What is Social Media?
“Social Media is a virtual place on the web where online communities meet and create content about their preference,thoughts,interest in the form of text,images and videos”.
Here are some prominent examples of Social Media:-
Facebook is a popular free social networking website that allows registered users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues.
Twitter is a free microblogging service that allows registered members to broadcast short posts called tweets. Twitter members can broadcast tweets and follow other users’ tweets by using multiple platforms and devices.
Google+ is Google’s social networking project, designed to replicate the way people interact offline more closely than is the case in other social networking services. The project’s slogan is “Real-life sharing rethought for the web.”
LinkedIn is a social networking site designed specifically for the business community. The goal of the site is to allow registered members to establish and document networks of people they know and trust professionally.
Reddit is a social news website and forum where stories are socially curated and promoted by site members. The site is composed of hundreds of sub-communities, known as “subreddits.” Each subreddit has a specific topic such as technology, politics or music. Reddit site members, also known as, “redditors,” submit content which is then voted upon by other members.
Pinterest is a ;social curation website for sharing and categorizing images found online. Pinterest requires brief descriptions but the main focus of the site is visual.
Does Image Size Matter?
Yes,correct image Size matters a lot for the following reasons:-
If you want your social media images to make an impact.
If you don’t want your images looking fuzzy or being cut off.
Images that represent your brand throughout a social network (profile photos, logos, cover photos and banners) should be sized appropriately so you always make a good first impression when people encounter your brand.
Images that you use in a social media ad or sponsored update should be sized appropriately so you make a great impression with paid media.
Your images need to be the correct size for each social channel to maintain their proportion and clarity.
Social networks change the dimensions and formats of images frequently, and it can be difficult to stay updated with what is what. As you start to plan out your social media campaigns for 2016, it’s imperative that you optimize your personal and business’ social media profiles with the right image sizes if you want to stand out from the crowd.
In this article I’ll share the Official dimensions recommended for images on the top social networks.
#1. Facebook Image Guidelines:-
A) Profile Image Guidelines:-
This will be the photo representing you or your brand on facebook.It will appear when you post to other walls ,comment on posts or when you are searched with facebook search option
Must be at least 180 * 180 pixels.
Photo will be appeared on page 160*160 pixels.
Photo thumbnail will appear throughout facebook at 32*32 pixels.
B) Cover Photo Image Guidelines :-
Appear on page at 851 * 315 pixels.
Anything less will be stretched.
Minimum size of 300 * 150 Pixels.
For best results,upload an RGB JPG file less than 100 KB.
Images with a logo or text may be best as a PNG file.
C) Shared Images Guidelines :-
Recommended upload size of 1200*630 pixels.
Will appear in feed at a max width of 470 pixels.
Will appear on a page with max width of 504 pixels.
D) Shared link Image Guidelines:-
Recommended upload size of 1200*627 pixels.
Square photo: Min 154*154 in feed.
Square photo:Min 116*116 on page.
Rectangular photo:Min 470*246 in feed.
Rectangular photo:Min 484*252 on page.
#2. LinkedIn image guidelines:-
A) Profile Image Guidelines:-
Recommended between 400*400 & 20,000*20,000 pixels.
Minimum 200*200 pixels.
10Mb maximum file size JPG,GIF or PNG files only.
B) Background Image Guidelines:-
A new feature for your personal profile.it’s a little bit trickier to find something that really fits that space well,but if you get it right,your profile will look great.
1000*425 and 4000*4000 pixels.
Maximum size 4 MB.
JPG,PNG or GIF files only.
C) Carrer Cover Photo Guidelines:-
Minimum 974*300 pixels.
Maximum 2 MB.
Landscape layout
PNG,JPG or GIF format.
D) Banner Image Guidelines:-
Banner images is one of the newest and most prominent of the images that we can use on Linkedin.This image appears when a user visit’s your brand’s homepage.Since this image is located on your homepage’s likely the visitor is actively searching for your brand,so use this opportunity to reel them in with a great image.
Minimum 646*220 pixels.
Maximum 2 MB.
landscape Layout.
PNG,JPG or GIF format.
#3. You tube image Guidelines :-
There are a lot of different platforms and devices that users can stream You Tube on so it’s important that your brand has a photo optimized for each one.
A) Display Sizes Guidelines:-
Tablet display :-1855*423.
Mobile display:-1546*423.
TV display:-2500*1440
B) Video Uploads Guidelines:-
Video must maintain a 16:9 aspect ratio.
In order to qualify as full HD,your dimension must be least 1280*720 pixels.
#4. Twitter Image guidelines:-
A) Header Photo Guidelines:-
Recommended 1500*500 pixels.
Maximum file size of 10 MB
JPG,PNG or GIF image format .
B) In Stream Image Guidelines :-
Min to appear expanded 440*220 pixels.
Max to appear expanded 1024*512 pixels.
Appears in stream collapsed at 500* 253 pixels.
Max file size of 5 MB for photos and 3 MB for animated GIF’s.
C) Profile Photo Guidelines :-
Square image-recommended 400*400 pixels.
Maximum file size 100KB.
JPG,GIF or PNG format only.
#5. Google+ image Guidelines:-
A) Profile Image Guidelines:-
You upload your image in a square format and then going render it into your page as a circle ,so make sure you choose a photo doesn’t cut out your best side.
Minimum 120*120 pixels.
Recommended 250*250 pixles.
JPG,GIF or PNG format only.
B) Cover Image Guidelines:-
The Google+ cover image is the biggest photo on your page,so choose your photo wisely.It’s a great opportunity for you to showcase a product or service your brand offers.
Recommended 1080* ;608.
Minimum 480* 270 pixels.
Maximum 2120* 1192 pixels.
C) Shared Image Guidelines:-
Appears in home screen and on page at a width of 426 pixels.
Minimum width of 497 pixels
Maximum Upload 2048*2048 pixels.
Shared Link -150*150
Image Credits :-phancybox.com
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