
About Danaher Corporation

The origin of the company is traced back to 1969. During its infancy stage, it was DMG, Inc., a real estate investment trust. Later, in 1978 it changed its name as Diversified Mortgage Investors, Inc. When it attained the age of 19 years, it started its venture as a manufacturing company and has been popular as Danaher. Now it manufactures a wide range of items, such as electronic measurement instruments, water quality analysis and treatment tools, research and clinical tools, industrial components, endodontic instruments and other dental supplies. The company is well known as an innovator in the related technology sectors. It is the first North American companies to enrich the principles of Kaizen. Since 1984, Danaher has acquired more than 400 companies and evolved into Danaher Business System (DBS). From the mid of 1990′s, the company started moving towards sustainable and strategic business platforms to optimize competitive advantages, and its leadership positions in the multi-billion dollar global market. The company is registered with NYSE.

Danaher Corporation’s Business Objectives

To promote the innovations and technology in the respective business segments.

To increase the sale of innovative technologies, tools and instruments through generating leads  and converting leads into sales.

Strategy Adopted By Danaher Corporation

For Brand: Axis|SybronEndo

Major Strategy Premise

An integrated and multi-channel ‘Go-to-market’ strategy was adopted by the company. The turning point of the strategic success was the company’s major decision to combine print advertising campaigns with digital marketing options, such as email, website, blogs, ‘calls-to-action’ and social media.

Strategic Actions

To excel in the above strategic premise, the following strategic actions were undertaken.

Outsourcing the digital marketing expertise and services from Kuno Creative: Enterprise Inbound Marketing, Avon, Ohio, USA.

Creation of top-funnel and middle-funnel downloads by Kuno Team after consulting with product managers and technical writers of Axis|SybronEndo.

A promotional strategy to first educate and empower the leads with the technology of root canal preparation and then sell the product.

Lead nurturing with additional information on Adaptive Motion Technology, TF Adaptive technical specifications through an in-depth interview with a renowned dentist.

Extending opportunity to the leads  to ask for a demonstration of the instrument, at each step of the digital campaign.

Results Achieved by Danaher Corporation

During the first month of implementation of ‘Go-to-market’ strategy for the TFTM Adaptive campaign, the following milestones were achieved.

An extraordinary increase in website traffic (+42%), raw leads (+508%), marketing qualified leads (+283%), sales qualified leads (+631%), 421 new demonstration requests and 55 new customers.

Remarkable contributions from each of the integrated channels.

Reduced sales cycles.

Maximized conversion of print interaction into digital engagement.


Every media is indispensable. However, an effective integration of print and digital media can produce better synergy.

A sound media-mix strategy can yield better marketing and sales performance.

Preferably, every promotional strategy must focus on education and empowerment of the leads than sell of the product.

A combination of both top-funnel and mid-funnel download options can create better lead generation and conversion.

Inbound marketing alone cannot fulfill our digital marketing objectives. It requires an intelligent and concerted move towards effective utilization of content marketing, e-mail marketing, ‘call-to-action’ initiatives, demand generation, lead nurturing, marketing automation and similar innovative alternatives.


(Figs. TF Adaptive System)


1. Google Images

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