this regard, different names are mentioned in both these letters. The NPA (National Prosecuting Authority) a department under Minister Jeff Radebe is implicated. These persons are either so implicated in the arrival of the Gaddafi moneys and the subsequent vanishing thereof as well as in false, scandalous and malicious actions in stealing businesses to the benefit of certain peoples. Names such as ADV Shaun Abrahams, Torie Pretorius and Chris Macadam’s have been mentioned. In this regard, one of their henchmen Willie Lötter is also pinpointed. Lötter is also one of the South African freemasons and he was caught during the ‘90s for the act of smuggling some 11 metric tons of gold. The case disappeared and Lötter is still traipsing around without having brought before a court of law. It has been alleged that he was a gold smuggler for the NP and now for the ANC itself. This group so referred to also manipulates the South African Revenue Services (SARS) and create wondrous stories about anybody who dares to expose any corruption in the state in order to unleash intimidation on such persons. The influence of the CCB members, who clearly benefit from fraud and corruption effected by the state, remains intact.

Some 20 000 black families in the Mpumalanga and Gauteng areas had lost their houses in highly questionable legal proceedings. This is the ANC’s vote basis, yet nothing is being done about this until date. This had been done by a syndicate from within the Pretoria region. To date further similar syndicates throughout the country has been identified operating on a similar system.

The same names as mentioned previously are also referred to in this regard.
The role of the freemasons is evident everywhere. Their linking to foreign intelligence agencies are also highlighted, especially that of the British Secret Service (MI6).
South Africa is certainly on the verge of becoming an evil empire. Various newspaper reports the aspects of this. However, the local intelligence agencies have managed to get a grip on the press. There is constant manipulation among journalists who want to mention matters as public interest. Then of course who decides what a public interest is?

These journalists present censored work and not the whole truth.
South Africa is not an evil empire, not yet! It has the possibility of becoming one in a short period of time as the guarantees of democracy had been compromised. The courts are in shambles. Only the moneyed can afford any court action.
Does the issue of an evil empire perhaps lie in the fact of the legal system’s incompetence and their own illegal actions?

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