
Search Engine Optimization is essential for advertising your business on Google for free. The smartest way to get your business to rank higher on Google and other search engine results pages is to make use of all the available SEO techniques for your website. A website has many aspects that need to be optimized so that it can feature on the search engine result pages (SERPs). There are several SEO features that need to be taken into consideration for developing a search engine friendly website. Prominent SEO features are keyword research, content, social media, link building, page tags, page ranks, structure of the website, local search, press releases, videos, photographs, web analytics, metrics, blogs etc. There are thousands of SEO tools available to help you with many of the SEO techniques required for getting your website to rank higher for relevant searches.

Ranking higher for the keywords and featuring on the first page of the search results is practically free only if you use the right SEO techniques. You do not need a huge budget to get your SEO right, all you need is to tap into all the free SEO tools available and you could well be on your way to advertising your business on Google for free. If you wish to make your SEO journey smooth then this blog will reveal 7 free SEO tools.

1. Google Global Market Finder

Keyword research is the backbone of SEO and without a proper keyword strategy you would not be able to get relevant traffic to your website. Your potential customers who want to find you, generally type in the keywords or phrase relevant to them, therefore finding and displaying customer centric keywords is essential.

You must have used the keyword planner tool from your AdWords account already and found it useful too. Well this tool is also from Google, but it is a bit different from your average keyword planner. This tool goes one step ahead of its cousin the – keyword planner. With the help of this tool you can find out the keyword and phrases for different countries and also get relevant synonyms. The keyword and phrase suggestions from this tool are based on the suggestions given by the keyword planner. The tool will help you to translate the keywords in different languages as per the requirement of your target customers. The tool will also help you to get information about where your potential customers are searching for your company, products and services etc. The tool will also help you compare prices for keywords in different languages and locations. Overall, it is a better, faster and more accurate tool than the keyword planner for getting keyword synonyms; even if you are least interested in location specific keywords.

2. Meta Tag Analyser From SEOCentro

Search engines are very concerned about proper tags for the webpages, as it helps them understand the content of the webpage in a concise manner. Title tags are also displayed in snippets and therefore, optimizing them is crucial for SEO. Page tags like – title, H1, Meta tags and categories are all important for SEO. The most highly recommended free SEO tool for page tags is the official SEO starter guide developed by Google. Everyone always starts off with this tool, so in addition to this use – Metatag Analyzer from SEOCentro. This is a tool to help the webmasters to analyze the Meta tags, positioning and density of keywords. This tool mimics the technology used by search engine spiders to give you a reasonable estimate of how the spiders will look at your Metatags.

3. Link building tool for SEO

It is common knowledge that search engines like sites which have links from high quality and credible webpages. Search engines consider links to a symbol or sign of trust for a website. Links posted in the content have the ability to drive traffic to your website. Open Link Profiler is an excellent free link building tool for analyzing backlinks. You can use this tool to analyze your site or your competitor’s site for backlinks and view new links to that site. This tool is unique and different from other backlink tools due to its important feature of analyzing new links and not just all the available links. The tool also alerts the user to suspicious links and anchor texts.

4. PRLog For SEO

Press releases have often been neglected but are important features of SEO and now there are several tools to make press releases hassle free. Websites with frequent press releases and blogs are rewarded higher rankings by search engines. Keyword dense press releases can be used for building links and developing credibility. The PRLog is a free tool for online press releases. To use this tool, simply create an HTML press release on the website and use relevant and target keywords. Create an account in this tool, log in and paste the press release in the space provided and then simply click on publish. The tool helps you syndicate the press release, attracts attention of the search engine spiders to visit and index the site.

5. Rank Checker For SEO

All websites obsess a lot about rankings on search engine result pages to point where they keep checking their rankings every time they make changes to their website. There are several tools to automate the process of measuring ranks like Firefox Rank Checker. To use this tool, type in your domain name, target keywords and the competitor’s domain names. The tool will track your rank on the SERPs based on the information provided.  The only drawback is that this tool works only in Firefox.

6. Website Structure Tools

Designing a fool proof, SEO friendly website structure is as much an art as a science and with big daddy – Google keeping a close watch on all the website elements, it better be outstanding at all times. There are various SEO elements that you need to work on like – tags, content, social media, landing pages, link building and naming files etc. The best all round tool is – what else? Google Webmaster tools. It is really simple, all you need to do is add your site, verify your website and get all the related statistics, so that you can check the health of your website, estimate traffic, optimize the site, diagnose problems, check when and how Google will crawl your site and other SEO related stuff.

7. Google+

Google’s social media site is not very popular, but can you dare to ignore it? Well, better safe than sorry, embrace the late social media entrant with a smile if you want Google to bless you with high rankings. Google+ deserves high priority in your SEO strategy. Incorporate all elements of Google+ like profile, Google+ Local and Google+ Business. Google+ has the power to make your SEO journey smooth if you are willing to give it a try.

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