This Weekend we have Mohammad Ismail among us who probably don't need any introducting.This is our 3rd interview in Digit Crunch. And let's hope for the best for the upcoming days.So let's be back in the interview.Today Mohammad Ismail will be sharing his experience about blogging and how he has stepped in his Blogosphere. And today I Bishal Biswas , Will be the host of the interview.
Mohammad Ismail is a young entrepreneur & student of BSc-Economics from Institute of management Sciences, Peshawar, Pakistan. He basically belongs to Swabi, Pakistan. He is one of the passionate blogger & loves to write on blogging and SEO related tips. He is the founder and owner of some blogging related sites named Bloghazel and FastBlogTips.
After this small introduction you might be excited to check out this inspiring interview.Grab some popcorn's and sit back and enjoy the ride :)
1) Warmly Welcome on Digit Crunch Mohammad Ismail.
Ismail : Thank you Bishal for considering me worth for the interview.
2. Tell Us About Yourself And Your Blog.
Ismail : I am Mohammad ismail 22 year old from Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa, Pakistan and ex- admin of one of the famous blogs named Techvela (No more belong to me). Recently, I started two new blogs: Bloghazeland FastBlogTips .
3. How You Came To Know About Blogging?
Ismail : In 2009, I received a text on my cell phone; “If you want to start earning money online, send us your email Id” I sent email address and got reply of joining online earning of PTC sites (Paid to Click). I started my journey excitedly first but bored after some time and also surfing from the alternate method because many of the scammers had entered into the PTC industry. It was too difficult to differentiate between a legit and scam websites. Then I came to know that there was an alternate way of earning; The Blogging. I started word blogging; at beginning I was not satisfy but later on, thanks to my senior Bilal Ahmed owner of who developed my interest through properly guidance.
4. How Are You Felling After Becoming Top 12th Blogger Of Pakistan?
Ismail :I am very happy and a lucky one who got position of top 12th blogger in Pakistan in three months.
5. How much do you spend on Blogging you’re starting days and How Much time do you spend now in Blogging?
Ismail : At the start of my career I allocated on average 8 hours and now I manage to allocate 4 hours on average.
6. In Your Views Which One Will You Prefer The Most? Blogger or Word Press?
Ismail : Both are important but personally I would prefer Wordpress because it is easy to use, provide a number of free and paid templates and has a characteristic of SEO optimized.
7. Are You Doing Any Promotion For Your Blog?
Ismail : Yes I promote my post on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and stumble upon.
8. What is your Future Plan towards Blogging?
Ismail : I have a plan to be a professional Pro-Blogger and IN SHA ALLAH open a blogging institute in Pakistan.
9. How You Have Been Successful in Establishing Your Blog?
Ismail : Hardworking is a key to any success. I spent much time in establishing my blog and made relation with the bloggers on Facebook. I arranged to meet with the blogger on Skype and hangout and utilized their guidance.
10. Which Are Your Favorite Blogs?
Ismail : There are many but I regularly visit MyBloggerTrickcs, Techmaish, Shoutmeloud, Coppyblogger, Blogging Cage, WPBeginner, MyBloggerLab, Mashable and TechCrunch. At the movement I am studying Zac Johnson blog for affiliate marketing. The main thing behind these too many blogs is just learning. More blog you visit you will learn more.
11. Who Inspired You The Most?
Ismail : I am inspired by Muhammad Mustafa Ahmedzai (MyBloggerTricks), Bilal Ahmed (Techmaish) and Kulwant Nagi (Blogging Cage).
12. Tell Us Some Few Points on Which We Can Start Our Blog and How Can We Take it to The Next Level?
Ismail : The factors that should focus and getting famous, are :
1. Hard working: Never consider blogging as a waste of time and Never do blogging for money but do blogging for the purpose to educate someone and explore knowledge money will come itself. one day you will get the fruitful results.
2. Expand your social relation with other bloggers.
3.Start commenting that people come to know about you and your blog.
4.Do Guest posting if you have time, otherwise spend that time on your own blog.
13. Do You Love Doing Guest Posting? If Yes, Then what is Your View in Guest Posting? Does There Any Advantages Of Doing It?
Ismail : Well, I haven’t written so for but I a plan to start because it has many advantages like building connection, Back linking, Guest posting introduced you to new communities, enhance writing skills and also your subscribers.
14. How You Are Feeling About Your Today's Interview?
Ismail : I am very happy to consider me worth for this interview.this developed my feelings that blogging is a place of love and learning and encourage me to do more.
15. Message for My Readers?
I was nothing when I started blogging, even don’t know what blog is? With hard efforts I have made a place in the Blogosphere, To start my friends family mocked me by saying you are a fool, how a person can earn money from internet, you are just wasting your time, but now today that people are giving me respect by saying Ismail is my friend and he is a famous blogger. As Muhammad Mustafa Ahmedzai said in his one interview, whenever you go for a big change, people would often demotivate you as they couldn’t achieve that itself. Never think that what you are doing is just a waste of time, maybe you are near with your dream and such type of thinking push you back from the success. Spend your life according to your own rules. Be The Boss of Yourself. And take the blogging seriously if you want to be successful. Best of Luck :)
So Readers ! What about this Wonderful and Inspiring interview? We want to hear your feedback and want some of your questions you want to ask Mohammed Ismail. Feedback are warmly welcomed.